Friday, February 14, 2014

Luanne leaving the Klutch?! Oh, no!





Belo News
February 13, 2014

Galesburg, Mi. - The end of an era is about to come to a close for the mighty Minion Nation.  Belo News is sad to report that "The Sweetheart of the Klutch," our very own Minion Master Barista, Luann, has sold the Klutch and will be leaving at the end of February!

Luann helps the Sharkman celebrate his 60th!
After almost 9 years, Luann has decided to sell the Klutch and she will be sorely missed in the Minion Nation, as well as Galesburg.

As regular readers of Belo News are already aware, the Sharkman has had a Saturday morning ride since 1988 with legendary early Minion riders like Bullet Bob and Karl the Kannibal joining him.

Over the years, a number of Minions had come and gone, and one of them was making a trip over from Galesburg to be a part of the ride.  Qman, who was a faithful Minion for a number of years before moving up to Minnesota, and the Sharkman decided to move the start of the ride over to Galesburg when they began to see signs about the Klutch opening there soon!

Sharkman's love of koffee is somewhat legendary and if he ever stopped drinking the elixir, they would need to shut down a couple of koffee growing nations.
Luann celebrating Sharkman's 60th with the Nation!

Sharkman wanted to have a kool koffee shop to go to after the ride to talk cycling.  Where the elite of biking could gather for a great kup of koffee while talking about the ride.  Sharkman had been riding in the Friday night Kalamazoo Bike Club rides from Billy's Bike shop and loved the course, so why not do it on Saturday morning when more people might be able to ride? 

And thus, the Koffee Klutch Tour de Gull was born almost 9 years ago. The Nation was at the Klutch on the first Saturday that Luann opened up and has been there many seasons since.  Luann was always at the door to wave the Nation on at the start of rides, in addition to getting a good count of riders so the koffee would be ready when they returned. 

Luann taking care of her Nation!
Luann was there to greet the Nation and put up with the mass of Minions who took over the Klutch every Saturday morning from March through October.  Luann was quick with a smile, a "Hello sweetie!" and even quicker to fill up your mug with her great koffee. The Klutch became a second home for many a Minion and their families.  Many Minions would come for koffee even if they didn't come for the ride!

The Nation will miss Luann but is also happy for her as she begins a new chapter in her life! Fortunately for the Nation, the new owner will keep the Klutch open and the Nation stands ready to help with that!

Luann always ready to fill up the "Bottomless Kup!"

So the Nation will come together for one last kup of koffee from our favorite Barista, Luann on Saturday, February 22, 2014 at 10:00 a.m.!

And Luann has graciously offered free koffee for the Nation!

So come on out and help the Nation say goodbye to our Luann!

RSVP the Sharkman so we can give a count to Luann!

Be there!

Danimal sticking to the pole!


Belo News
February 13, 2014

Gull Lake, Mi. - The Pole 2 Pole has been moved back to March 1, 2014! Race Director Zickman had a schedule conflict and has announced that this famous race needed to get pushed back.

For those of you chomping at the bit to get out and do something, you will get your chance on Saturday, March 1, 2014!  Remember, March comes in like a Lion and goes out like a Lamb, so what better way "to come in like a lion" than the Pole 2 Pole Race! 

Here is your big chance to get out of those winter doldrums, Bunkie!

P2P Race Start!

The Nation may remember that this event was cancelled last year due to a lack of ice, but that should not be a problem this year, eh Bunkie?!

For those new to the Nation, this event is held at the Zickman Estate on the east side of Gull Lake.  

You can race on any form of conveyance you wish as long as it doesn't have a motor.  Ski, snow shoe, bike, run, etc.  Contestants race from the flag pole at the Zickman Estate to the flag pole across the lake to flag pole at the Gull Lake Country Club and back.

Foot, Ski, Bike, Snow Shoe......
Start time will be 9:00 a.m.!

A celebration of the race will take place after and the event and will be BYOB!

Watch Belo News for more updates on this race in the coming weeks!

And they're off!


Okay, enough already.  Are you as sick and tired of winter as we are?  The snow is pretty and all but it is starting to get a bit rediculous.  It's time to take some action.  So, why not start planning for the End of Winter party.  What is the End of Winter Party?  It's just the biggest event on the cycling calendar.  Food, lively beverages, specials and of course, our special guest.  This year the event will be held on Friday, February 28th, 2014 and we are honored to be bringing in Melissa Stockwell and her service dog, Jake.  Melissa ( is an Iraq war veteran who lost a leg to a roadside bomb.  She has since gone on to not only overcome her injury but excel in triathlons. She was a 2008 Paralympian and is a 3 time paratriathlon world champion and motivational speaker.  Melissa also started Dare2tri paratriathlon club, a non-profit organization that serves youth, adults and injured service members who have physical disabilities.  Dare2tri prepares the paratriathletes for competition by providing the adaptive equipment, training opportunities, qualified coaching, and support for athletes through access to trained handlers and guides. Team Active will be holding a silent auction at the End of Winter party with the proceeds benefiting Dare2tri. Please mark your calendars and come out ready to party and meet Melissa.

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