Wednesday, January 29, 2014


The Mighty Minion Nation at "the Ranch!"

Belo News
January 25, 2014

Triple Nasty Rancho, Mi. - As dawn broke over the Gazelle Girl Estate,  bands of snow continued to travel through the hills and valleys of what has come to be known as the Triple Nasty Rancho.  Gazelle Girl and Toesetter began wondering if any brave Minions would make the trek to their abode to shishboom those "hills and valleys!"

Mean while, as our intrepid hero, the Sharkman opened his garage door at the Shark Cove he was taken aback by the amount of snow that had fallen overnight and the condition of his driveway!

Ski's at the ready!

Bissell Boy loves the snow!
It seems the old Shark had been up to Lansing the previous evening and had gotten home around 10:30 p.m. and his driveway was fine.  So he never looked out the window when he got up and was shocked to find what looked like at least 4 inches of new snow in the drive.  As he worked his way over to pick up his wing man, Yeti Boy, a dark cloud came over south Battle Creek and in the short mile to Yeti's, our hero drove through a couple of "white outs!"  Oh, the humanity!

He found Yeti Boy shoveling snow when he arrived and immediately commented that maybe he
should have brought the 4 wheel drive Honda Pilot instead of his Vibe/Sharkmobile!

Too late!

Yeti threw his ski's in the back of the Sharkmobile, along with a shovel just in case, and off they went to the Triple Nasty Rancho of Gazelle Girl and Toesetter!

For the most part, the roads were good until they got near the Rancho, where it looked as though any plow would be considered a foreign entity.

As the pair came upon the Rancho, it was apparent that good ole Toesetter had been out with the snow blower, as the drive was as clear of snow as a baby's butt.

As they parked in the drive, Toesetter was busy with the snow blower, touching up the remainder of the drive and a strong band of snow returned with a vengeance between sunshine blasts.

Brewman was ready to shishboom!
Soon, Brewman pulled in followed by Ranger Rick and his faithful K-9 companion, Scout, and Bissell Boy filled out the remainder of the shishbooming peloton.

As the Nation walked into the house, it was hard not to notice all the cool ski's, snow shoes and assorted winter toy's lined up along the back wall to the Triple Nasty Rancho.  With the snow coming in sideways, it looked like a winter wonderland!

Is this a great country or what!?!

Gazelle Girl had really put on the dog, with Deviled Eggs, fruit and bread, and these really cool cookie thingy's that were shaped in a ball, but with all these little stick like things sticking out, and man, they were delicious!  After Gazelle and Toesetter got everyone a Bloody Mary, Sharkman gave a toast to the opening of the 2014 season as Bissell Boy entertained the troop with several jokes.

Once fortified with goodies, the Nation headed out the door to strap on their ski's to hit the slopes.

After a round of photo's, autograph's were signed and Toesetter, in a very impressive pair of no-wax, back country ski's with cable bindings, headed out to break trail in the new snow.  Toesetter did yeoman duty breaking trail for the entire day! Believe it, the snow was DEEP!
A gathering of the Nation (around Bloody Mary's!)!

Scout, Ranger Ricks K-9 and Gummo, Gazelle Girls pup, became quick friends while both fell in love with Ranger Rick who threw them goodies from time to time.  Sharkman tried to get into the action but backed off after a couple of growls were diredted his way when he got to close to catching a treat in his mouth.

The entire peloton was amazed and not only how much land Gazelle Girl and Toesetter had behind the Rancho, but the great hills to ski on!  

Additionally, Gazelle Girl, who also had some pretty cool no-wax, back country ski's gave a pretty cool demonstration of "telemark" skiing down some of the major hills.  One very long, fast hill was so popular, the Nation did it three times though poor Sharkman had trouble with slippery ski's getting up the other side.

Bissell Boy entertains the Nation with a few jokes......
The shishbooming also included an interesting story by Gazelle Girl about a crashed truck, drugs, a motorcycle and a police chase that took place right in the very woods they were skiing in! Is this a great country or what?!?

After a couple of hours and 5 miles of hard skiing, the Nation returned to the homestead for even more Bloody Mary's, goodies and a tour of the Rancho by Toesetter, who is on hell of a cabinet maker!  

Toesetter had recently built a "Bike Room" for Gazelle Girl and was able to match wood that creates a gazelle in the grain of the would, which was amazing! The man is a woodworking savant!

After another round of Bloody Mary's and beer, the nation decided it was time to head home…..
Gazelle Girl gives a presentation on drug crashes and police chases!

Big thanks to Gazelle Girl and Toesetter for opening up the Triple Nasty Rancho to the Nation! It was a blast!

Sharkman had a bit of a problem with one of the hills
but does seem to have a cute behind, eh?


Belo News
January 29, 2014

Shark Cove, Mi. - With the snow, it is a bit difficult to believe that the season will be here soon.  However, before we even get to that, there are some dates that every Minion needs to save for special events;

Saturday, February 22, 2014 - Zickman will be bringing back the famous "Pole2Pole" Race (aka P2P Race)!  Minions may remember that this event was cancelled last year because…well…there was not ice on Gull Lake.  That shouldn't be a problem this year, eh Bunkie?  This "race" goes from the flag pole in the yard at the Zickman Estate, to the flag pole at the Gull Lake Country Club across the lake.  Entrants can race on any non-motorized device the wish…, ski, snow shoes, sled, by foot, whatever!  So stay tuned for more information on the return of this great race in February!

Friday night, February 28, 2014 - End of Winter Party at Team Active in Battle Creek!  This annual event is a must for any cyclist in the area.  

Saturday, March 8, 2014 - Tentative Opening Day for the Minion Nation (subject to change depending on weather and Sharkman's travel schedule….after all, it is his ride Bunkie!)

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