Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Luann cheering the Nation on!




Belo News
March 23, 2013

Shark Cove, Mi. - After the major debacle that has come to be known as the "Distribution Error," things settled down here last week at Belo News with a number of Minions reporting in. For whatever reason, a number of Minions are reporting that they have not been as, shall we say, "dedicated" over the winter and do not feel  like they are in shape this year and hesitant to come on out and ride.

Additionally, with all the change in the start/finish of Barry-Roubaix, the caution letter concerning ice, and just the cold weather in general, etc. a number of Minions reported they were thinking of blowing off the race.

When a cold dawn broke over the Shark Cove, the Sharkman took a look at the Shark thermometer and wondered if there would be any Minions in attendance with the temperature at 26 degrees!

In the 25 years of Minion riding, including the 8 seasons that the ride has started/finished at the Klutch, Minions always showed up to ride.  Even in some unbelievable weather, some idiotic Minion (usually Sharkman hizzelf) would show up to ride.  But this morning the old Shark had a bad feeling that the hard winter and late Spring had caused some of the Minions to stay in hibernation longer than normal and he was going to find himself riding solo.  As he thought to himself, "At least I could take all the sprints," and approached the parking lot he didn't see anyone there yet.

As our hero made the turn onto Battle Creek Street, much to his relief, Wolf King was pulling in right in front of him!  Wolf King had told Sharkman that he was a definite "maybe" because he was on kid duty for sports, but apparently he had convinced his better half to take over the responsiblity!

As the Sharkman shared his relief that at least one other rider had shown, and as the two were piling on the clothes in the now 28 degree temps, Sharkman spotted another Minion decked out in Bissell Kit approaching from downtown.  "Who could it be?" Sharkman pondered as he knew Bissell Boy was doing Barry Roubaix and there weren't too many other riders with complete Bissell Kit that ride a Pinarello.

But it was, in fact, Bissell Boy who had decided that a ride with the mighty Minion Nation was more appealing than the throngs who would be descending on Hastings and the icy track and major hill climbs.

At 9:30 a.m. SHARP, the mighty Minion Nation headed out and found Luann ready at the Klutch front door to wave the Nation on!  

As the peloton headed north, they spotted yet another ride wondering if it was Gazelle Girl, but she had also told Sharkman that it would be a while before she came out this year.

As the rider headed south towards them, they realized it was Mad Dog, who thought he was late and had gone on ahead.  He was easily recognizable by the messenger bag carrying a change of clothes so that he could ride home to Battle Creek after changing cloths at the Klutch.  Didn't we tell you this guy was tough?

With both Bissell Boy and Sharkman on cross bikes, the speed wasn't too bad and the group enjoyed a nice pace as they attacked the col de Twin Lakes through Kellogg Korner, the Kountry Klub section and the col de Norte.  

As the train headed south, the discussion turned to favorite bourbons, special mix drinks and expensive tequilla.  There had been discussion about stopping at Bissell Boys for a shot of bourbon to warm up and Wolf King immediately started whining when he learned the Nation was only joking.  The group seemed to favor Makers Mark, but even though they did not stop, the thought of a nice Makers warmed their little Minion hearts.

In the Bible Conference Hills, Wolf King put in a sprint, but Sharkman, feeling pretty good for early spring, reeled him in as they approached Frona's.  Bissell Boy commented on how the Nation might want to start a more relaxed ride and stop at Frona's for breakfast some time, which got Wolf King whining again about not stopping for food.

As the Nation crossed the Digital Divide, a really nice pace line formed up and the four Minions played very nicely to keep it going to G Ave. with no one attempting make a move for the sprint.  It must be Spring and it was gratifying to see a good pace line so early in the season.

South of the GGG spot, another very nice pace line formed up and at the top of the final climb, when Bissell Boy moved aside the Sharkman took over.

Sharkman pulled down the hill and then pulled aside but no one came through.  Since Sharkman does not like to look back, he had no idea who was behind him or that Wolf King was right on his dorsal to come around our hero at the finish to steal the finish.

Wolf King started to tell Sharkman that if he had taken off at the top of the hill, he would have won the sprint, but Sharkman explained that A.) it was Spring and he does not report the sprint until well into April or may and B.) he was playing nice and was fully expecting someone to come through on the descent just as they had at the GGG spot crossing.

Ride stats from Wolf Kings phone;
The Nation discussing Bourbon at the Klutch

Trip time:
Trip distance:
28.0 mi
Trip calories:
1019 kcal
Average speed:
15.3 mph
Maximum speed:
27.1 mph
Climbed altitude:
619 ft

There weren't too many paparazzi or tofosi on the Champs le Galesburg as our heroes rode to the Klutch, but those that were there were certainly energetic, waving Makers Mark flags and shouting out favorite Manhattan mixes as the riders triumphantly approached the Klutch.

Luann was waiting with her usual great Koffee and the Sharkman, taking his cue from Wolf King from the previous week, announced he was buying for the four riders!  Bissell Boy handed out some new team Bissell Team T shirts as the discussion of bourbons continued around the table.  Is this a great country or what?!?

Though the weather doesn't seem to want to turn warm yet, the mighty Minion Nation will ride again this week and the time will remain the same in hopes it will allow the temps to come up a bit.  So if you are worried about what kind of shape you are in, or if you haven't been on the bike yet, this is the time to get out and get into shape with the entire Nation!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Launch Time - 9:30 a.m. - SHARP!

Be there!


Belo News
March 23, 2013
Reporter Reb

Hastings, Mi. - Belo News is pleased to report that we have a new Minion in our midst and though he has yet to ride with the Nation on a Saturday morning, he did do the Iceman last fall with the Nation and has regularly ridden with our hero, the Sharkman and Yeti Boy out at the Fort.  He was warned that he should consider a Minion name (we try not to use peoples real names in Belo News to protect the innocent) before the Nation names him, so he came up with the name "Reb!" Has something to do with his last name. 

Welcome to the mighty Minion Nation, Reb!

We just need to work on getting him onto a road bike!

Since we did not get any reports from any of the other Minions, Reb was asked to report in from the scene!  This guy has potential as a regular columnist for this rag!

Take it away Reb!

"It was my first Barry-Roubaix so I have nothing to compare it to, but the roads were frozen and unless you were unfortunate enough to get in one of the deep ruts and had a tire go sideways. It was a fast track.

Race was fun and despite everybody warning the roads were too muddy, too icy, too something, it was cool enough that 90% of the race was on hard, frozen dirt.  The only surprise for me was the hills.  I had no idea there were so many hills in that part of the world. 

The only problem with the temperatures being so low was the after party was shorter than average.  Like I said, it was my first BR, but moving the start/finish to downtown Hastings has the potential to become really special, especially if they relax the beer policy.  To drink beer you had to stay inside a fenced-in area and couldn't mingle around the fire pit or visit the vendor tents... unless you brought the beer you "borrowed" from Breadman's (aka Yeti Boy) garage and utilized your half-frozen water bottle.  (Had to throw in a Yeti Boy reference)(Editors note - spoken like a true Minion!)
Tom and I were thinking it would be a good place to train for the Iceman this fall. Besides that, it was a great race.  Nick Head and Iceman both rode the 36 mile event and stated "They had a blast". 

Live from Hastings (2 days ago), this is Reb reporting for the Minion Nation!"


Belo News
March 27, 2013

Early leaders at Barry-Roubaix

Hastings, Mi. - After getting the above story posted, our own Dr. Dave got in under the wire with his update on Barry-Roubaix, complete with photos!  Two Minion reporters!  Were else can you get this kind of in-depth, up to the minute, breath taking reporting?  No where, Bunkie!  Here it is from Belo News and Dr. Dave!

Take it away Dr. Dave:

"Have you had any reports about the almost literal "Killer Gravel Road Race?"

It was quite an experience!  

Close to 3000 riders descended on what otherwise would have been the sleepy town of Hastings this past Saturday morning. The organization and army of volunteers were superb.  Packet pick up was a breeze.  Parking was plentiful and everybody was in a great mood despite the 26 degree temps to begin a bike race.

The Minions, though scattered throughout the waves, were present and by all accounts did their Nation proud!

Next year we should sign up under a Team category (Minion Nation) so it is easier to find our  names in the results section! (Editors note - We love the idea!)

Minions known to have participated include Brewman, Hutch, Stryker Guy and Brent Slezak.    
Dr. Dave and the "Guy in the Flannel Shirt!

The Green Lantern was seen along the course banging away on his old bent mountain bike frame with a metal seat post.  He wins the loudest cowbell award and thanks for being one of the race Sponsors,  "Greenware!"

As my first outdoor ride of the season it was the most challenging I can remember.

I opted to ride my Twenty Niner over the cross bike due to the reported icy conditions.  While a lot of people rode cross bikes, I have to say I was glad on several occasions to have more surface area on the road.  A couple of Team Taylor riders were witness to my near miss before the tires grabbed and straightened me out. Long stretches of Icy, snowy and frozen ruts made for some sketchy sections.  I saw quite a few riders go down or in the process of getting back up.

Hutch was witness to the events that unfolded requiring one rider to receive CPR and air transport to GR.   Most fortunate that a doc, two firefighters and a paramedic were in the race and came upon the incident very quickly.  The efforts of these good samaritans have hopefully provided one racer the chance to ride again.  Our prayers go out for his speedy recovery.

I have to take my hat off to the riders from the MSU Bike Project.  Two of them were on vintage Schwinns ( Varsity and Letour Sport era 1971) converted to single speed.  I also have to salute an old friend in the 50 - 54 age group who rode his 1976 Nishiki touring bike, with a kit made of a flannel shirt, tweed vest, wool knickers, knee high wool socks and a bicycle handle mustache.  He beat my time by 15 seconds.

While I never caught up with Brewman, rumor has it he was seen in the most obvious of places....the Founders Beer Tent."


Dr Dave



Belo News
March 27, 2013
Yeti Boys Training Center

San Miguel, Mexico - Yeti Boy is still enjoying Mexico when he isn't hanging out in Biker Bars or taking naps after hanging out in Biker Bars.  Belo News was able to get behind the scenes to get these photos of Yeti Boy's training regiment in Mexico.  Apparently he has bought into the Wolf King regiment of "virtual training" where he thinks about riding after quaffing a few beers!  Actually, he has fallen in with a regular group that includes a former 4:09 mile runner who is 75 years old and an animal on the bike!  However, reports indicate that our Yeti Boy is still spanking him on the climbs!  

Yeti Boy in "Virtual Training!"

The guy is like a fly on the wall!  

Rumors are abounding that Yeti Boy is forming a mighty Minion Nation Chapter in Mexico, but that has not been confirmed at press time and the National Shark Minion Headquarters could not be reached for comment.  Yeti Boy is due back with the Nation in April after his high altitude virtual Mexico training there should be no stopping him!

Where has Toast been?

Somewhere in Southern Florida - Toast reported in that he was in Florida but enjoying Belo News while relaxing in the warm trade winds.  He also was preparing for a Century for this past Sunday and Belo News asked for a report and photo, however as of press time, Toast could not be reached for comment.  He did say he was trying to get into good enough shape to ride with the Minions when spring really comes to Michigan!  Enjoy that warm weather while you can, Toast!

We're holding a spot in the peloton for you!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Men of the Peloton with Luann!






Belo News
March 16, 2013

Shark Cove, Mi. - What a difference a year makes!  

At least that was what everyone was talking about on Saturday morning as the Nation reminisced about the fact it had been 80 degrees just a year ago when close to 30 Minions showed up to ride.  That was not the case this year as the weather turned on the mighty Minion Nation for the first time in 8 Opening Days and the peloton was faced with not only cold weather and winds, but ice and snow covered roads. The wind chill put the temps at about 16 degrees!

Our Hero! "What snow?"
As dawn broke over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero awoke to the sound of the theme from the movie Jaws on his Shark Alarm.  It was Opening Day and our hero was pretty excited to get to the window to see what Mother Nature was dishing out.  At bed time the forecast had not sounded good and several Minions had texted our hero asking if the ride was still on.

Actually, the minute Belo News went to press announcing Opening Day, riders peppered the Belo News Offices on whether it was really happening! Some were confident of the ride, like Mad Dog who emailed and asked our hero if he was riding or driving to the start. Sharkman advised that he doesn't ride to the start until the weather gets to at least 45!  Even Wolf King, who many of you may remember, started talking smack to the old Shark about who would be buying the koffee.  Others were not so sure the ride would be taking place.  One Minion actually called on Saturday morning to ask if the ride was still on!

Wolf King, "Koffe's on me!"
Still on? This is the mighty Minion Nation Bunkie!

However, even our hero began to question his sanity when he saw the snow falling as he looked out over the Cove.  But after a check of the Shark Radar, it looked as though the snow was ending and he was quite sure (at least he convinced himself) that the roads would be clear as the snow had passed.  Lava Girl began asking if there wouldn't be a lot of snow and ice on the roads and Sharkman assured her that all would be fine.

Au contraire!

As our hero drove to the start in the Sharkmobile, his trusty steed in the back, the roads actually seemed fine, though wet.  That was probably due to the higher volume of traffic, but when he got to the start, there was Wolf King, unloading his car and getting ready to ride.

All Black "Are we doing this?"
Moments later, All Black arrived and the festivities began.  All Black mentioned that the roads seemed pretty snow covered near his house and Wolf King confirmed that report.  However, the Minions would not be denied!  It was determined that they would head out and see what the roads were like and if bad, would shorten the ride and return to the Klutch.

After Beyonce refused to get out of her limousine and stated that she would only lip sync from inside the car and the Mayor drove by and threw a key to the City at our hero, the ceremonial shout to begin echoed around the parking lot as Sharkman, doing his best Skipper impression, ordered all to get moving!

As the three riders headed towards the Klutch, Mad Dog arrived, having ridden over from Battle Creek and reporting snowy roads.  (Memo to file: this guy wins toughest Minion award for the season no matter what happens the rest of the year!)

After the Minion train rolled by the Klutch, giving their fans the first peloton wave of the season, they found their first patch of snow as they rounded the back roads to get out to 36th Street.  The peloton was sure it would get better when they got to 36th and the traffic would have cleared the snow.

Au contraire!

The mighty Minion Nation began their trek north, disappointed that the Sweetheart of the Peloton, Gazelle Girl, was no where to be seen.  Discussion ensued about riding to her estate and knocking on the door, but when the Nation arrived at her street and saw the snow, the decided they would need snowmobiles and it wouldn't be that funny anyway.

The further north the Nation rode, the more the roads were covered with snow and ice.  Sharkman was smart enough to have brought his cross bike and he could hear the crunch of ice and snow under his knobby tires.  Sharkman also tried to ride in snow whenever he could, as opposed to the slippery ice.  All Black, Wolf King and Mad Dog were not as lucky and were really feeling their back wheels trying to sneak around them to the front of their bikes!

Mad Dog enjoys a kup post ride!
Mad Dog, being the consummate Minion that he is, backed off at the honorary sprint so that Sharkman could take it.  There was no worry about Wolf King trying to steal this honor, as he was complaining about not only the ice, but the hills, how he hadn't been on the bike and how he wished he was lighter.

As the old Shark waited for the peloton at G Ave., another rider was approaching and he thought it might be Gazelle Girl.  However, it was Hossman hisself!  He was in a bright orange jacket and was actually wearing cycling tights as opposed to his cotton sweat pants from years past. However, in deference to his past and frugal ways, the had a rubber band holding the zippered ankle together as the zipper appeared broken.

Then there were five!

As the Nation move up to the col de Twin Lakes, the snow started to fall again and Hossman and Sharkman attacked the climb.  As they crested the hill, the entire road was covered in ice and snow and even the Sharkman's knobby rear well started to act like it wanted to pass our hero's front tire.  The sound of the crunch of snow and ice under their tires filled the air.

The nation had discussed stopping at Bissell Boy's, who had texted our hero before the ride that he was "taking a snow day!"

That idea was quickly tanked as the peloton approached the Yorkville Church on snow covered roads and Hossman's rear wheel finally managed to pass his front wheel and he went down hard on the ice!  Sharkman was at the front and missed the crash,  but Wolf King described it as being like watching a baseball player sliding into second base!  Wolf King also witnessed Mad Dog make one heck of a maneuver to avoid crashing into the sliding Hossman and avoiding falling himself!

Hossman stated he gave an all clear but when he began to tell the peloton that the crash was caused as he lost concentration when he thought he saw a polar bear chasing a penguin on the side of the road, the entire peloton knew it was time to head back.  Not only because of the crash, but because it was so cold and snowy everyone thought there might be some truth in the polar bear chasing the penguin story!

Interestingly, as the peloton headed past the church to head south on 37th Street, the snow had stopped and the roads were much less ice packed.

Hossman throwing done his Koffee!
Showing no signs of injury from the crash but showing definite signs of early season form, Hossman put in a humongus pull on the final leg and the Nation arrived safe at the finish, where Mad Dog had his second flat tire of the day and was late getting to the Klutch.  

The small turn out of fans went wild on the Champs le Galesburg as the mighty Minion Nation rode into town.  There was no need to zip up their jerseys for the sponsors, as the peloton was so bundled up the biggest fear was falling on their backs and not being able to get up without help.

The Klutch was hopping with paparazzi and tofosi and only two tables were left open, but the Koffee was hot and WOLF KING WAS BUYING! Oh, the humanity.

Of course, Wolf King did comment that he liked to buy when the turnout was low!

Since the ride was cut short, there was more time to enjoy the Klutch ambiance and talk about the upcoming season and the cold spring weather!

When our Hero got back to the Sharkmobile, a freezing drizzle started to fall and he immediately thought of Mad Dog riding his bike back to Battle Creek and with a tire that had already flatted twice, he did not want to leave a Minion behind.

Sharkman found Mad Dog at the top of the Eaton Plant hill and he looked strong and told Sharkman to go on home.  Sharkman checked in with him later by email and Mad Dog, who is now an official legend of the peloton and whose name we may have to change to Man of Steel, made it back home safe and sound, though a bit wet and cold.

What will happen next week?

Will everyone be at Barry/Roubaix?

Will anyone show up to ride with the Sharkman?

Well come on out and find out!

Saturday, March 23, 2013 

Day Two of the Season!

Launch Time - 9:30 a.m. - SHARP!

Be there!


Belo News
March 21, 2013

Hastings, Mi. - This weekend is the famous Barry/Roubaix Ride/Race in Hastings, Michigan.  This race of varying lengths, is ridden on dirt/gravel and some paved roads and a bunch of Minions will be riding!  Dr. Dave forwarded a note from the race that they had made some minor changes to the route due to the potential for cold and snowy weather.

Belo News wishes all the Minions riding at Barry/Roubaix a safe and successful ride and as Sharkman always says, "Make the mighty Minion Nation proud!"


Belo News
March 21, 2013

Shark Cove, Mi. - We are pleased to report that Custer Cyclery is now open for the season!  


It must be Spring if the sale is on!  Sale hours extend into Monday! Is this a great country or what?

Sale Hours:

Friday, March 22nd (10am - 6pm)
Saturday, March 23rd (9am - 5pm)
Sunday, March 24th (Noon - 4pm)
Monday, March 25th (10am - 6pm)

Virtually everything in the store will be on sale during those three days!

All Yeti Boy needs is a basket!  It had a bell!

Belo News
March 10, 2013

Queretaro, Mexico - While the Nation is freezing up in the great white north, Yeti Boy continues to report in from Mexico where he is riding mountain bike, as well as city cruisers! This week Yeti Boy enjoyed a tour of the old city of Queretaro on a nice ladies bike, complete with bell!  Does this man know how to travel or what?  

Actually, when Sharkman mentioned that all he needed was a bell and a basket, another picture of his bell appeared in the response but we couldn't get it downloaded!  

Does this Minion have class!

Yeti Boy hopes to return to the peloton in April and we are hoping he will be riding his sleek road bike and not a blue ladies bike with a bell!

Viva Bikes!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013




Belo News
March 14, 2013

Galesburg, Mi. - The day every Minion has been waiting for is upon us!

It is finally here!

As many veterans of the Mighty Minion Nation are aware, for 8 consecutive Opening Days the weather has cooperated.  Actually, as sited in the 2012 Belo News, the National Weather Service launched an inquiry but the investigative initiative proved negative.  Just dumb luck?  We think not! We ARE the Mighty Minion Nation and no matter the weather, WE RIDE! (Well, most of the time.....)

There have been years when it has been a bit cold, and years when more sane riders may not have ridden, but the Nation has seen some pretty historic Opening Days and no one has ever accused a Minion of being sane!

The Nation is just hoping for yet another, great day of riding!  Minions might also remember that for the second week of the season last year, we had 75 degree temperatures and record breaking crowds!

Though we are not expecting rain, it could be a bit cool with a high for Saturday of 37 degrees and winds out of the north at 11 mph, but THAT IS great Opening Day weather, eh?

If the weather is bad, the Nation will still celebrate Opening Day, but we will adjourn to the Klutch.  However, it is expected that the Nation will ride!

At least it is better than riding the trainer in the basement, eh, Bunkie?

Minions will want to arrive a bit early to take part in the Opening Ceremony's where it is hoped that Beyonce doesn't lip sync and where the Mayor of Galesburg will actually be giving a Key to the City to our own Sharkman.
2012 Opening Day Photo!

And, of course, the traditional Opening Day Photo opportunity!  Come on, who doesn't want to be in the Opening Day photo!

Or the parade!  OH, the humanity!

This Saturday, March 16, 2013

Launch Time 9:30 A.M. - SHARP!

Don't be late!


Belo News
March 14, 2013

(Editors Note - Repeated by popular demand from last years Belo News! 
If you have been holding back on riding, Spring is the time to come on out while the nation is finding their summer legs!)

Shark Cove, Mi. - Over the winter, a number of new Minions have joined the Nation’s distribution list and Opening Day may be their very first ride. So Belo News wants to go over what being a Minion is all about and the “culture” of this iconic Saturday morning ride.

1. The very definition of a Minion is a rider who has family, job and other obligations that do not allow them to hammer on their bike all the time. This ride is more about getting a good work out, testing your skills in group riding and having a good time with good riders. Though we like to sprint for Stop Ahead Signs, we wait for all riders to catch back on at the Stop signs. One of the Minion Motto’s is that “We leave no Minion behind!” In the Minion Nation, it is all about the group! Because the Minions do wait at each stop sign, it is important to let riders know if you are dropping off the ride.

2. Opening Day is a bit more “relaxed” than regular rides, so it is a good time to come out and test your legs. Though there should be some fun sprints and of course the final assault to the finish, this first ride will hopefully be social and an opportunity to “shake winter out” of those dorsal fins and catch up with one another.

3. Having said that, we want all riders to have a good time, and hammer heads need not apply. There are plenty of area rides if you want to hammer. This ride is more about the experience and the enjoyment of riding fast in a pace line in a large group of riders. So if you want to hammer the entire ride, this may not be the ride for you. But feel free to knock yourself out sprinting to the Stop Aheads!

4. As the season goes on and the speed picks up, we do occasionally have a “B” group and we are always looking for people to lead that group.

5. Because this is a group ride it is important to obey all traffic laws as well as appropriate group riding etiquette. The number one concern is safety and riding in a pace line requires good communication with other riders, as well as concentration. Don’t worry, veteran Minions will let you know if you are not following proper etiquette. However, if you are unsure about something, ask. Each rider is responsible for their own safety and as it says in the blog:

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

6. If you cannot stay with the group, you should let someone know you are dropping off so that the Minions are not waiting at the next Stop Sign for you. Depending on the number of riders, it can be difficult to determine if riders have dropped off or are left behind, but if you have a mechanical or are dropping off, let a rider ahead of you know.

We look forward to seeing everyone at the start line on Saturday morning!

Yeti Boy & Da Judge ride Mexico!

Belo News
March 10, 2013

San Miguel, Mexico - As the Mighty Minion Nation works it's way to the start of this years season, our own Yeti Boy is on location in Mexico to report his adventures for Belo News.  As many Minions may remember, he shared his exploits last year where he experienced numerous flat tires and mechanical issues.  This year, he is armed with a better bike and has found a group to ride with as their "Celebrity Rider."

Yeti Boys first ride was aborted early due to cold temperatures and a lack of appropriate cold weather riding gear!

His second ride was with another Battle Creek native and possible Minion (?), Da Judge! 

Stay tuned for more stories of Ole Mexico from our man on the scene, Yeti Boy!

Speaking of reporting, we here at Belo News are always looking for news, so please send in any information you might have and any photos!  We here at Belo News want to make sure we report on ALL the news!