Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Bissell Boy & Durango Kid




Belo News
July 21, 2012

Galesburg, Mi. - The knock on the door of the Shark Cove was a little soft, and a little early, as our intrepid hero was just on his way down to the Shark Cove Basement to suit up for his beloved Minion Ride.  

The knock on the door was none other than this week's Celebrity Rider, the one and only Durango Kid, fresh in from Colorado!  The Durango Kid is a regular reader of Belo News and President of the Durango Chapter of the mighty Minion Nation!  He is also an 8 time veteran of the Iron Horse Race and hosted Sharkman and Yeti Boy in 2010 for the race.  He will also be hosting Sharkman and Lava Girl for the upcoming U.S. Pro Challenge in August!

Yes, yet another Celebrity Rider for the third week in a row!  Where does our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, come up with all these celebrities?  

Well, who doesn't want to ride with the mighty Minion Nation when in Michigan, eh Bunkie? 

Is this a great country or what?

The Durango Kid grew up in Battle Creek and is Yeti's Boy's brother in law.  He and the lovely Toni, his wife, were home for a summer visit.  The Skipper had graciously lent his Tuscany Litespeed to the Durango Kid for the next two rides!  That's right, the Durango Kid will be back again for this weeks ride!

(Editors Note - Sharkman is very appreciative for all the Minion support in getting bikes for all the celebrity riders and wants to thank Bissell Boy, Stingray, Tardette and Skipper for all the help!)

Is this a great Minion Nation or what?

When the Durango Kid and Sharkman pulled into the parking lot in Galesburg, only Airman and Stingray were unloading their bikes from their cars, but it was early, the Sharkman thought.  With about 4 minutes to start time, only a few more riders had shown up.  Sharkman started to worry, wanting the Durango Kid to experience the full joy of a well attended KK-TdG ride!

It was just as he was pondering the numbers that two groups of riders from the Gull Lake crew came roaring into the lot, along with other late comers.  With a minute or two to go, the numbers had swelled to over 20 riders.
The Nation gathers on International Jersey Day!

Bissell Boy knew the Durango Kid from their college years and they reminisced for a while before the start (see photo).

It was "International/State Jersey Day" and the response was a bit underwhelming.  Sharkman had his Irish Jersey on, as well as his Shamrock Socks, and the Durango Kid had "World" on his jersey, and of course there was Bling Girl in her Kentucky jersey, Polar Bear in his Union Jack and Bissell Boy with his Mick Jagger U.S. Jersey (sort of that "hands across the ocean" thing going), and Stingray in a Texas Jersey, and we think (can't remember) that Boatman had a Colorado Jersey on, but other than Airman in his Canadian Jersey (which is really cool!) there was no Mexico!  Where is Tow Truck when you need him!

With the Skipper absent to attend his son's wedding (Belo News believes the Skipper can be excused for that, right?), the mighty Nation headed out and as they rode past the Klutch, more riders jumped on as Luann waved and shouted her…"Ride safe!" message to the riders.

As the train headed north, three Team Taylor Riders jumped on and rode with Sharkman at the front and filled in our hero on the upcoming Make a Wish Ride.

As the first sprint loomed, Airman and B-Rod shot up to lead our hero out.  Sharkman was moving fast as he had some concerns the Team Taylor Riders were unaware of the "tradition" of the honorary sprint and he did not want to make them "Personna non Grata" in their first ride with the Nation!

Sharkman tried to get a count at the G Ave. crossing but once he got to 25 he stopped counting.  The morning was breaking bright and marvelous as the KK-TdG got into high gear!

The climb up the col de Twin Lakes was spirited and all the Minions hung on to the sprint.  As the riders buzzed by the col de No Name, and past the Yorkville Church, the peloton was moving like a well oiled watch, but did not pick up the usual speed until well into the Country Club section. 

The Nation was riding well as they ascended the col de Norte and through the Bible Conference HIlls with a wild sprint to the Frona stop.

The Nation decided to ride through the "Road Closed" signs after the Digital Divide and an impressive (at least as impressive as Minions can get) pace line formed up leading down to the GGG Spot.

As the well mannered peloton headed south, a number of Minions went to the front to form up another pace line to the finish.

As the Nation moved to the final hill, our Celebrity Rider, the Durango Kid went to the front and began a long pull only to be relieved by our intrepid hero, the Sharkman hizzelf!

The old Shark started wondering where the Nation was as he and Durango lead the runaway train down the hill.

But the wait wasn't long before, as with about a 100 yards to go the Nation flew by the gassed old Shark and Durango with Dutch nudging out Ironman by a half wheel, with B-Rod right behind along with a cast of thousands!

The crowds went wild on the Champs le Galesburg as our hero's zipped up their jersey's for the tofosi and paparazzi.

The crowd was thick at the Klutch where the koffee was strong and hot!  Lava Girl and Toni arrived to sign autographs as the paparazzi took photos.

You won't want to miss this weeks ride, when the Durango Kid returns along with his Brother in law, Yeti Boy!

Saturday, 28, 2012

Launch Time - 8:00 A.M. - SHARP!

Be there!



Belo News
July 25, 2012

Augusta, Mi. - As mentioned in the previous report, our intrepid hero will be heading out to Durango to see the start of the U.S. Pro Challenge, where most of the top pro cycling teams, including the Bissell Race Team, will be competing in the biggest domestic bike race in the U.S.

Additionally, Belo News has just learned that our own Wildman has been accepted as an Official Race Marshal for the race (yeah, we're sort of shocked as well.  What where they thinking? We're hoping he can get Sharkman into the race and arrange for a few sprint wins!)  Big congratulations to Wildman who has also served as a Race Marshal for the Tour of Missouri!  Just think, a Minion Marshal!  Who would have thought?

Also, Bissell Boy will be out as part of Team Bissell and our own Pirate is heading out to visit his son and take in some stages of the race.  

Counting the Durango Kid, that means there will be 5 Minions to represent the Nation at the U.S. Pro Challenge!  Is this a great country or what?  Stay tuned for updates and reports from the race!


Belo News
July 24, 2012

Battle Creek, Mi. - The heat was a tad down, as was the wind, as Sharkman, All Black, Stingray, Airman, Rainman and the Pirate formed up in the Kellogg Parking Ramp.  At 5:58 p.m. someone said they didn't think anyone else was coming, so the group launched.  Unfortunately, they learned later that Dutch, the most handsome guy in the peloton AND last weeks winner of the KK-TdG, arrived and found everyone had left! Oh, the humanity.  And now Belo News knows why Sharkman is fanatical about not leaving early!

Sorry Dutch!  It won't happen again!

It was an interesting evening as the group continues its assault on the average speed record of 21.8 mph set earlier this season.  Despite a dropped water bottle that cause the riders to come off pace, and Airman, who blew out a recurring leg injury he has been nursing all season on the G Ave. hill, the Minion Chain Gang still brought it in at 21.2 mph!  Airman looked like Kurt Gibson rounding the bases on hobbled knees as he did some major pulls with the bum leg.  The Pirate pulled off at Stone Hedge and the riders picked up the speed on the Jackson section as they sprinted to the finish line.  Sharkman said it was a "Victory for America" as they hit the 21.2 mph average at the finish and Rainman blew out a tire, that he changed in record time and got to use his new small hand pump.

If you're looking for great pace line work, this is the ride for you!  

Tuesday Nights, 6:00 p.m. launch from the Kellogg Headquarters Upper Parking Ramp!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Celebrity Rider MK!





Belo News
July 14, 2012

Galesburg, Mi. - The Shark Cove has been hoping the past two weeks as a "Sharklet Extravaganza" has taken over the normal quiet abode of our intrepid hero, the Sharkman.  As dawn broke, so did the silence, as the sound of sharklets waking up in the Cove echoed throughout the neighborhood.  Sharkman's other son in law, MK from California and of Face Book fame, had been riding all week on Tardette's borrowed Trek Project 1 carbon steed, in preparation for the KK-TdG.  However, the previous day the main route from the Cove over to Galesburg had been chip and sealed!  Oh, the humanity! 

Not wanting to ride Tardette's new ride on the chip and seal, Sharkman and MK played it safe and drove to the start.

A total of 20 Minions showed up to tow the line, with Ironman jumping on just as the train pulled out of Galesburg and Gazelle Girl joining on to shouts of "Gazelle Girl" a mile or so later bringing the count to 22 in the Mighty Minion Nation!

At the start, Sharkman introduce the Celebrity Rider for the week, his other son in law, MK, and as announced in last weeks Belo News, declared he would be leading the "B" group this week.  He also announced that the Honorary Sprint was open to anyone this week!  Tow Truck quickly commented that he thought that Sharkman was actually winning that sprint outright every week!  

Only in Sharkman's head, Tow Truck, only in his head……

Since the Skipper was not in attendance, his neighbor and new Minion, Bio Waste (is that a great name or what?) was asked to start up the peloton. To shouts of "Waste is a terrible thing to mind!" the Minions were off!

Luann, the Nations favorite Barista, was at her station at the Klutch to cheer the riders on and get a count of Minions for the koffee she would need to have prepared for the post ride Press Conference.

The peloton was extremely social on this beautiful morning and as Sharkman hovered at the rear of the peloton visiting with Bissell Boy, Zickman, Wildman and Tow Truck, someone mentioned that it appeared that the pace was down because Sharkman wasn't at the front.  Sharkman, smelling the sprint with his Shark nose, worked his way up in the peloton, egging the Nation on.  

Zickman, right on our hero's wheel, made a move at the line to take the opening sprint, while Sharkman took it for the "B" Group.

As the train moved on to the Country Club section, the "A" and "B" groups began to split up with the acceleration and speed!  

Sharkman led the group of Bling Girl, Bissell Boy, Wildman, Zickman and celebrity rider MK and after re-grouping at Rt. 43 Zickman mentioned that the peloton had not waited.  "Where could they be?" he pondered……

It was then that our hero, the Sharkman, explained to Zickman that he was no longer in the "A" group, but was now at the "point of no return" sometime's known as the twighlight zone, sometimes known as  a new dimension in time.  It appeared that Zickman's socializing had cast him into the outer edges of time known as the "B" group!

It was only then that Sharkman realized what being in the "B" Group was all about!


Yes, these 6 riders found themselves in the "B" group and unbeknownst to all of them was that there was champagne and caviar, press cars and party favors!  Who knew!  

It was pretty darn cool back there as Sharkman took it all in and enjoyed the Bible Conference and inlet cut offs, where Bling Girl took her first ever Minion sprint!

The accelleration and the cut offs actually got the group near caught on to the "A" Group at the Digital Divide, where Zickman took a flyer and with his head down and knees pumping, took off after them to try to make the finishing sprint.

Meanwhile, the "B" Group formed up a pretty sweet pace line, taking the speeds up to around 22 mph as they bore down on the GGG Spot sprint, while Zickman seemed to be out in "no where land," still pondering and caught between both groups, working his Zickbutt off to be there! Oh, the humanity!

Gazelle Girl reported that "My capture of the GGG sprint last week....the "who was doing what" defies my faulty memory now as too much time has passed (welcome to my world Gazelle Girl). But I think it was Rainman that pulled me up and past Airman for the win.  Hoosier Boy may have a better memory as he was up front too.  Likely best to just forget mentioning a thing about the incident....and it will be up to me to have a better recollection next time. (ugh, you guys all look alike to me!) (Editor's note: We couldn't pass this up!)

Meanwhile, up at the front, and as the story goes, the pace was moving along at between 20.6 mph (Gazelle Girls computer) and 20.2 (B-Rod's computer) as the Nation crested the final hill where Rainman pulled off what has come to be known as "A Wildman" and broke from the pack with such force that the peloton couldn't respond.  Yes Rainman took the finish going away!

Back in the "B" group, Sharkman was leading the train when he turned it over to Bling Girl, who was pulling MK, Sharkman's intrepid son in law and celebrity rider.  As Bling Girl pulled off, MK went through and took the finishing sprint having been set up beautifully by the entire "B" group, which was feeling pretty good from the champagne and caviar and was now just behind the main peloton finishing with an average speed of 18.9 mph!

Rainman & MK discuss their wins with Bissell Boy & Stingray.
MK was waving to the crowd's after zipping up his jersey for the sponsors as he made his way down the Champs le Galesburg and to the Klutch, where the throngs of paparazzi and tofosi were waiting for the Press conference.

It was one of the bigger turn outs at the Klutch, with around 16 riders sticking around for the great Koffee and Luann's hospitality!

You won't want to miss this weeks edition when we have yet another Celebrity Rider! 

Yes, Belo News is aware you are wondering who it could be, right?  Well come  on out to the ride to find out!

This Saturday is also "International/State Jersey Day!"  Is this a great country or what?

Yes, if you happen to have, say, an old Mexican Jersey laying around, well put it on and come on out!  

Sharkman will be wearing his Tour of Ireland Jersey and Shamrock Socks!  Remember what our hero says, "if you can't be good, look good!"  and Sharkman will be looking good!

Don't have an International Jersey?  Well you can wear your favorite State Jersey!  Yes, if you happen to have, say, an old Colorado Jersey laying around, well put in on and come on out!

Oh, the humanity!  An International/State jersey ride!  Can it get any better!

Saturday Morning!  July 21, 2012

Launch Time - 8:00 A.M. - SHARP!

Be there!

Baby Bear & Polar Bear at Crit!

Belo News
July 14, 2012

Kalamazoo, Mi. - Polar Bear and his daughter, Baby Bear made the Nation proud at the BTR Crit this past Saturday in Kalamazoo!

From the Polar Bear hizzelf:

"Thought I'd share this picture of me the Polar Bear and Baby Bear melting in the heat after riding the BTR Crit this Saturday. Really enjoyed the racing and despite not having Tow Truck or the other lead out minions to drag me round I managed to creep into the top 10 over the line!"

Actually, Tow Truck had a lot to do with that Crit!  Miller Energy is actually the sponsor of the event!  Way to go Polar Bear!


CheddarHead identified!
Mystery Rider Identified!

Belo News
July 17, 2012

Battle Creek, Mi. - With the temperature at 100+ and the heat index higher, two Minions, Airman and Stingray, made the call for the Tuesday Night Chain Gang ride.  

Stingray reported that he and Airman were crazy enough to brave the heat.  They apparently decided to do a shortened version of the ride.....instead of 30 miles at 20mph, they rode 20 miles at 30mph.  Ok maybe not quite 30mph they did ride 20mi.  Needless to say, it was very hot, and it wouldn't be a Tues night ride without the wind!  Belo News is pleased to report that both survived the ride!

Also, we have no confirmed the rider who was not only not mentioned last week, but got forgot in the updated story that went late to press!  It was none other than CheddarHead!  Yes, CheddarHead was the un-named rider from last weeks ride so we've made up for it by posting his photo.  We were able to get this copy from the Battle Creek Post Office!


For Sale:

Just think of owning Zickman's Trainer! Oh, the Humanity!
From Zickman

One Johnny G Spinner by Schwinn

SPD and flat pedals

High mileage

This spin bike has won many stages in tour de France in Zickman's basement!  Who wouldn't want to own a Zickman Trainer?

Mechanically sound except for aging engine (That would be Zickman, hizzelf).

First $250 takes it!

Basement not included.....
email Zickman at 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Sharkman and his famous flat tire!




Belo News
July 7, 2012

Galesburg, Mi. - As dawn broke over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero could hardly wait to wake up his son in law, the Great Moultini, and get him out on the bike! Particularly after some Oberon the night before!  But, to the Great Moultini's credit, he was sleeping out on the living room couch so his alarm wouldn't wake up his Sharklet son, Beck, and he was ready to rumble.  As the Shark Clock hit 7:00 a.m. the Rainman pulled up to the Cove and they began the trip over to the start.

Moutlini on Bissell Boys Kestrel!
The Great Moultini was outfitted with a pretty nifty Kestrel, courtesy of Bissell Boy, and the previous evening, Sharkman had put on the Great Moultini's pedals, and had adjusted the seat and put on an extra water bottle cage as the heat was predicted to hit 100 degrees once again. After some minor adjustments to the shifters, they were off to the start.

It was hard to determine if it was the heat, or the Nation just had trouble sleeping, or both, but the riders were in the lot waiting when our hero arrived with Moultini and Rainman.

Belo News realized, as they noted Bling Girl was back in the peloton the previous week and did not mention it in the blog, that Bling Girl was back again despite not getting named!  So welcome back, Bling Girl.  

After announcing that this weeks celebrity rider was none other than Sharkman's son in law, the Great Moultini, followed by a few press photo's, Sharkman then announced that due to the Gull Lake Triathlon, the Minion Nation would be heading south.  The Skipper got things started as the sound of riders clicking in echoed throughout the school yard. Ah, is there any sweeter sound in the morning?

As the Nation rolled by the Klutch, Luann was at her customary station to wave hello and good luck to the peloton but looked a bit concerned as the nation headed south instead of north at the light.

Skipper and Wildman led the Nation to Qman hill, where Sharkman shot to the front and after a strong lead out by both Skipper and Wildman, took the first, honorary sprint.

Sharkman also stole the next sprint from his son in law, as he seemed to be the only person who knew where the stop ahead signs were located.  Actually, he seemed to be the only person who knew where the Nation was heading!

There seemed to be even more confusion in the peloton when Sharkman stated that all the stop aheads were printed in the Race Manual, however no one but Sharkman seemed to know anything about any "Race Manual." 

It became increasingly apparent that Sharkman was the only rider who knew where the hell the Nation was going. However, he did point out many of the scenic spots along the route like a waterfall, the "Tillers Farm" where they teach third world farmers how to till with oxen, the road to no where, the Railroad House, and lots of railroad track crossings.

Skipper supervises Sharkman's work!
The pace was pretty quick and as the peloton was heading back east, the Sharkman hizzelf experienced his first flat tires in years! Oh, the humanity.

Seeking some shade, our hero moved off the road, followed by loyal minions Skipper and Wildman who dedicatedly, assisted the old Shark on one of the faster tire changes this peloton has experienced!  Oh, there was plenty of complaining about, "are you done yet?" and "how much longer?" but with in the puff of baby powder and a whiff of CO2, the Shark had his new tube installed!  Wildman even presented our hero with a Wet/Wipe to clean his soiled hands!  Now that is a real Minion! Sharkman then led the nation out to Scotts, Michigan.

It was here that three riders, Tow Truck, Chico and Rainman took the lead and never looked back.  As the Nation headed through Scotts, where they were supposed to turn, the Sharkman ordered his Minions to track them down and bring them back to the peloton or to turn east at the next intersection so that County MN could be avoided.  But no one could catch the three riders!

Sharkman asked Polar Bear to send all the Minions east to 36th so they could return on the designated route while Hutch, Ranger Rick and Sharkman went after the wayward threesome.

Despite the effort, the three riders could not be caught or could hear the shouts from behind and it was only at MN that Rainman reported that they had ridden on as Chico had to get back by 10 a.m., so the riders then headed over on MN, to catch the returning peloton for the finish down Qman hill to the finish.
Bikes lined up at the Klutch!

The Nation headed down Qman hill as Rainman and Sharkman went back to check for stragglers, one of which wasn't even a Minion!  Belo News was unable to determine who took the sprint however Sharkman had 19.7 mph average on his computer as he arrived at the Klutch!

Minions descend on the Klutch!
The Klutch was rocking as Lava Girl arrived with Sharkman's daughter and the Great Moultini' and his wife Nicole's sharklets, Lily and Beckett!  

To the sound of Minions ordering koffee and with Lily and Beck squealing delight, the Nations own Tardette walked in the door with her and Rainmans new Sharklet, Raindrop (real name Lauren)!  There were Sharklet's everywhere! Is this a great country or what?

As the Minions began to exit, Zickman came back in to report that the Great Moultini's Kestrels rear wheel just blew as he walked by to get to his bike.  Subsequent investigation by the Sharkman revealed the second flat tire of the day (and since flat tires come in three's, he revealed he was wondering about when the third flat would arrive!)

Sharkman and Lily!
Sharkman and Beckett
Luckily, Lava Girl had the bike rack on the family Honda Pilot Truckster and Sharkman and Moultini got a well deserved ride home!

Later, at the Shark Cove, Sharkman reported that it was much easier to change a flat tire in the Shark Cove Bike Shop, with air-conditioning and not having 20 other Minions watching him do it!

Rainman and daughter, Raindrop!

This week the Minions will return to their beloved KK-TdG field of dreams!  However, there may need to be a detour as the section of road between the Digital Divide and the GGG Spot may be closed for resurfacing!  You will have to ride on Saturday to find out! Oh, the suspense!

This Saturday, yet another Celebrity Rider! Yes, the Sharkman's other son in law, Mike, aka MK, will be in attendance and Sharkman will be leading a B group! Yes, this is your chance to come on out and ride in the B group with our intrepid hero, the Sharkman hizzelf!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Launch time - 8:00 A.M. - SHARP!

Be there!


Belo News
July 11, 2012
The Pirate

Battle Creek, Mi. - Sharkman was absent this week for the Tuesday Night Ride, but our own Pirate sent the attached report:

"The ride went well.  Bit of a head wind on the way out.  Felt like we were cheated without our beloved HERO.

The usual showed, Airman, Stingray, Hoosier Boy, All Black, Rainman and one other???

When I peeled of at 46 street my computer had me at 20.8 avg.

I suspect the peloton went over 21 with a blistering downhill run to the headquarter."

Oh, the humanity!  Thanks Pirate for the detailed report!  Whoever the other rider was should contact Belo News to set the record straight, unless it was Dutch, the most handsome guy in the peloton, as he doesn't want anymore abuse!



Belo News
July 12, 2012

Shark Cove, Mi. - Late breaking news!  Right after the Belo News was put to bed, Rainman checked in with the following report!

"All Black, Stingray, Airman, the Pirate, Hoosier Boy, and Rainman launched a few minutes prior to 6pm SHARP to commence yet another edition of the Tuesday evening suffer-fest.  Chedderhead joined just before the turn onto River Rd. bringing the total number to seven.  The lineup was deep and strong and had a good chance of challenging the land-speed record of 21.5* mph average.  In the end with five Minions crossing the line mostly together, the final average was very respectable 21.1mph.  Apparently the Minions can't break the record without their fearless leader?!"

Next Tuesday, 6:00 p.m. - SHARP from Kellogg HQ upper parking ramp!

Be there!


Belo News
July 12, 2012
Zickman's wooden bike! Oh the humanity!

Richland, Mi. - Rumors of a wooden bike in the peloton have been circulating for months in Minion ranks and Belo News simply decided to launch a full investigation to bring the rumors to rest.  Belo News as has now confirmed that our own Zickman does in fact, have a Renovo Wooden Bike on order!  Actually, it has been on order for some time and he is getting concerned if it will ever show up!  An in-depth Belo News investigation has able to uncover the attached photo of the stead that is now being built for Zickman, the class act of the peloton!  Yep, a wood bike!  Who knew you could buy a wooden bike?  But the real question is whether it will ever be delivered!  Zickman has agreed to give Belo News the exclusive story as it unfolds!  Stay tuned to future editions for the whole story! Oh, the humanity!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Skipper in his "Milk Race" Jersey!






Belo News
June 30, 2012

Galesburg, Mi. – As dawn broke hot over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero was very pleased to see Nikeboy waiting in the driveway for the ride over to the start.  The old Shark loves having company for the ride over and Nikeboy seems to have all the Battle Creek news to share!

As the two rode over to the start, Sharkman mentioned that he always wonders what kind of turn-out there will be when it is a holiday, or in this case, close to a holiday.  So the old Shark was pleased to see 21 riders show up (remember, when the number gets over 15-16, Belo News cannot remember who all rode and cannot name them specifically) for the ride.  Of special note, Zickman, Ironman and even Wolf King were back in the peloton after major hiatus’s from the Nation.  Unfortunately, Zickman still has not taken delivery on the much rumored “wooden” bike but is still hopeful. Belo News hopes to do a major story on this bike when it comes in so watch for it in future editions.

The Skipper was in attendance looking quite dapper in his “Kellogg Milk Race” jersey, which is a real collector’s item.  Kellogg use to sponsor a race in the U.K. called the “Milk Race” and legends like Sean Yates, Greg Lemond and Sean Kelly use to ride it regularly in a tune up for the Tour de France. And to think, those guys rode with the Skipper…….

Skipper got things going and as the Nation went by the Klutch, Luann and the early morning crew waved their approval to the jovial group of riders.

Gazelle Girl latched on heading north out of town with the usual Minion greeting of “Gazelle Girl!” and the ride was on.

Wolf King, wanting to make sure he got his name in the Belo News, led our hero out to the honorary first sprint where Sharkman took the official count of riders.

As the Nation headed towards the second sprint, shouts of “HOLE!” were heard as riders tried to dodge a major hole right after the left bend in the run up to the sprint.  Unfortunately, Cannon either didn’t hear it or couldn’t get out of the way, but when his front wheel hit the hole the sound of the exploding tire could be heard in downtown Galesburg!

After a couple of tubes and attempts to repair the tire, the Nation headed to the col de Twin Lakes, where a heated race for the sprint took place.

The Country Club section was again a speed way that it has traditionally become with several Minions contesting the sprint.

At the top of the col de Norte, Nikeboy reported that he had a slow leak in his rear tire, which only got worse by the Frona sprint.  Nikeboy suggested that the Nation go on ahead and he would just have to pump the tire up until he got back to the Klutch.

Again, the Nation had problems putting a pace line together. Oh, there were bikes, riders and speed, but any semblance of a line was purely coincidental.

After the GGG spot crossing, Sharkman went to the front to try to spread out the peloton, but we all know his good intentions never really materialize and the Nation had to jump in as the might train moved up the hill to finish.

Wildman was not in attendance to defend his previous win, yet no one seemed to want to let anyone “steal” the finish and all the moves at the front were being covered.

As the nation bore down on the finish, Ironman made his move with a quick response from Boatman and the Cannon.  Sharkman, fighting to get another podium spot, grabbed on to the Cannon’s wheel but couldn’t make a move and took 4th (not bad for an old retired guy!).
Long lost Wolf King & Zickman

The crowds on the Champs le Galesburg went wild as our hero’s headed to the Klutch.
As the boys and girls of summer began to sip their Bottomless Brews at the Klutch, Nikeboy came in and reported not one but two flat tires!  Nikeboy then borrowed a phone to call Nikegirl to come over to pick him up.

To Sharkman’s delight, Hoosier Boy, wanting more miles as he prepares for the Ironman and CheddarHead rode back to the Cove with him!

You won’t want to miss this week’s edition as a special celebrity rider will be in attendance!
That’s right, the Sharkman’s son in law, Editor of the Outside Magazine Buyers Guide and Senior Editor at Outside will be our celebrity rider this Saturday!  Does that mean swag for riders?  No, probably some for Sharkman, but not for his Minions….sorry.

Big thanks to Bissell Boy who has loaned his Kestrel to the Great Moultini for the week! (And a mountain bike for his other son in law who arrives later on Saturday!)

Additionally, due to the Gull Lake Triathlon, the KK-TdG route will take a southern course to avoid the race.

Though it is predicted to be hot, we will stay at 8:00 A.M. launch.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Launch Time – 8:00 A.M. – SHARP!

Be there!


Happy 4th of July!
Belo News
July 4, 2012

Galesburg, Mi. – After taking part in the Tuesday Night ride, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, decided to sleep in a bit and drive over to the start of the Special Edition, 4th of July Extravaganza Ride.  Though he was up and sipping coffee at 6:30 A.M., apparently Woodie, his wife Sheila and Nikeboy were in the drive looking for our hero.  Nikeboy alleges banging on the front door, but neither Sharkman or Lava Girl heard anything!  When asked why he didn’t ring the doorbell, Nikeboy responded, “Doorbell?”

Sharkman was pleased to see 20 riders show up for the festivities and a number of them in either Yankee Red, White & Blue or in Bissell Red, White & Blue!

Some new riders were also in attendance and in addition to Sheila, Kit and Lonnie joined the Nation for the first time having been invited by Dr. Dave and the Skipper brought a rider with his own nick name!  Bio Waste! Welcome to the Mighty Minion Nation Sheila, Kit and Lonnie (names to be determined) and Bio Waste! You gotta love anyone with the name Bio Waste, eh?  Is this a great country or what?!?

After photographs and a few autographs, the Mighty Nation was ready to roll and decided to scout out a course for this upcoming Saturday.  The decision was made to head south up Qman Hill (named after an epic climb battle between Qman and Wolf King some years ago).

Sharkman took the nation past a water fall, The Tillers, which is an organization that teaches farmers how to till with Oxen, through the thriving metropolis of Scotts and the famous ice cream shop, Scooters, and then the final finish back down Qman’s Hill, where Sharkman clocked a speed of 37.04 mph!

The group even got stopped by a train on the ride as Dr. Dave, Kit and Lonnie peeled off to head back.

As the group headed down Qman Hill, Boatman made a surge to take the speed up and Wildman and the Nation followed.

As the train moved to the bottom of the hill and back into Galesburg, Dutch edged out Boatman with Sharkman on their tails!

How long is this train?
With the Klutch klosed, the Mighty Nation had to suffer caffeine withdrawal but also had to head home for the holiday anyway.

Sharkman reported seeing Woodie and Sheila riding back into the Creek as he exited I-94 at Helmer.

A great way to start the 4th Holiday, and to beat the heat!


Belo News
July 3, 2012

Battle Creek, Mi. – How hot was it for the Tuesday Night Minion Chain Gang Ride, you ask?

With the heat index at over 100, the start temp at around 96 degrees, 6 crazy Minions headed out from Kellogg’s for the Tuesday Night assault on the roads to Galesburg.  Sharkman, Hoosier Boy, Airman, Stingray, and returning to the peloton two long lost Minions.  Rainman, taking a break from Dad Dooty and the Pirate (who also rode in the 4th of July Extravaganza) was back from his world travels!

The riders decided that due to the heat, they would go easy into the head winds (yes, yet another windy Tuesday Night!?!) taking 1 minute pulls and keeping speed at around 20-21 miles per hour, then try to open it up coming back.

The wind seemed to keep the riders cool as they headed out and peloton seemed to be able to hold around 20 mph up until the G ave. hill.

As the Nation headed back, the tail wind pushed them up to greater speeds, but they kept taking shorter pulls at the front.  The Pirate dropped off at his house as the group approached Battle Creek and Jackson Street, where the sprint starts.

With the new pavement on Jackson, the Minions bore down on the finish working like a fine oiled watch.  Rainman and Airman put in some major pulls, with Hoosier Boy coming up front for the finish, bring the Minions in at a very respectable 20.8 mph average!  Pretty good considering the heat!

If you like a great workout, with pace line speed, this is the ride for you!

Tuesday Nights, 6:00 P.M. launch from Kellogg Headquarters upper parking deck!

Come on out and join the fun! Or the heat! Whatever…..


Belo News
July 4, 2012

Shark Cove, Mi. – With the nice weather, the Minions have enjoyed some pretty big crowds and we again want to stress some safety concerns, particularly as it relates to pace lines and the sprints.  We all want to have fun and be competitive, but we want to make sure everyone is safe, so here are some random points we would like everyone to consider when riding in the peloton.

1.  Please let the rider ahead of you know if you are moving up on their right or left.

2.   When pulling through to the front of the pace line do not accelerate. The pace line should move at a steady pace as the rider who peels off slows and goes to the back of the line.

3.   After stops or intersections, do not accelerate fast when starting but take the speed up slowly so the Nation can jump on the train and not fight to get back on the pace line.

4.  Try not to STAND in pace lines.  If you do have to get up, you should shout out “STANDING” and then wait one or two seconds later to stand.  When standing, riders tend to throw the bike back and it can hit the riders behind you on their front wheel.

5.  We have noticed that some of the riders with tri bars are using them in the peloton and we want to remind tri bike riders that they should not be down on their tri bars in a pace line or in a sprint as handling ability is diminished and usually the brakes are not within easy reach. 

Be safe out there and see you Saturday!
