Sunday, August 14, 2011




Belo News
August 13, 2011

Galesburg, Mi. – After three weeks of being off the KK-TdG circuit, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, was pretty darned excited about getting back to his beloved Minion Nation to ride!

As dawn broke over the Shark Cove, the threat of rain beckoned and our hero went straight to the green glow of the Shark Radar. Large, ominus, multi colored layers of activity laid to the west, but the Sharkman was sure they would roll north of the field of dreams and the ride would go on!

Lava Girl, however, in her more mature wisdom, cautioned our hero that it was going to be wet and that he should drive to the start. Drive to the start? Not our hero, the Sharkman!

Sharkman felt good to be back on the bike after the long hiatus and the air was cool and dry on the way to the start.

As our hero descended down the hill from I-94 at the Eaton Plant and headed into downtown Galesburg, he looked west at a very dark and threatening sky. Even then, our hero refused to believe it would rain on his parade! After all, he is, the Sharkman!

Sharkman was pleased to see the many hearty Minion souls that began to amass at the start. Returning rider Jenn, herein known as Bad Girl Jenn (no really, she named herself that!) and KHS Guy, where also optimistic that the rains would hold off.

The Gull Lake contingent, headed up by the Skipper himself, came in a number of riders lighter than usual. Actually, it was just him and Bob the Builder.

Squeaky arrived with his now famous “puffy jacket” and after getting some ribbing from Sharkman, proceeded to take it off and with great haste, and stuff it in one of his jersey pockets.

Wolf King arrived late (as usual) but the Skipper was having none of it as he ordered the peloton to saddle up and head out as rumbles of thunder could be heard over the echo of pedals clicking in. Boatman and Falcon arrived just in time for the start and the Minions were off and running.

As the Nation headed north out of town, a shout of “mechanical” from the back of the peloton echoed out and everyone saw All Black pull over on his orange Attala with a rear flat tire. Hearing the thunder and being close to the Klutch, All Black decided to go back there and call his wife to come and pick him up, which ended up being a very smart move.

Gazelle Girl and Ironman jumped on and Sharkman did not make a move towards the early, honorary sprint! Had he been serious about not wanting it? It appears so…..

As the Minions crossed G Ave., the thunder could be heard and as the speed picked up and the riders began the climb at the col de Twin Lakes, both thunder and lightening began to show its ugly presence. As the train stopped at Rt. 89, a major bolt of lightening crossed the sky and Falcon stated he’s was heading back. Some of the riders lived north of 89 so it was decided the peloton would go to the Yorkville Church and then take the normal finish home.

That is when the sky opened up and the rain began to fall in earnest.

KHS Guy went to the front and did a major pull as the Minions headed to the GGG Spot crossing.

After the G Ave crossing, Hossman did his usual humongous pull at the front as the Mighty Minion Nation bore down on the final sprint.

With the rain pouring down around them, Sharkman went to the front at the base of the hill before the finish, to spell Hossman. With rain and lightening crashing around the Mighty Minion Nation as if to spur them on, Sharkman got the speed up to around 26 mph when Squeaky made his move, taking Wolf King and a number of riders with him.

As Squeaky began to fade, Wolf King, who was right on his wheel, was forced to go a bit sooner than he normally does. As he torques his steed to pick up speed, Ironman, B-Rod and others were in hot pursuit. As the rain continued to pound the riders, Ironman and B-Rod went around Wolf King and took the tape in that order.

Sharkman shouted for everyone to go straight to the Klutch, which he later learned upset the tofosi and paparazzi on the Champs le Galesburg who were waiting in the rain.

It was a small crew of hearty souls that went into the Klutch, where Jamie awaited with hot bottomless kups of dark roast for the very wet peloton with most of the Nation heading right back to their cars.

The locals were still there and asked about the sudden return. Sharkman told them that the Mighty Minion Nation will ride in the rain, but not in lightening.

Lava Girl, worried about her Sharkman, called to offer a ride home, but by the time the Koffee was gone, so was the rain and lightening. As a matter of fact, Sharkman reported that when he got up to the Eaton Plant, the roads were completely dry and he did not have any wet roads until he got back to the Cove! It seemed it had only rained north of I-94!

Lightening, rain, wet Minions? What will happen next?

You won’t want to miss next week’s edition of the KK-TdG! Summer is almost over and you know what that means!

Next week, College Game Day!

That’s right, with the College Football Season just a few weeks away, get out your school colors to ride!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Launch Time – 8:00 A.M. – SHARP, WOLF KING!

By the way, the start time was called into question by one rider this week and the Sharkman wants all to know that his watch is synchronized with the Atomic Clock in Boulder, Colorado and is the official time of both the U.S. Government and the Shark Cove, and as such, cannot be called into question.

Another point of clarification, the peloton actually launched one minute late, trying to allow the late riders some time despite the fact they were facing an impending rain of Armageddon proportions!

So, when in doubt, GET TO THE START EARLY, Bunkie!

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