Wednesday, December 8, 2010




Belo News
Galesburg, Mi.
December 4, 2010

Galesburg, Mi. – As a frigid dawn broke over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, felt like staying right in his warm Shark bed. After all, it had been a tough week, it was dark and cold outside and more importantly, it was warm in the cozy confines of the Cove.

As our hero threw back the Shark bedspread and slipped on his shark slippers and robe, visions of icy single track danced in his head. The Shark thermometer was registering a very cool 23 degrees, but after a taste of koffee from his Shark Sippy Kup, it was game on!

As Sharkman drove over to Galesburg, he wondered if anyone else would show up on this frosty morning. Several Minions had emailed saying that it was too cold and snowy to ride.

When our hero pulled into the parking lot, for the first time ever, he found it completely empty. He thought to himself that certainly someone would show as he pulled his trusty GT off the rack on the car. But alas, no one was arriving on the scene.

As the old Shark saddled up and rode to the Klutch, he began to wonder, “will this be the first time no one showed up for a Shark Minion Ride except the Sharkman himself?”

As he rode up to the front of the Klutch and rested his steed against the window, he looked in to see the back of Hoosier Boys head, hands wrapped around a nice hot kup of Klutch koffee! Yes, at least one other rider.

As the Shark entered the Klutch wearing his mountain bike boots, he was greeted by a retired Kellogg employee he knew who wanted to know if he was planning a “moon walk” with those cool boots. Sharkman simply invited her to ride with the Minions next week and find out!

Bissell Boy entered from the back door and immediately bought our hero a Bottomless Kup! Is this guy great or what?

Moments later, Stingray pulled in and then they were four!

Obviously the entire Minion Nation had ignored their hero’s request to park at the school. Guess he will park behind the Klutch next week!

At 9:00 A.M. the fearless four set out to the trail head through the west end for Ft. Custer. This entrance is about 1 ½ -2 miles from the Klutch and offers a nice warm up to the ride.

Stingray led the group, being the most knowledgeable about the trails in Ft. Custer. Stingray maintained an easy, but steady pace over slightly snowy trails taking mercy on the Sharks poor conditioning of late.

As our foursome got to the trailhead, Sharkman commented that everyone needed to be careful, as the road was slick. It was just then that Hoosier Boy’s back tire slipped out from under him and down he went. No harm, no foul, and no other Minions at the Trailhead, so the group headed out on the Red for a great ride around the course.

It was when the mighty Minion Nation just started the section next to Eagle Lake that our intrepid hero performed, what has now come to be known as, “The 10 point drop and roll” move.

With Stingray leading the pack through a hair pin switch back, Sharkman took the short, steep climb with no momentum. As he tried to stand to pedal over a root, his back wheel spun out as he fell to his left. It was then that he performed a maneuver that will be talked about in the annals of Miniondom for years to come.

Falling to the left, he was able to unclick, roll on to his shoulder, flip over two times, bounce to his feet, snow falling off of his camelback, shouting, “I meant to do that!”

Immediately, Hoosier and Bissell Boy held up small signs that had 10’s on them, signifying the perfection of the fall! Stingray, riding head, stopped to give a standing ovation as our hero picked up his bike and pushed off up the hill.

After one loop of the red, the group headed back to Galesburg. The number of tofosi and paparazzi on the Champs le Galesburg was way down, due to the cold, but the small number made up for it with enthusiasm as they cheered the mighty Nation back to Galesburg!

Total miles registered, 19.14. Another great ride!


Belo News
December 11, 2010
Galesburg, Mi.

Galesburg, Mi. – The Mighty Minion Nation will ride again this weekend, weather
permitting. *** Same plan as last week.


Saturday, December 11, 2010
Koffee Time – 8:30 A.M.
Launch Time – 9:00 A.M. or there abouts….
Trail Head – 9:30 A.M.

Park where ever you want!

Be there!

*** Because the snow could put a damper on the ride, it may be cancelled. If the snow gets too deep, or if there is a thaw and the trails get muddy, the ride will be cancelled. If the ride is cancelled, it will be posted here at Belo News by 7:45 A.M. on Saturday morning.

So check back here Saturday morning to confirm if the Minions will ride!

1 comment:

Bissell Boy said...


For the first time in years I am hoping it doesn't snow so we can ride.

The skinny skis can wait,