Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sharkman Wins!

First Annual Beer and Bike a Success!

Rained Out?

Belo News
Galesburg, Mi.
October 24, 2009

Galesburg, Mi.
– As everyone in cycling knows, the Update did not get published last week. This was a sad state of affairs, as our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, had actually won the finishing sprint after a major lead out by none other than the Wildman last week! Letters of complaint started pouring in in response to the lack of an Update and we again apologize that you did not receive your cycling news last week.
Even though the ride got rained out last week, there is still plenty to report, so let's get started with the previous weeks finish!

In classic fashion, the Minions headed south on 37th at a comfortable pace, with Sharkman leading out. As the Mighty Minion Nation approached the hill just before the final descent to the finish, Wildman threw out a humongous surge to the front of the peloton and Sharkman immediately glued himself to his wheel.

Unbeknownst to Sharkman, who never looks back because someone is always gaining on him, a gap opened up as Wildman pedaled like, well,….. a Wildman. Sharkman waited in the wake of the tremendous pull until the final moment and then launched his patented shark attack from the back. Wildman claimed later that he had no gas left to respond, and though unsure if it was a lack of gas or the extension of peloton courtesy, the Sharkman was happy to take the win. Dutch and Wolf King both mounted counter attacks but had let the gap open just a bit too much to pull the old shark in. It was a victory for America!

Gazelle Girl bought koffee at the Klutch as all the riders joined in for the festivities!
Yeah, Gazelle Girl!

Sharkman was amazed at the win after having participating in the First (of many, we hope) Annual Beer and Bike Tour on the previous afternoon.

A young rider and aspiring Minion named Calliou, organized this first annual bike and beer ride. Special T Shirts were made up and dates announced. However, the weather on Friday afternoons stopped the ride from taking place for a couple of weeks. Several Minions and many others had committed to ride, but as rainy Friday's hit, the numbers declined.......

However, on Friday, October 16, despite cool weather and the threat of rain, three fearless riders gathered up at Arcadia Brewing for the opening beer. Calliou, Sharkman and Grizz (see photo) launched from Arcadia after the Opening Beer. While Sharkman had enjoyed a Nut Brown brew, Calliou savored a nice IPA, while Grizz sipped a nice Anglers Ale. Now fortified, the group launched at 1:00 P.M. and headed out to the Barking Frog in Augusta. Beer selection was easy at this stop as they still had Oberon on tap! Oberon for everyone!

The ride then moved on to Bell’s Brewery in Kalamazoo where a van was waiting to return the riders to the start. After some Bell’s brews and pretzels, purchased by ride leader Calliou, Grizz and Sharkman took the van back to the start, while Calliou waited for his family at Bells. Total miles – 27 - total Beers – 3 each - cost of “Drinkstrong” T Shirts - $10 - Experience – Priceless! We hope everyone turns out for the second annual next year! Thanks Calliou for a great day on the road and in the pub!

New Ride Time!

Galesburg, Mi. – Many of the late rising Minions have been complaining that the start time needs to be moved back due to cold and darkness. Puppies!
The Minion Commissioner has apparently knuckled under to the pressure and will move the start time this weekend to 9:00 A.M. – SHARP!

Launch Time – 9:00 A.M. – SHARP!
The weather looks like it will be dry and actually, not too cold.

You won’t want miss the final few weeks of the season!

Be there!

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