Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Klutch was Rocking for our Hero’s Birthday!

The Minions Rained out On Sharkman’s Birthday!

Belo News
Galesburg, Mi.
October 3, 2009

Galesburg, Mi. – Though the weather didn't cooperate, it also didn’t stop the Minions from celebrating our hero’s 60th Birthday on Saturday!

Some riders did actually show up to ride, despite the rain. Wolf King, All Black, Brewman, and Dutch where there to start, but when they realized the Sharkman would not be starting, they decided to beg off and return to the Klutch later for the festivities.

And what festivities they were!

It was obvious that it was the Sharkman’s Birthday as one approached the Koffee Klutch. As you can see from the above photo. Happy Birthday Sharkman was announced to the greater Galesburg metropolis on the Klutch road sign.

It was standing room only at the Klutch as the throngs of fans, paparazzi, tofosi and riders began to gather. Lava Girl had brought a number of photo’s chronicling the life of the living legend that seemed to be very popular with the crowd.

After some welcoming statements by President Obama, Oprah Winfrey and Lance Armstrong, The Skipper led the Minions in a rousing chorus of Happy Birthday. Then the Sharkman blew out the candles, unaided we might add, and the opening of cards and presents ensued.

Bissell Boy made a few remarks and then presented the Sharkman with a gift from all the Minions. The anticipation grew to a fevered pitch as the legendary Shark pulled the wrapping from the large box. The old Shark was all business as he opened the box to find…….Training Wheels!?! Though the Minions tried to tell Sharkman that they were titanium, he wasn’t buying it. Sharkman also received a pair of Shark Socks, a couple of toy sharks and a gift card to McDonalds! Is this a great country or what!?!

LuAnn jumped into the gift giving with an official Koffee Klutch T Shirt and Hat! What a Barista! Remembering the Minion Credo that “if you can’t be good, look good!” the Shark was looking pretty darn good in his new KK Hat!

One of the high points of the morning was a long distance collect call from none other than the Qman! After correcting the Minions for singing Happy Birthday off key, he wished Sharkman a happy Birthday, completing the mornings festivities.

But don’t worry, there are a few Saturday’s left before the end of the season and you won't want to miss them!


The start time is begin moved back to 8:30 A.M. as it is getting colder AND darker out there. Remember, we will ride in the rain, but will not start in the rain! Or if the radar is showing rain!

Launch Time – 8:30 A.M. – SHARP!

Be there!

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