Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Twitter Version of a Wet Ride

Boffo Takes the Finish by a Nose!

Nikeboy Makes Podium in Debut Ride!

Tony Jersey Day Brings out the jersey's!

Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain………

Belo News
Galesburg, Mi.
May 16, 2009

Galesburg, Mi.- When our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, woke up on Saturday morning and looked out the window of the Shark Cove, he was pleased to see it wasn’t raining, but he was concerned that the roads were still wet and the sky was dark. As he went out to get the paper, Nikeboy was out getting his and declared he would be riding with the Shark. He also stated the radar clearly indicated that the rain had passed.

The temperature on the Shark Weather Station showed 62 degrees, and as Sharkman and Nikeboy left the Cove, they were in their Tony the Tiger jerseys, sans jackets, gloves and other warm clothing, feeling pretty good about the nice temps.

As the pair rode into Galesburg and approached the start, they were welcomed by Sooner, All Black, Peugeot Guy, Zickman, the Skipper, Pirate and Boffo the Clown.

Six of the nine riders were wearing their Tony Jersey's, indicating that the Minions actually do read the Update!

Boffo shared that he had been to a Clown reunion party the previous evening and had consumed copious amounts of taco and bean dip, topped with beer. The Skipper ordered him to the rear of the peleton and got the Minions started through Galesburg. Nine Minions snaked their way past the Klutch and headed north of town were the Sharkman took his honorary sprint with ease.

As the peleton moved towards the cul de Twin Lakes, the sky started to spit rain. As the climb to the summit picked up speed, so did the rain. The Minions were in for another Saturday morning of riding in the rain.

After the Rt. 89 crossing, All Black attacked and the peleton was blown apart between the Yorkville Church, through Kellogg Corner, past the Country Club to Rt. 43. Sharkman stayed with All Black and the pair opened up a good size gap. Sooner took a monumental push to close the gap just before the finishing sprint to bring the group back together. The rain was now coming down pretty steady and the temperature was dropping quickly.

After the cul de Norte, All Black and Peugeot Guy attacked and a pace line was slow starting up.

Skipper and Pirate peeled off at the Inlet and the group formed up in a pace line south of Rt. 89 and worked together through the G Ave. sprint.

The pace line continued to work together in the run up to the finish. As the group made the final ascent over the hill before the finish, Zickman and Sharkman began to work together to open up a small gap. However, it was not to last.

As the Minions barreled down on the finish in the pouring rain, tires spitting rode water and debris in their faces, Zickman began to lead out the Sharkman. As the Sharkman began to move out, he caught a glimpse of a big red clown nose out of the corner of his eye and later stated he wanted to jump on the wheel of Boffo as he sped by. But Sooner was also coming up behind Boffo and Sharkman had to wait to move out from behind the lead out. Boffo was getting away, but Sharkman continued to counter the move and though closing the gap, the big shoed, red nosed clown took the tape with Sharkman on his wheel and Nikeboy making a last jump to take the third spot on the podium. Boffo had won by a nose.

As the riders boated down the Champs le Galesburg, the rain continued to pound them and they looked more liked drowned rats than Minions. It was cold and wet.

At the Klutch, Luann was there to greet our hero’s, who huddled over their kups of koffee trying to warm their hands. When the Minions got up to leave, they had to wipe the chairs clean from the road crude they had left on the chairs. Their bikes were loaded with dead worms, bugs, sticks and leaves. Several Minions mentioned they had to floss the road grit out from between their teeth when they got home!

Nikeboy pulled the Sharkman back to the Cove and thankfully, the strong tailwind made it a quick, but very cold ride. Sharkman stated later that it took hours to shake the chill out of his body.

Sharkman also reported that he will most likely miss the next two weeks due to work travel. He will miss this Saturday and possibly the next, depending on when he get’s back to town.

Since it is Memorial Day Weekend, it will be Red, White and Blue jersey day! So break out the colors for to celebrate the holiday!

Launch Time – 8:30 A.M. (we will move to 8:00 A.M. on the following Saturday.

Be there!

Airman Still Recovering – Cloud Girl gets new Ride!

Portage, Mi. – While Airman is still recovering from his bike crash and tormenting himself by looking at his new Cervelo with new Ksyrium wheels that hasn’t been able to ride on yet, Cloud Girl reports that she has a new Kuota! Yes, the Cloud Girl will be riding a pretty sweet carbon fiber Kuota the next time she rides with the peleton. Watch for a photo of it soon on the Blog slide show. Also watch for it when she passes your Minion butt on the road! Go Cloud Girl! Also watch for some "Style" photo's as soon as we at the update can get our act together and quite letting work get in the way of all this fun!


Sooner said...

NEWSFLASH - Galesburg, MI

Store owners throughout the Galesburg area are puzzled by a strange run on handheld torches, pitchforks, and rope. The only common thread noted in this surge of sales are customer mutterings about red noses, floppy shoes, and .....aerobars.


Minions are wanting to know what is up with Sharkman's impressive riding this season. The old Shark is participating in two man breakaways, making impressive pulls and contesting numerous sprints. Has Sharkman become connected with Dr. Fuentes of Operation Purtico? Has he been training all winter with Chris Carmichael? Or is he like fine wine and is just getting better with age?

I'm thinking that Sharkman may soon show up for the TdG wearing a T-Shirt and gym shorts. He no longer has to look good, because he IS good.


The final sprint was looking to be a barnburner as All-Black led the rapid and tight paceline down the stretch, followed by Zickman, Sharkman, Boffo, Sooner, Nikeboy and Peugeot Guy. All-Black pulled off the front just past the small hill, much earlier than Zickman wanted, leaving him exposed to the gusty headwind. Sooner knew that Zickman would soon be toast. As the minions came to around 300 meters from the finish, Sooner feigned an attack hoping Boffo would jump and pull Sooner to the finish. Boffo took the bait like a chicken on a cricket, jumping out of the paceline and accelerating. However, as soon as Boffo came alongside Sharkman, Sharkman also jumped out of the paceline, bringing his front spokes within millimeters of Boffo's floppy shoes. Sooner, anticipating a roadway littered with clown paraphenalia and Shark Skin, and not wanting to experience road rash at 30+ mph, hesitated for a second and lost momentum (It is doubtful Sooner could have overtaken Boffo anyway). Anyway, Boffo, Sharkman, Nikeboy and Sooner finished in that order, all within maybe two bike lengths.

I'm giving this account to remind everyone to be extra careful. Everyone likes a close finish, but this one was perhaps a bit too close. Boffo's rear derailleur passed within 2 inches of Sharkman's front spokes (I am not exaggerating). I have been thinking about what could have happened, and we are blessed that is didn't. Most of us (including myself)have been guilty of making risky moves at one time or another. It is easy to get too focused on what is ahead, and forget about what is behind or approaching. Anyway, enough lecturing. I just want to remind everyone to be careful.


Shark Minion Update said...


Thanks for the comments! Where are all the comments! Come on, Minions, join in!

I want it to be known that there are no performance enhancing drugs involved in my recent surges. Unless you count Pop Tarts, Koffee or prunes.

Concerning the final stretch, you are right, we need to be careful. Though my recollection of being close to Boffo might not be the same, and I felt I had complete control, I did have to back off as you came up. We were all too close at the finish and I think we all need to remember that if we are passing, we need to take it a bit wide on passing or run the risk of someone making an unfortunate move. It was also pretty wet, making conditions even worse.

Having said that, I will miss everyone this week and hope I can make it the following Saturday at 8:00 A.M.

Happy Memorial Day!
