Saturday, May 23, 2009

Memorial Day Ride

Boffo Victorious Second Weeek in a Row!

Kid Doster rejoins peloton

16 Minions turn out in their Red, White & Blue

It seems with the Patron out of town a few minions thought they could roll in late; Kid Doster pumping up his tires, Boffo in his one legged clown suit and Falcon spinning in at the last moment. Seems that with the great Sharkman out of town the peloton has lost some discipline.

As the Skipper took control and hearded the minions toward the TdKK start, 16 minions clicked in. Gazelle Girl invited Shawn (Iron Man) and Sooner brought the Neighbor Kid, Nike Boy, Falcon, Kid Doster, All-Black (who again was Mostly Black), Pirate, Boatman, Boffo, No Name, Bissell Boy, Zickman and Dancin' Dan rounded out the group. Hopefully this cub reporter didn't forget anyone.

The group rolled up 36th street in a social but spirited pace. The first sprint was taken by the absent, but ever present, Sharkman. Falcon took the second sprint at 35th and Zickman took KoM on Cul' de Twin Lakes. No Name took the D Ave sprint and the peloton picked up the pace as we rolled through the Country Club hills. Zickman won the M-43 sprint, Falcon utilized the Bible Conference driveway for a sneak attack to win the Frona's sprint and Zickman lead Gazelle Girl out for the inlet sprint. As the pack crossed M-89 it was apparent the discipline was still lacking as the peloton was unable to form a pace line.

Continuing to show early season form Zickman won the G Ave sprint and the group headed south toward the finish line. Bissell Boy jumped early trying to lead Zickman to victory but it was not to be as the peloton, looking like a bee swarm, approached the finish. Shawn (Iron Man) lead out the final sprint and once again Boffo took the victory sharing podium honors for a second week with Nike Boy and the newcomer Iron Man.

It was mentioned by several riders that this was the fastest ride of the season but this reporter was unable to verify average speed. Please click on the comment button below if you can provide this info.

It is rumored that the ride will move back to 8:00 next week so stay tuned for a Shark announcement.

1 comment:

Shark Minion Update said...

Hey, who is this Bissell Boy guy? He writes great stories!
I was just able to access the Blog.

Maybe Bissell Boy should write a story every week! Sorry I missed the ride and am still not sure if I will be back this Saturday. But the ride goes on and at an earlier time.

8:00 A.M. Launch time - Sharp!

Be there!
