Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Twitter Version for Saturday May 2, 2009

Belo News
Galesburg, Mi.
May 2, 2009

Galesburg, Mi.- Sorry Minions, but we lost track of time here at the Update and just could not meet the deadline for the full story and had to eliminate Style Guy this week (and is he pissed!). Hey, it happens! It isn't easy fighting crime and/or evil in the corporate world, let alone fighting off the impending onslaught of H1N1 flu! Our apologizes, but here is the Twitter Version of last week’s action.....

17 riders showed up for a bright but brisk 9:00 A.M. launch. Airman returned to the peleton for the first time this year sporting his new Cervelo as Cloud Girl looked on. That Cervelo is one sweet ride! When does Cloud Girl get hers?

The Skipper returned, complaining that he was getting too much press for not showing up. He immediately took over and led the group at the start with a shout to saddle up and click in.

Luann and a patron were at the window of the Koffee Klutch to wave at our hero's as they passed the shop on their way out of town.

Perhaps it was the weather or the smell of Koffee as they passed the Klutch, but the group was particularly frisky in the cool air and several Minions broke for the ceremonial Sharkman first sprint lead by Wolf King. Sharkman, deciding it would be better if he did not contest the sprint was surprised when the peleton parted like the Red Sea and Rainman and Wolf King pulled up to allow the Patron of the Peleton to take the stop ahead. Sharkman was deeply honored at this jester of sportsmanship.

The attacks came fast and furious and as the group ascended the cul de Twin Lakes, Sharkman attacked the hill but was passed by Wolf King after they crested (yes, you read that right, Wolf King second on a hill climb!). Wolf King then graciously led the Sharkman to his second sprint of the day!

The pace from the Yorkville Church through Kellogg Curve, past the country club to route 43 was down right blistering and Rainman took the sprint in the run up to Rt. 43 with relative ease as the peleton was blown apart in his wake.

Falcon, Bissell Boy, Wildman, Bullet Bob, All Black, Peugeot Guy and Zickman all fought it out for sprints running up to the Inlet. Gazelle Girl, taking the Minions to new frontiers they’ve not ventured to before actually got the Minions to do a double pace line in the opposite direction! Could it be? Could it possibly be? It actually was one of the better pace lines in Minion history! Gazelle Girl had worked a miracle!

The peleton bore down on the G Ave. sprint and Falcon was leading Gazelle Girl out in an effort for her to take the sprint for the third time in four weeks, but it was not to be. Zickman, blasted out of the pace line and took the sprint going away.

The pace line did not form up again until well into the final stretch, after Rainman made a huge jump to try to break up the pack. He was reeled in at the hill and the final sprint began. Rainman's sacrifice did break up the bunch enough to avoid mass chaos and Falcon took the final sprint.

Sharkman decided to take the short cut now known as the “Cloud Girl shortcut to the Klutch Drive Up Window” and Wolf King actually bought him Koffee! (Yes, Wolf King!)

Jamie was back from Spring Break and was serving up the Joe.

Talk centered around moving the start up so that the soccer parents could make more rides and so this week we will be launching at 8:30 A.M. Hope we don’t lose Gazelle Girl! She does not like early starts!

You won’t want to miss this week’s edition, though the weather is sounding threatening. A low of 47 and a high of 63 but showers are predicted and as we all know, Minions will ride in the rain but will not START in the rain!

Launch Time – 8:30 A.M. SHARP!

Be there! (unless it is raining)

1 comment:

The WolfKing said...


First, you forget that it is "The WolfKing."

Second, as I was reading your update, I was reminded of the old saying, "You can never have too much of The WolfKing.”

Third, after pushing my way to the top, nay, conquering that beast of a hill through sheer will and determination, I was totally cooked for the remainder of the ride. It is a good thing my legs do not have arms, or they might have slapped me for doing such a stupid maneuver so early in a ride.

And finally, while I knew someone was on my wheel as I closed in on the sprint following that Col d’Twin Lakes, I had no idea it was you. However, had I known, I would have sped up in order to launch you toward the line.

The WolfKing