Wednesday, October 24, 2018







Belo News
October 20, 2018

Galesburg, Mi. - As dawn broke over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, was sound asleep.....

What, you say? Yes, he would be heading out to pick up his daughters in Chicago and head north for Lava Girls fathers 90th Birthday Celebration in Crystal Lake, Illinois and would not be making the call. He was feeling bad after missing the deadline on the previous weeks edition of Belo News for the first time this season. Actually, he usually misses one or two per season, but he thought he might be able to get the full season in without missing, but it was not to be.

But the Nation rode and Gazelle Girl did a fantastic write up on what sounds like a great "End of the Road Season" ride!

Take it away, Gazelle Girl!


Belo News
October 20, 2018
Reporter Gazelle Girl

Galesburg, Mi. - Although the roads were damp the entire ride, there was not a cloud in the sky as three die hard Minions gathered for the last road ride of the Minion Nation’s 30th season.

The high humidity kept things moist all morning, but also helped take the chill out of the 48-degree air on what began as a beautiful, clear day. (With hail showing up a little later on.)

As Gazelle Girl approached the school parking lot to a somewhat feeble shout of "Gazelle Girl!" she spotted a chipper Brewman and Rocketman (aka Kim Jong Un) ready to ride. Brewman glanced at his watch, saw that is was time to launch and shouted "Podium finishes for all!" And - to the delight of all present - added, "I'm buying the koffee." Yay, Brewman!

The ride was quite chatty and very pleasant with Brewman and Kim Jong Un showing great patience as they waited numerous times for Gazelle Girl to catch back on, mostly after the climbs. (Excuse: poor GG had been fighting a head cold for two weeks and just wasn't feelin' it today. Whaaa.)

At one point, between farmer blows, GG was heard to apologize for hogging most of the pulls all morning. My, she's a sarcastic one, that Gazelle Girl.

The topic of conversation, once Gazelle Girl finally crested the climb to the M-43 stop and joined the others, was about the sad state of civility among Americans these days. Vitriol rules the day. Tear. The Nation committed to do what it can to resolve this troubling issue. And we did.

As the trio crossed the Digital Divide and headed south, Kim Jong Un asked for advanced notice of the location of the GGG Spot so as not to accidentally steal Gazelle Girl's satisfaction. This heroic show of consideration from Kim Jong Un gave Gazelle Girl an idea... let's ALL take the GGG Spot Sprint. Together. Holding hands. And they did. (See accompanying photo.)
Where is the Roadrunner? 

The cacophony of shouts of "Hooray!" and "Victory for America!" must have awakened the entire population of NW Charleston Township as evidenced by the startled COYOTE that scampered into the road as the Nation was barreling down on the final sprint, again with the intention of taking it together. As one. Holding hands. (See accompanying photo.)

Upon seeing the freight train speeding toward him, the shaggy four-footed mutt made an abrupt turn to the south in an effort to take on the Nation for the finishing sprint. Well, of course, as any Loonie Toons fan knows, these guys can run pretty fast. With tongue dangling in the wind, the coyote nipped the Nation by a tail length at the sprint. But, fear not, it was STILL a victory for America, the Nation and civility as the coyote was immediately DQed for employing four legs instead of the regulation two. He slunked (a word?) away in shame as the Nation sang Cum-bay-ah in unity.

The clouds began to roll in just as the trio made their victory ride down the Champs de le Galesburg. The crowd of cheering fans easily eclipsed the number of riders, beaming harmoniously, in the peloton.

Zychmon-ami (fresh back from France) was waiting for the group at the Klutch having ridden down on his neon gravel bike. Tales of the morning were told with the sniffling Gazelle Girl finally owning up to not having taken a single pull all day. Is this a great county or what?

Editors Note - Thanks, Gazelle Girl, for that riveting account of, what sounds like a fantastic ride! Where else can you get this kind of hard hitting, fact finding, cycling news? No where else but Belo News!


Belo News
October 24, 2018

Shark Cove, Mi. - This week, the Nation moves to the Fort to ride!

That's right, Bunkie, it is mountain bike season for the mighty Shark Minion Nation. Short as that season may be, the Nation moves to the Fort with two starting points, so pay attention!

Sharkman will be heading to the Klutch for a Bottomless, arriving around 8 a.m. or a bit earlier (the old Shark needs to wake up a bit before getting on the bike!).

Hopefully, some of the Minions will join him for a kup.

Sharkman and entourage will launch from the Klutch at 8:30 a.m. - SHARP and ride to the trail head through the "Gazelle Girl Back Door to the Fort" entrance, arriving around 9 a.m.

Those who do not want to get up earlier, or don't want that fantastic pre/post ride elixir known as a Koffee Klutch Bottomless, can go directly to the trail head at Fort Custer to rendezvous (for those Minions who don't know what the means, it means "meet up") for the ride.

Sharkman has crashed the past two times he has been out, so this ride could be very entertaining, or more likely, slow. But he will be requesting the last spot in the pace line!

Saturday October 27, 2018

So two launch times!

Launch 1 - 8:30 a.m. from the Klutch

Launch 2 - 9:00 a.m. from the Fort Custer Trail Head


Be there!


Belo News
November 3, 2018

Augusta, Mi. - The Nation will be celebrating the traditional "In Lieu of Iceman Party" on Saturday, November 3, 2018.

The Nation will "meet up" at the trail head for a ride around Fort Custer followed by going to Players in Augusta with spouses or significant others for adult beverages and dinner to celebrate the 30th Shark Minion Seasons end!

Saturday, November 3, 2018

In Lieu of Iceman Party!

2:00 p.m. launch from the Trail Head at Fort Custer

4:00 p.m. meet at Players in Augusta for dinner and drinks

It is hoped that those Shark Minions that do not ride mountain bikes will join the Nation to party at Players at 4 p.m. along with their spouses, significant others, friend, etc.

More in next weeks edition of Belo News!

Be there!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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