Tuesday, October 30, 2018



Sharkman, Zyckmann & Brewman in his
Spartan Hat, ready to ride?!?




Belo News,
October 27, 2018

Shark Cove, Mi. - Our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, bound out of his shark bed, WAY before dawn broke over the Shark Cove on a damp, cool morning.

The Nation was moving to Fort Custer this week and our hero was, to say the least, excited for the change. He had not been on his mountain bike since July, when he crashed on the Demon Drop, which was just 6 weeks after his crash that sent him for X-Rays and caused him to miss a Saturday.

He was, however, undeterred!

As the green hue of the shark radar screen gleamed off his shark coffee cup at 6 a.m. it was looking like the rain was passing and he began to get excited.

Reb had texted him the previous evening telling him he was going to drive to the Trail Head, then ride to the Klutch for koffee, then ride back to the trail head to ride with the Nation but had to leave early for work.
Sort of lonely for Sharkman until Brewman arrived
looking for his kisses!

He ended the text message by stating the Shark should let him know if the ride would be called off because of the predicted rain.

Sharkman thought that if he let Reb know before 7 a.m. there would be enough time to head him off before he had to leave. So he had to be up early!

However, Sharkman turned on the weather channel and it was reporting rain, which our hero was not seeing on his radar app.

So he went outside to check and it was in fact, raining. Oh, the humanity.

Sharkman texted Reb to ask what he thought, but there was no answer. "Had he left already?" thought the Sharkman.

He then emailed Gazelle Girl to get the report that it was also raining in Galesburg.

Sharkman and Gazelle Girl then had several text exchanges with Reb, but to no avail. Reb had gone dark.......

Sharkman, worried that Reb had launched to the Fort already and thought he should go to the Klutch to see if anyone would show. Meanwhile, Gazelle Girl was smart enough to inform our hero that she was going to pour another cup of coffee, get a book, and wait to hear from the old Shark.

Sharkman loaded up the Shark-Vibemobile (which is now 16 years old with 150,000 miles) with his 9er and headed over to the Klutch in the constant drizzle. He was pretty sure there would be no ride.

Sharkman walked into the Klutch to shouts of "Hello!" from the early morning Koffee Group! He was peppered with questions like, "are you guys really riding today?" and "why would anyone want to ride in the rain?" and "How did you get your name?"

After staving off the paparazzi, Sharkman sent, yet another text, to Gazelle Girl and Reb reporting he had taken up position at the Klutch, awaiting Rebs wet arrival. In the mean time he got a text from Brewman.

"Brewman here, are you riding?"
Zyckmann and Brewman on their high
tech rides! Is this a great country or wha?!?

Sharkman explained the situation and ended the text, with what he thought, were a bunch of periods indicating the uncertainty of a ride. However, with his fat dorsal he punched in a couple x's. Embarrassed, he immediately realized his error and re-texted, but the auto correct would change the xx's to cc's! He tried again and again, got cc's! Brewman didn't respond and Sharkman was worried what the legendary rider was thinking?!?

As Sharkman awaited Reb's arrival or text (he wasn't sure which was going to happen), Gazelle Girl texted offering Sharkman to come out to the Triple Nasty Ranchero for a ride, but Sharkman had pretty much convinced himself that he wasn't riding because the rain was still coming down.

Then Brewman walked in dressed to ride! Or looking for kisses, the Editors are still not sure.......

It was about this time that Reb finally picked up his phone to report that he had been dealing with a sick kid and never left the house! Oh, the humanity!

Sharkman and Brewman sat there discussing what to do, when Sharkman said he better go to the Trail Head and see if anyone was crazy enough show up. Brewman said he would go with and if it stopped raining, might ride and see how the trails were. He was WAY more enthusiastic than our hero!

As the Shark watched the beads of rain whisking off his Shark-Vibemobile windshield (he uses Rainex) on the ride over, he was convincing himself he wasn't going to ride.

When he and Brewman pulled into the Trail Head Parking Lot, there was Zyckmann with his bike already unloaded and leaning against his Land Rover, ready to ride!
Red Loop in reverse and the
"Sharkman Loop!"

When Sharkman got out of the car, it wasn't raining and both he and Brewman got motivated by Zyckmann enthusiasm, so they decided to try the trails out and see how they were, as riders were coming in and and reporting them in pretty good shape.

With Zyckmann in the lead, and Sharkman protecting the rear, the three riders struck out on the Red in reverse.

The three rode the Red, then Sharkman led the group on the "Sharkman Loop," a combination of the Red Crazy Beaver, the start of the Green, and the Red Trenches.

It never rained as they rode, the track was firm with no puddles, and the temps made for a comfortable ride. That's Michigan! You just never know and as they say, "there is no bad weather, just bad gear!"

The three celebrated in the parking lot and talked about the "In Leiu of Iceman" Ride/Party next Saturday! (See next story).

It was a great morning on the trails! You won't want to miss next weeks ride/party at the Fort and at Players!

Be there!


Belo News
November 3, 2018

Augusta, Mi. - This Saturday is the "In Leiu of Iceman Ride/Party" at the Fort.

For those of you not taking part in the Iceman, which seems to be a larger number each year, the mighty Shark Minion Nation with meet at 2:00 p.m. at the Fort Custer Trail Head for a group (or two groups) ride around the Fort. Riders may wish to bring a beverage of choice for the post ride at the Trail Head.

The riders will then go to Players in Augusta for post ride drinks and dinner at 4:00 p.m.

Spouses, significant others, family, etc. are invited as well to help the Nation celebrate the end of the 30th Shark Minion Season!

Those Shark Minions that do not ride mountain bike are also invited to Players at 4:00 p.m. and we hope for a great turn out!

This is always a fun event so come on out with your guest to help celebrate the close of another fantastic season on the bike!


Belo News
October 25, 2018

Let that be a lesson to you!
Shark Cove, Mi. - Last week, an angry subscriber of Belo News wrote to the Editors with a  complaint about last weeks edition.

More specifically,  the subscriber felt that the veteran reporter, Gazelle Girl, had far too much time on her hands to be able to Photoshop riders heads on bikes.

It was apparent from the "tone" of the letter that the real issue was that the subscriber had never had his head photoshopped, and was feeling left out. So Gazelle Girl took care of it immediately.

The subscriber shall go nameless, per Belo News confidentiality policy, but we all thought the photo came out well!

The subscriber was chastised by the Editor for having too much time on his hands for writing the email in the first place and was reminded that Reporter, Gazelle Girl, is a member of "The Lucky Ones" retiree group and thus, has plenty of time, as does the Editor of Belo News!

Wednesday, October 24, 2018







Belo News
October 20, 2018

Galesburg, Mi. - As dawn broke over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, was sound asleep.....

What, you say? Yes, he would be heading out to pick up his daughters in Chicago and head north for Lava Girls fathers 90th Birthday Celebration in Crystal Lake, Illinois and would not be making the call. He was feeling bad after missing the deadline on the previous weeks edition of Belo News for the first time this season. Actually, he usually misses one or two per season, but he thought he might be able to get the full season in without missing, but it was not to be.

But the Nation rode and Gazelle Girl did a fantastic write up on what sounds like a great "End of the Road Season" ride!

Take it away, Gazelle Girl!


Belo News
October 20, 2018
Reporter Gazelle Girl

Galesburg, Mi. - Although the roads were damp the entire ride, there was not a cloud in the sky as three die hard Minions gathered for the last road ride of the Minion Nation’s 30th season.

The high humidity kept things moist all morning, but also helped take the chill out of the 48-degree air on what began as a beautiful, clear day. (With hail showing up a little later on.)

As Gazelle Girl approached the school parking lot to a somewhat feeble shout of "Gazelle Girl!" she spotted a chipper Brewman and Rocketman (aka Kim Jong Un) ready to ride. Brewman glanced at his watch, saw that is was time to launch and shouted "Podium finishes for all!" And - to the delight of all present - added, "I'm buying the koffee." Yay, Brewman!

The ride was quite chatty and very pleasant with Brewman and Kim Jong Un showing great patience as they waited numerous times for Gazelle Girl to catch back on, mostly after the climbs. (Excuse: poor GG had been fighting a head cold for two weeks and just wasn't feelin' it today. Whaaa.)

At one point, between farmer blows, GG was heard to apologize for hogging most of the pulls all morning. My, she's a sarcastic one, that Gazelle Girl.

The topic of conversation, once Gazelle Girl finally crested the climb to the M-43 stop and joined the others, was about the sad state of civility among Americans these days. Vitriol rules the day. Tear. The Nation committed to do what it can to resolve this troubling issue. And we did.

As the trio crossed the Digital Divide and headed south, Kim Jong Un asked for advanced notice of the location of the GGG Spot so as not to accidentally steal Gazelle Girl's satisfaction. This heroic show of consideration from Kim Jong Un gave Gazelle Girl an idea... let's ALL take the GGG Spot Sprint. Together. Holding hands. And they did. (See accompanying photo.)
Where is the Roadrunner? 

The cacophony of shouts of "Hooray!" and "Victory for America!" must have awakened the entire population of NW Charleston Township as evidenced by the startled COYOTE that scampered into the road as the Nation was barreling down on the final sprint, again with the intention of taking it together. As one. Holding hands. (See accompanying photo.)

Upon seeing the freight train speeding toward him, the shaggy four-footed mutt made an abrupt turn to the south in an effort to take on the Nation for the finishing sprint. Well, of course, as any Loonie Toons fan knows, these guys can run pretty fast. With tongue dangling in the wind, the coyote nipped the Nation by a tail length at the sprint. But, fear not, it was STILL a victory for America, the Nation and civility as the coyote was immediately DQed for employing four legs instead of the regulation two. He slunked (a word?) away in shame as the Nation sang Cum-bay-ah in unity.

The clouds began to roll in just as the trio made their victory ride down the Champs de le Galesburg. The crowd of cheering fans easily eclipsed the number of riders, beaming harmoniously, in the peloton.

Zychmon-ami (fresh back from France) was waiting for the group at the Klutch having ridden down on his neon gravel bike. Tales of the morning were told with the sniffling Gazelle Girl finally owning up to not having taken a single pull all day. Is this a great county or what?

Editors Note - Thanks, Gazelle Girl, for that riveting account of, what sounds like a fantastic ride! Where else can you get this kind of hard hitting, fact finding, cycling news? No where else but Belo News!


Belo News
October 24, 2018

Shark Cove, Mi. - This week, the Nation moves to the Fort to ride!

That's right, Bunkie, it is mountain bike season for the mighty Shark Minion Nation. Short as that season may be, the Nation moves to the Fort with two starting points, so pay attention!

Sharkman will be heading to the Klutch for a Bottomless, arriving around 8 a.m. or a bit earlier (the old Shark needs to wake up a bit before getting on the bike!).

Hopefully, some of the Minions will join him for a kup.

Sharkman and entourage will launch from the Klutch at 8:30 a.m. - SHARP and ride to the trail head through the "Gazelle Girl Back Door to the Fort" entrance, arriving around 9 a.m.

Those who do not want to get up earlier, or don't want that fantastic pre/post ride elixir known as a Koffee Klutch Bottomless, can go directly to the trail head at Fort Custer to rendezvous (for those Minions who don't know what the means, it means "meet up") for the ride.

Sharkman has crashed the past two times he has been out, so this ride could be very entertaining, or more likely, slow. But he will be requesting the last spot in the pace line!

Saturday October 27, 2018

So two launch times!

Launch 1 - 8:30 a.m. from the Klutch

Launch 2 - 9:00 a.m. from the Fort Custer Trail Head


Be there!


Belo News
November 3, 2018

Augusta, Mi. - The Nation will be celebrating the traditional "In Lieu of Iceman Party" on Saturday, November 3, 2018.

The Nation will "meet up" at the trail head for a ride around Fort Custer followed by going to Players in Augusta with spouses or significant others for adult beverages and dinner to celebrate the 30th Shark Minion Seasons end!

Saturday, November 3, 2018

In Lieu of Iceman Party!

2:00 p.m. launch from the Trail Head at Fort Custer

4:00 p.m. meet at Players in Augusta for dinner and drinks

It is hoped that those Shark Minions that do not ride mountain bikes will join the Nation to party at Players at 4 p.m. along with their spouses, significant others, friend, etc.

More in next weeks edition of Belo News!

Be there!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018


Rain? What rain?




WAIT,...... WHAT?




Sharkman & Lava Girl!

Belo News
October 6, 2018

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn had not yet broken over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, was pouring over weather reports in the glow of his green shark radar. It wasn't looking good.....

It was pouring outside the Cove and the radar was flashing red to the west and south.

It was looking like it might be possible to get to the start without rain (though the roads were soaked) but then the rain would begin again in earnest!

Sharkman immediately emailed Gazelle Girl, who reported that it was, in fact, raining over the Nations Field of Dreams known as the KK-TdG........Oh, the humanity!

However, Sharkman had kake and there was no turning back from celebrating the famous riders 69th Birthday!

Right after sending out a cancelled ride announcement, a text came in from Mad Dog (who else!)....
"It's not raining here...."
Ya, look at that road, Mad Dog!

"it's not raining here...." along with the attached photo.

Sharkman responded, "it looks like it is raining to me!"

To which Mad Dog responded, "Why do you always cancel the rides when I can make it?"

"Because it is raining! Do you have on  your new kit?" responded our hero.

"I want it noted I was the only one to make the 30th anniversary ride." replied Mad Dog with a photo of his kit!
Note all the people at the Klutch with Mad Dog!

Sharkman told him he was a sick man.

Sharkman and Lava Girl then went to pick up the kake and Yeti Boy and Yeti Girl and made their way over to Galesburg in a torrential down pour. As they exited I-94 they saw a bolt of lightening that flashed right over the gentle burg of Galesburg, along with the crack of thunder! Sharkman began praying that Mad Dog wasn't out in that lightening! (he was.....)

Sharkman was amazed at all who turned out for his special day! First he was worried he didn't have a big enough kake, but fortunately for all, he did have enough!

Skipper was back in the fold and came down to offer his regards! OKC, who hadn't made a ride all year was also back!  Even the Durango Kid, President of the Mountain States Chapter of the Shark Minion Nation, sent a photo of himself in his new Anniversary Kit!
The rider on the kake is more descriptive of Sharkman's
speed at eating kake than riding a bike!

Sharkman was feeling the love!

As the celebration was about to begin, Mad Dog texted another photo and shortly after, arrived in person, trying to claim he wasn't wet.

The best way to tell this story is through the photos!
The Klutch was rocking!

A rousing rendition of happy birthday was sung to Sharkman AND to Stroker, whose birthday was on this date!

Sharkman was feeling blessed to be a part of the mighty Shark Minion Nation and for all of his mighty Shark Minions!

There was enough kake for the Minions, and some left over for the Saturday morning Early Koffee Group! Is this a great country or what! The koffee flowed and the Sharkman was paying for it! Oh, the humanity, this is a great country!

The Durango Kid checking in from Durango, CO!
Is this a great country or what?!?

The Skipper was back!
The Anniversary Kit was on display!
Mad Dog arrives in his kit!
Stryker Guy was like Superman!
The early crowd, before the masses arrived!
There was enough kake for all!
OKC making his first appearance of
the year! Oh, the humanity!

And it didn't end there!

Later in the day, Sharkman and Banjovi rocked BavariaFest at St. Peter Lutheran Church with Wildman and Great Dane! The diminutive musician even appeared in Bavarian attire!

This IS a great country and this guy knows how to rock it!

Sharkman and Banjovi rock BavariaFest!
Love those lederhosen, Sharkman!

You won't want to miss this weeks edition when the Nation "Officially" debut's the new 30th Anniversary Jersey with a new launch time!

Did we mention a new launch time?!?

Saturday, October 13, 2018

30th Anniversary Kit Day!


Launch Time - 9:00 A.M. - SHARP!

Be there!


Belo News
Zyckmann sporting his BEU
Jersey in France!

October 5, 2018

Somewhere, France - That legend of the peloton, Zyckmann, Zickkmmaann, Fabio, whatever,........... reported in from France this past week. It was the only thing that kept him from Sharkman's Birthday party! Well, that and the wine and food.

This man gets around!

The master of the peloton sent in the following report!

From Zyckmann:

"Yes ! the Bloody El in France- wine wine whine! I am riding a 40 # hybrid in tennis shoes- luckily I can stay with all the E bikes

Happy Birthday Sharkie"

The mighty Shark Minion Nation can't wait to hear all about this trip and his 40 pound bike! Oh, the humanity!

Thanks Zyckmann!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

Saturday, October 6, 2018




Belo News
October 6, 2018

Shark Cove, Mi. - The radar is looking pretty bad for the next few hours so the Commissioner of Cycling had to cancel today's ride.

However, Sharkman got a birthday cake and doesn't want to eat it all himself, so there will be Kake and Koffee at the Klutch at 10 a.m. - SHARP!

Hopefully the Shark Minion Nation can stop by to help him eat all that cake!

Be there!

Tuesday, October 2, 2018


Hey, where are the Shark Minion Jerseys?






Belo News
September 29, 2018

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn was just thinking about breaking over the Shark Cove, Sharkman was thinking about how cold it was in the Cove. Though sharks are cold blooded, he was doubling up his Shark Bathrobe around his dorsal, fighting not to turn the furnace on. Sharkman hates to turn on the furnace before October 1 and though there was a film of ice on the commodes, he was not going to give in! Hey, it's not being cheap, it's being frugal!
Who is that guy with the beard?
Our own Brewman!

As he got dressed in his Shark Locker Room in the basement where it actually seemed warmer, he debated leg warmers. But since it was 39 degrees and well below his 45 degree limit, he chose tights and a thermal long sleeve under his Minion kit. He also wore his Bissell wind jacket instead of his rain/parachute safety jacket.

Though Yeti Boy had committed to ride, he had hosted the famous "Bread Lovers Party" the previous evening and Sharkman wasn't sure he would make the early call. But right at 7:30 a.m. - SHARP! Yeti was there, thankful for the extra half an hour of sleep.

They both commented on how amazing a half hour made on the daylight. And what a dawn it was!  Small patches of mist in the fields, the sun breaking over I-94 as the two crossed over on Renton Road, and the lack of any wind was just drop dead fantastic! Even though it was 39 degrees, the two felt blessed to be riding!

Just as Sharkman mentioned to Yeti Boy that he had been stopped by the train on Renton Road several times over the previous weeks training, they heard the whistle of an oncoming freight train!
In the 30 years of riding that road in the morning, Sharkman thought it was the first time he had been stopped by a train on the way to the ride!

They had no alternative than to wait and they guestimated the train to have been over a mile long!
Hossman was back in the fold!

They had been riding slow so as to not build up a sweat before arriving at the start, but now they were under the gun to get to the start on time! Oh, the humanity!

As they rode into town, they noticed Boatman riding in, as well as a number of Minions already at the start. It should be mentioned that Boatman was the only rider in shorts!

What a stud!

Brewman was back, sporting a beard, and High Yield, Rocketman, Hossman where unloading their steeds and asking how cold Sharkman's toes were on the ride over. Actually, though Sharkman was concerned he had over dressed, he felt pretty comfortable. The lack of wind really made a difference.

Gazelle Girl rode in to cheers of "Gazelle Girl" while Toesetter arrived a bit later with an unbraided beard. The veteran rider commented that after the "Bread Lovers Party" and getting home late, he just did not have the time to "do his beard."

Zyckmann rode in wearing his wool Molteni Jersey (Sharkman loves that jersey) having not read Belo News......again! But he did comment it was a warmer jersey than his Shark Minion Kit! Maid Marian filled out the field of 11 riders.

After the Official Start Photo and a warning about walnuts (it was actually the one year anniversary of the now infamous "walnut crash!") Sharkman clicked in and the Nation headed into town.
Zyckmann holding court in the cool morning air!

Just as the Nation pulled out of the station, Ironman rode up IN HIS SHARK MINION KIT, making an even 12 on the cold but clear morning! It was less than the fact Ironman didn't read the blog than it was his last Minion Road Ride........Oh, the humanity!

The train was stopped by the light as the Early Morning Koffee Group waved at them while the barista took a count.

Sharkman and High Yield led the Nation north on 36th Street before Gazelle Girl and Maid Marian came forward to pull. It was an early indicator of what would come at the finish!

Sharkman, feeling a bit sluggish, took the first sprint at only about 20.5 mph, but took it none the less.

The Nation seemed to settle in to a steady, even pace as they cleared the col de Twin Lakes and on past the Yorkville Church. As has become custom, the Nation picked up speed in the Kountry Klub section and after a brief "sit up" after the turn to the sprint, the Nation came back together as Zyckmann made his now "patented" move to the outside to break up the sprinters! The riders could hear Zyckmann's squeaking woody as he torqued the pedals and termites fell like just so much rabble on the road.  As the finish loomed, Zyckman reigned in the woody as the peloton caught and passed the breakaway rider as he splintered from the pack.
Boatman sans leg warmers or tights!
What a stud!

The group continued on up the col de Norte and into the Holy Rollers, past the feed stop and into the Inlet where a number of fans were walking their dogs and waving to the peloton. Sharkman thanked all of them for coming out to see the Nation!

After the Digital Divide, which seems to get harder to cross each week with all the traffic, Yeti, whose shoe cleat was coming loose, and Sharkman tried to get the Nation into a pace line.

Though not perfect, and a bit "yo-yoey" the Nation began to form up at around 21-23 mph as they bore down on the coveted GGG Spot Sprint.

Learning Moment - remember, the idea of a pace line it to keep all the riders on. As a rider comes to the front, they should maintain a steady speed and not bolt out of the pace line. A lead rider can take the pace up SLOWLY, but blasting out of the pace line only blows riders off the back. Easy peasy lemon squeasy!

Gazelle Girl settled in about 4 or 5 riders back and then timed her finishing sprint perfectly as she took, yet another, GGG Spot Sprint! It was a victory for America.

Sharkman took the Nation up 37th Street and was quickly joined by Yeti Boy, and Hossman who moved to the front.

It was good to have Hossman, the perennial rabbit, back in the peloton to break up the crowd!

Shortly after, Ironman, again throwing himself on his sword, came up from the back and took the lead and a very long pull.
Toesetter with an unbraided beard!

As the Nation made the final ascent before the finish, Boatman took a flyer, or he too was throwing himself on his sword, and made a huge break to the front that few could respond to.

The Nation began to reel the leaders in as they gassed out and High Yield went to the front with Boatman, Sharkman and Rocketman on her wheel but losing ground.

Just as the finished loomed ahead, Maid Marian shot off of Sharkman's wheel and barreled down to take the final sprint at the tape, ahead of High Yield, who took second, with Rocketman in third!

The woman ruled the Nation on this day!

It was a victory for America!

The Nation zipped up their jersey's as they headed down the Champs le Galesburg as the paparazzi and tofosi cheered their hero's on!

When the Nation arrived at the Klutch, Sharkman had to help Yeti Boy out of his right shoe, as the cleat had come so lose, he could not clip out. It was then that they realized that the shoe cleat had lost 2 of the 3 bolts and could not be removed. Yeti would have to finish the ride with a loose cleat......and he did!

Since this was Ironman's last Minion road ride before moving out to Provo, Utah, he bought the koffee! Is this a great country or what?!?

The Nation will miss their Ironman who was a perennial winner in more ways than just taking the final sprint. Ironman has always put the Nation first and that is what being a Minion is all about! Thanks Ironman for being a great Minion!
A toast to Ironman!
You will be missed!

The koffee flowed as Gazelle Girl passed out the 30th Anniversary Kit!

Minions won't want to miss this Saturday's ride as the new 30th Anniversary Kit is debuted!

And let us not forget all the design work that went into this stunning jersey and shorts! Big thanks to Gazelle Girl and Zyckmann for all their efforts and a special shout out to Gazelle Girl for coordinating all of this! Never an easy task when you have Minions in the mix, but she makes it look so darn easy! Thanks!

And it will also be Sharkman's Birthday! Who doesn't remember Sharkman's 60th Birthday ride and how about the "Sharkman goes on Medicare!" Ride just 4 years ago! Oh, the humanity!

This isn't the big one yet, but the old Shark is getting close!

So come on out! The Koffee will be on the Sharkman and that doesn't happen often! Oh, the humanity!

Saturday, October 6, 2018!

30th Anniversary Kit  and Sharkman Birthday Ride!

Launch Time - 8:30 a.m. - SHARP!



Belo News
Gazelle Girls Entourage!
Nut Job, Toesetter and Padre!
September 30, 2018

Hastings, Mi. - Gazelle Girl, Toesetter, Padre and Lansing-based Minion, Nut Job, converged on the damp gravel roads of Barry County on a gray Sunday to ride the famed Barry-Roubaix course. Stryker guy was a go, then a no go, as he wound up with family coming in for a visit.

Turkey Vulture!
After panting up the first few hills behind Nut Job and Padre - who were chatting like a couple of gal pals at lunch - Gazelle Girl gave note to her keen instinct and decided to do the 22 mile course whilst the men took on 36.

Other than a stand off with two HUGE turkey vultures that didn't want to leave sight of their rotting ground hog in the middle of the road, Gazelle Girl's ride was pleasant and uneventful. The scenery out there sure is pretty when one has time to look around.

The best thing about the Barry-Roubaix is its proximity to The Walldorff. The men finished up just as a warm, dry and face-washed GG was draining her first beer. Perfect timing. Is this a great country or what?

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.