Thursday, September 28, 2017


The mighty Shark Minion Nation ready to ride!











Belo News
September 23, 2017

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke sweltering and bright over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, had no problem picking out his kit for the day. Something white to reflect the heat, was certainly in order!
Wildman returns to the Nation!

After at least 6 weeks of wearing either arm warmers or a jacket or both for the KK-TdG, our hero was looking for something light and cool. The temps were predicted to hit the mid 90's, as they had the day before, and the old Shark wanted to make sure he kept his shark skin as cool as possible!

Only Reb had commented to the affirmative on riding on Friday, so the Shark was sure of only one thing.....that Mad Dog would not be there.

Where are you Mad Dog? Come back? All is forgiven?

As the shark garage door opened he saw 3 riders approach. It was none other than Nikeboy, fresh back from Italy, but suffering with a travel cold, X-Rod and Charles the Elder, who hadn't ridden with the Nation in at least a couple years! Welcome back, Charles the Elder!

As they began the ride over, they came across Reb and the four made quick work of the ride into Galesburg!
The "Sweetheart of the Peloton"
arrives to a cheer of "Gazelle Girl!"

At the start, there were actually a few riders, which hadn't been the case the past couple of weeks. 10-4 and Brewman were there as the riders started piling in. There were enough riders that the Editors did not need to remember everyone who rode!

But one rider that does need to be mentioned is Wildman! Yes, Wildman is off the DL list and riding sans cast on his arm. The legendary rider was back from his broken arm in record breaking time and rode like the stud he is! Welcome back Wildman, the Nation missed you!

The Sweetheart of the Peloton rode in to a huge shout out of "Gazelle Girl!" .....well, because there were a actually number of riders there AND they actually noticed her riding in!

Zyckmann returned wearing his Michigan Jersey and though he denied it, it was suspected he was a week or two behind in his Belo News reading and thought it was College Game Day! He was, however, informed the Michigan did not win on the day.......

10-4 was back in the mix after a long hiatus and Bull Dog had also returned.

10-4 was back and kicked

Sharkman counted 17 as the Nation lined up at the start, but 2 dropped off as the Nation passed the Klutch and at least 3 joined on as the Nation headed north, like Hutch, PJ, Stingray and Ironman.

All in all, it seemed like a count of 21 excluding the two that would join the Nation in the Klutch post ride. More on that later!
Wrong week on the Michigan kit,

Andrew popped out of the Klutch for the count as the Nation went by and Shark mentioned there could be more ahead.

As they headed north, Rocket Man, Gazelle Girl and Ironman lead the diminutive hero, Sharkman, before Ironman took off to lead him to a 22.5 mph speed to take his honorary sprint.

Sharkman confirmed the count at 17 when the Nation crossed G Ave., but more riders jumped on!

After the col de Twin Lakes and the Yorkville Church, an informal pace line formed up and just as Sharkman heard someone shout "HOLE!? he hit it.

Sharkman's water bottle, the one on his seat post, shot straight up in the air, hitting him on the shoulder and flying back into the peloton.
Nikeboy back from his tour
of Italy!

Sharkman was afraid to slow because he was up front, as the bottle flew back into the peloton.

Luckily, no one was hit, but the Nation kept going as Sharkman went back to retrieve his errant bottle rocket.

After a while, he found it under leaves on the other side of the street! That was one honker pot hole! Actually, Sharkman commented that he heard voices coming from the pot hole and thought he saw a family in there holding up a sign asking for help to get out. However, at Sharkman's advanced age, he completely forgot about them by the time he got to the Klutch. But he did remember that only one rider waited for the ride leader and that was Reb!

Padre was also back!

Thank you Reb! You are the man!

Not only did Reb wait, but he took the majority of the pulls to get Sharkman back to the peloton! After a while they caught on with Charles the Elder, who had gotten up at 5 a.m. to run 5 miles before riding over the the start with Sharkman, who then latched on as the three riders caught back on at the Rt. 43 sprint.

After Sharkman gave the Nation a dressing down for leaving their intrepid hero behind, the ride headed up the col de Norte and on to the holy rollers were Sharkman found himself near the front after the hill climb he loves to hate and hearing Reb telling him to go for it, he took off to get the Feed Zone sprint! Sharkman was feeling good!

The Nation moved on past the Digital Divide where a very nice, fast pace line formed up. Not like the previous week, this pace line moved along at between 22-24 mph and just kept rolling to get Gazelle Girl to her coveted GGG Spot Sprint! It was again, a victory for America!

As the Nation headed to the final sprint, the pace line picked up but at a slow pace until Reb made a a very early attack. Throwing himself on his sword, he went out early and took the pace up and stretched out the peloton! Thanks Reb!

The Nation let him go for a while, but then seemed to get a bit nervous and scrambled to track him down.
X-Rod was back in the mix!

After reeling him in at the final ascent, the nation all went for it to the down hill finish.

Ironman and O.K.C. fought it out with Ironman taking the tape in a close one. 10-4 took the third spot on the stand which Belo News believes is his first podium finish! Congratulations to all three!

The Nation went wild on the Champs le Galesburg as the riders waved to their fans, the paparazzi and tofosi!

The Klutch was rocking as Skittles and Echo walked in. When asked where they were they reported that they had been at the start for an 8:00 a.m. launch! Sharkman reminded him that not only had the start time been moved up two weeks previously, but that he was featured in one of the Belo News editions, WHERE THE NEW START TIME WAS ANNOUNCED!

Charles the Elder was back!

But Sharkman, being the benevolent leader he is, forgave Skittles and then allowed him to pull his sorry dorsal back to the Cove! Thanks Skittles and Echo!

The season is winding down, but there is still a couple of weeks or rode riding left, so come on out and join the Nation!

This Saturday, another College Game Day!

Since so many missed the last one, get the college kit out and ride! Zyckmann, you can wear your UCLA Jersey!

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Launch Time - 8:30 a.m. - SHARP! (pay attention Skittles & Echo!)

Be there!

Zyckmann trying to convince Boatman and Brewman
that Michigan won College Game Day.....
Oh, the humanity!
Wildman was BACK and all
is well in the realm!



Belo News
September 28, 2017

Kalamazoo, Mi. - Have you put your RSVP in yet?
Well, if you haven't yet, just come on down! 

Don't you want to be one of "the in people?"

As is usual for the Nation, we've had a lot of last minute RSVPs for this great event. 

Do you like Gazelle Sports? Do you like getting a deal? Well this is for you, Bunkie!

Gazelle Sports is hosting the first, ever, Shark Minion Night this Thursday, September 28 from 5-8 at Gazelle Sports on Burdick in Kalamazoo. 

There will be food and drink (beer, hard cider, wine, pop and some appetizers). Minions will receive a discount on anything they purchase that evening.  Our own Nikeboy has been working with Gazelle Sports on the event and he will be inviting others.  

There is a rumor that the Nation will migrate from Gazelle Sports some time around 7:30-8:00 p.m. down to Central City Tap House for a nightcap!

Right now the guest list is looking like the royals of Miniondom!  Sharkman and Lava Girl, Mr. and Mrs. Yeti Boy, Gazelle Girl, Widlman, the list goes on! 

Anyone who is anyone in the cycling world will be there! Be part of the "in" crowd! Well, as much as being a Minion can be "in" anyway!

Oh, the humanity! This is a great country!


Belo News
Sharkman, Zyckmann, Brewman, Rocket Man &
Gazelle Girl, ready to ride!
September 26, 2017

Zyckmann Estate, Mi. - On a hot and sunny but beautiful day, the mighty Shark Minion Retired Nation met at the palatial Zyckmann Estate for what has become a bi-annual event. The Retiree's Lunch Ride was on and it also proved that you don't have to be retired to ride it! Actually, the only fully retired buy was Sharkman hizzelf! It is a job he is quite good at and who knew he would be so damn good at it?!? Is this a great country or what?!?

Gazelle Girl (who is still doing some graphic design), Zyckmann (still doctoring 3 or more days a week), Brewman (who is still fully employed with a lot of vacation days!) and new minion Rocket Man (who is fully, but self employed) joined for the ride.

Launching from the Zyckmann Estate at 10:05 a.m. - SHARP! the five riders ripped it and actually averaged 19 mph on the way up to Hastings and their goal, the Walldorf, for beer and lunch! This ride, which is usually more leisurely, but everyone was feeling so good and there was a slight tail wind, that they just had a great ride!

The Coban and Stout flowed like a river as the five sat and ordered their lunches. They had built up quite an appetite and the choices were great! So great, everyone but Sharkman and Zyckmann kept changing their minds on what they wanted!

As the riders left the Walldorf with wishes of luck on the ride home from their many fans sitting at the bar, the heat hit them like a wet rag to the face as they walked out the door!

Luckily, new Shark Minion Rocket Man had refrained from the Coban and Stout as a "designated driver" and did a massive pull for 10 miles that got the Nation half way back to the Zyckmann Estate!

Riders then took turns at the front and though the ride back was a bit slower (17.6 mph) the Nation had a fantastic time!


Belo News
September, 26, 2017

Galesburg, Mi. - As a veteran of one of the Nation's biggest crashes in many a year, Wildman offered to share a couple of observations after coming back from a broken arm. This is important, Minions, so listen up and learn!

Last Saturday, I had my first ride back from being on the DL for around 10 weeks. Man, was it great to be back on the bike and spending time with an awesome group of people! Despite being out of fighting form, I got a lot of encouragement from the Minions. So I want to say thanks to all for that.

I noticed Saturday a lot of riding three- and even four-abreast. I know we have skilled riders in our group, in fact I'd say some of the best there are. But riding more than two-abreast increases both the likelihood of bikes touching, and the impact should bikes touch (more people go down). I've also noticed that people aren't pointing out potholes like they used to. It just seems as if we've gotten a little lax.

Believe me, I don't want to be "THAT GUY," who's always ranting about safety during the rides, and I don't intend to start ranting during the rides. I'm not a perfect rider, and this is supposed to be fun, after all. I would like to see all of us looking out for each other by riding safely, and if each of us can occasionally take the initiative say something when we do notice unsafe practices, then none of us has to be "THAT GUY (or GIRL)." And we'll all be safe. I know I don't mind it when someone shouts out to the group for safety reasons. I think most feel the same. We all should feel confident that we'll return home in the same or better condition than that in which we arrived.

Thanks for listening, and all hail Sharkman and his Minion Nation!


Belo News
September 26, 2017

Portage Mi. - That legend of the peloton, Hoosier Boy, sent the following message to the Nation, so listen up!

Hoosier Boy has been hit and miss this year on Saturday mornings as I tried to figure out what was causing anemia (low iron levels) first diagnosed in February.  Ultimately, my health issues impacted my ability to keep up with the B and C group so I have been on sabbatical for a month or so while the docs did more testing.  Last week the docs finally discovered the cause of the anemia. I have b cell lymphoma in my small intestine.  I’ll be starting a six month chemo regime in a week or so.  

Prognosis is good so hope to be back on the bike (did anyone say D group) in the spring.

Get well soon, Hoosier Boy! The mighty Minion Nation awaits your return in the Spring and you are in our thoughts and prayers! Holding a place in the peloton for you!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017


Even Easty's neon yellow knee warmers were on fire!







Belo News
September 16, 2017

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke bright, and not as cool, over the Shark Cove, we find our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, ready to ride! After all, he had an extra half hour to sleep and to get ready as the start time had been moved back a bit earlier this year due to the cold Saturday's and loss of light!

Clothes selection was much easier on this fine morning and the Sharkman only needed some arm warmers to compliment his kit for the day.

Yeti Boy was ready as the old Shark launched from the Cove (no Mad Dog.....what in the hell happened to Mad Dog?).

The two riders picked up the flashing light of Reb as he met them on Watkins for the ride over to the start.

Once again, there was no one at the start as the three riders approached the front parking lot of the school.

However, Easty pulled in, as well as Rocket Man and Chad, now known as S.O.S.

A few minutes later, Gazelle Girl came sliding in to a very small, "Gazelle Girl!" Well, there weren't many Minions there! Where is everyone?!?

She was sporting a new "sticker" that Toesetter got for her and mounted on her bike without her even knowing. What a sweetheart, that Toesetter, she thought! Well, until she saw what it said......see photo below.

Broman returned to the peloton after a long hiatus and was ready to ride.

Stroker pulled in a short time later filling out the starting group.
Gazelle Girls butt, oh and the new name
for her bike courtesy of Tows Setter!

After a few photos and autographs, the Nation pulled out of the station at exactly 8:30 a.m. - SHARP!

On their way to the Klutch they picked up Greyhound and then at the Klutch, PJ, Broman's bro, jumped on making it 11 riders on the day.

Reb and Gazelle Girl pulled our intrepid hero until Rocket Man came around and gave him a wheel and a lead out to the first sprint. Sharkman took it at a scorching 22.5 mph! Whoa, what did he have for breakfast!?! He did comment it was the great lead out he got from Reb, Gazelle Girl and Rocket Man.

The ride was very mellow, but fast paced none the less. Yeti Boy and S.O.S. fought out the Col de Twin lakes climb and the pace really picked up in the Kountry Klub section.
Easty sporting his neon yellow
knee warmers. And they
were hot!

Easty, who was sporting his neon yellow knee warmers again, was particularly spunky and took some major pulls from Kellogg Korner to the Kountry Klub and throughout the morning.

As the Nation steamed to the Rt. 43 sprint, Sharkman was near the front when Easty went by and shouted out, "jump on Sharkman, we'll get you the sprint!"

Sharkman responded that he would do the best he could as he grabbed the wheel and dug deep.

Easty was on fire and led our hero out to take the sprint with Yeti Boy nipping at his tail! It was a victory for America and for Easty!

The Nation rode through the Col de Norte, the Holy Rollers and on to the Inlet before gathering up for the Digital Divide crossing and the subsequent pace line.

As all are aware, and for whatever reason, the Nation has always formed up a pace line after the Digital Divide. How this got started has been a mystery, but has seemed not only to have become a tradition, but a great way to work on team work, speed and pace line in general. Sometimes it works and sometimes.....well it just doesn't. On this gloriously sunny and beautiful day, on smooth pavement and under a tunnel of trees, well, it just didn't seem to work until the very end. Riders kept picking up speed, rather than keeping it steady, did not seem to want to slow down in the peel off lane, and generally much slower than normal.
Broman returns!

However, as the Nation reached the curve before the finish, East, a perennial leader on the day, shot out to take Gazelle Girl to capture her coveted GGG Spot Spring easily! Another victory for America and for Easty. The man was smoking in those neon yellow knee warmers!

For the second week in a row, the mighty Minion train moved slowly to the finish. Sharkman, getting concerned about how bunched up it was, went to the front and started to pull as best he could.

Reb came up and took over for a while and then Sharkman again. Where was everyone?

As the Nation crested the final ascent to the finish, a cast of thousands, well more like 9 since Broman and PJ had dropped off, insuring everyone a top ten finish, came around Reb and Sharkman.

It was a fight to the finish as Stroker came out of no where to nip S.O.S. with none other than Easty taking the third spot on the podium! Did we mention Easty was on fire?

It was another victory for America and for Easty! Oh, the humanity! Sharkman took 4th, which usually does not get reported, but hey, it is our intrepid hero, right?
Not sure what Yeti Boy was
talking about, but the discussion
was intense!

The crowds went wild on the Champs le Galesburg as the hero's zipped up their jersey's for the sponsors.

When they arrived at the Klutch, Dreamboat was waiting and had bought koffee for the Nation! Is this a great country or what!?! Thanks Dreamboat!!!

Dreamboat is being transferred to southern California for Kellogg (tough work if you can find it, eh?) and it was his last Saturday in the Nation. He had intended to get up to ride, but couldn't get his sorry young butt out of bed! Oh, the humanity! But he did make it to the Klutch and he will be missed. Particularly by the Klutch, who loved feeding him pancakes, which he put down like nobody's business!

Gazelle Girl debuted a new book that she and Toe Setter had been collaborating on after a conversation he had with our own Wishbone. Apparently, Toesetter makes his own lunches and does so by having a propensity to make "wad" lunches of mac'n cheese, canned vegetables, ground meat and various other items....a big bowl of "stuff" that is quick and offers copious leftovers. Wishbone exclaimed to Toesetter, "You should write a Cookbook!" and "walla!" there is one now!

Gazelle Girl was signing books when Toesetter arrived! (See photos of the cover jacket below).

Everyone stayed a bit longer than normal, as it hard to say goodby to Dreamboat. But Sharkman said he wouldn't say goodby, but hope to see you again soon! The Nation will hold a spot in the peloton for Dreamboat! Good luck in the new role and we look forward to seeing you again soon!

So, what about this Saturday?!?

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Launch Time - 8:30 a.m. - SHARP!

Be there!

E' Big Wad Cookbook!

Another great Saturday in the Nation!



Belo News
September 20, 2017

Kalamazoo, Mi. - Have you put your RSVP in yet? What are you waiting for Bunkie! Don't you want to be one of "the in people?"

Do you like Gazelle Sports? Do you like getting a deal? Well this is for you, Bunkie!

Gazelle Sports is planning a Shark Minion Night on Thursday, September 28 from 5-8 at Gazelle Sports on Burdick in Kalamazoo. There will be food and drink (beer, hard cider, wine, pop and some appetizers). Minions will receive a discount on anything they purchase that evening.  Our own Nikeboy has been working with Gazelle Sports on the event and he will be inviting others.  

There is a rumor that the Nation will migrate from Gazelle Sports some time around 7:30-8:00 p.m. down to Central City Tap House for a nightcap!

Right now the guest list is looking like the royals of Miniondom so don't wait, get your reservation in NOW! Sharkman and Lava Girl, Mr. and Mrs. Yeti Boy, Gazelle Girl, and more! Don't wait! 

Anyone who is anyone in the cycling world will be there! Be part of the "in" crowd! Well, as much as being a Minion can be "in" anyway!

Previously, RSVP's were supposed to go only to Nikeboy who had to set a date of 9/1 due to his travel. 

However, Gazelle Girl has volunteered to take reservations up until 9/25! Is this a great country or what?!?

But don't wait! 

Oh, the humanity! This is a great country!

Get your reservations in to Gazelle Girl ASAP at 

So get those RSVP's in to Gazelle Girl ASAP, Bunkie!



Belo News
September 23, 2017
Yeti Boy's famous brick fired oven!
Oh, the humanity!

Breadman Estate, Mi. - In some circles Yeti is known as The Bread Man.  Over 7 years ago he built an outdoor wood fired oven and has been cranking out Aritsan Bread and Pizzas for friends and neighbors.  Once a year he and Nancy host a giant party in his yard to celebrate the coming of Fat Tire season and a another year of successful baking.  Bread, cheese, meat, pizza and beer, yes beer, make up the menu.  This year an added attraction is BanJovi with the standard headliners.  This event is a fund raiser for the Calhoun County Trail Alliance.  Proceeds will go to fund maintenance on the trail.  All Minions and family are invited.  Bring nothing except an appetite and a check book!

   63 West Minges, Battle Creek, MI, September 23 4 pm.

Parking is tight, so get as close as you can, get your checkbook and come on in for the party!

You must RSVP and don't wait! Email Yeti Boy ASAP at and let him know you're coming:


Belo News
September 26, 2017

Zyckmann Estate, Mi. - It is time for another lunch! You don't have to be retired to take part, Bunkie!

Here are all the details! 

Be there!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017


Brewman in his MSU kit
 and Gazelle Girl at the start.



WAIT, .....WHAT?!?







Belo News
September 9, 2017

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke cold and bright over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, was again, scrambling for what to wear. Yes, it was going to be another cold ride over to the start. As a matter of fact, the Shark Thermometer read 43.5 as our hero pulled on his leg warmers, wind jacket, gloves, etc. etc etc......
Yeti Boy, not looking to happy
with the cold weather!

Yeti Boy pulled up and the two riders took off sans Mad Dog (where are you Mad Dog? The Nation awaits!) and Nikeboy, who is touring Italy for like the 100th time. It is believed he was Italian in a previous life. And not Reb. Ah, the Fall season when football starts and parents with kids have sports.

The ride to the start was uneventful, but a bit darkish indicating to Sharkman it might be time to move the start time back.

As the two riders got to the bridge, it had been closed once again, but the riders could not determine why and simply rode past the "Road Closed" signs.

As they approached the start, there were cars parked in the larger lot, but it seemed to be for a youth football game. There were no riders waiting!

Sharkman believes this was the first time that he could remember that there were no riders waiting at the start? What could it mean?

As the two were looking at the electronic sign near the stop light on the corner, Gazelle Girl snuck in behind them and got a very delayed, "Gazelle Girl!"

Shortly after, Brewman arrived, wearing his MSU kit. Kevin, aka O.K.C. (other Kevin Camp but working on a possible different MNTBD)), in his Custer Cyclery kit. Not a college, but could be the winner on the day.
Greyhound looking fast in his NMU
Wildcat's kit!

Sharkman was sporting his Badger kit, but it could not be seen under his jacket.

Then Greyhound arrived in his Northern Michigan kit. So far, a three way tie on College Game Day, but Sharkman would be happy to tie, knowing he would be the lone Badger in the group.

A few photographs were snapped and the crew pulled out of the station with five riders......

Shortly after launch, Hutch arrived sporting his Western Michigan kit under his jacket. So the standings at this point were Badgers, Spartans, Bronco's and Wildcats! A four way tie!

As the Nation entered the first stretch up 36th Street, Kid Doster jumped on and shortly later, Boatman, bringing the ride total to nine riders. Was there an event on this day or did the cold keep riders away?

Gazelle Girl "sorta" led our intrepid hero to the first sprint as they seemed to talk the entire way until the last hill when Sharkman darted out to a torrid speed of at least 18.5 mph to take the sprint, with O.K.C. coming up fast on his left.

Due to the size of the peloton and/or the cold, the peloton seemed to stick together and talk. Brewman took the next sprint and Sharkman was so far behind on the col de Twin Lakes, was unsure of who took the climb.
O.K.C. enjoying a Botttomless!

The Nation motored through the col de No Name, Yorkville Church, Kellogg Korner, and Kountry Klub section with their usual speed and came together after the turn after the Kountry Klub, finishing en mass at the Rt. 43 sprint.

The Nation continued to pick up speed as it rode single file on Rt. 43, up the col de Norte, where they stopped only momentarily, and on through the Holy Rollers to the Feed Stop.

Kid Doster and O.K.C. did a lot of pulling at the front and if there was a Custer Cyclery College, these guys would have won on the day!

However, at the Inlet Sprint, the old Shark was right behind the two and didn't think either was going to go for the sprint. So Sharkman made a move from the back and only O.K.C. responded. However, he seemed to let up just before the stop ahead and Sharkman pulled it out. O.K.C. later reported that he didn't know where the sprint finish was, however, Sharkman felt he was being the good Minion he seems to be and let the ole Shark take it.

The pace line formed up after the Digital Divide and though quick, seemed a bit "herky jerky" as the speed did not remain constant. The riders coming off the line didn't seem to want to slow down and the riders taking over were taking the speed up rather than keeping it steady. REMINDER (learning moment): for first time pace liners, the idea is to maintain a steady speed when you take over the front, not speed up. Also, when you hear the "clear" call simply move to the left and let up to drop back.  Additionally, when you are the last rider on the inside, it is proper etiquette to let the rider coming back know you are the last rider."
Boatman in his Bissell University kit.

The pace line did deliver Gazelle Girl to her GGG Spot Sprint finish. She did go a bit earlier than she might have anticipated, however, O.K.C. quickly went to the front to pull her ahead of the pack as she then came around to take the finish! Another victory for America!

As the Hutch and Kid Doster had dropped off after the GGG Spot Sprint and the number of riders dropped to seven, assuring Sharkman a top ten finish!

As he was commenting on this, the Nation crossed G Ave. and began the assault on the finish.

Sharkman and Greyhound went to the front to try to pick up the pace and Sharkman enjoyed the jet stream that is the Greyhound wake. As a matter of fact, as the Greyhound decided move to the left to allow people through, Sharkman shouted, "where you going?"

Yeti Boy was making a move to the right as the Nation started to move up.

As the Nation approached the final ascent to the downhill finish, Greyhound came back to the front (YES, though Sharkman) and put in a hell of a pull at the front.

About half way down the hill, Sharkman decided to make a move figuring the Nation would quickly follow, but no....wait, what? The Sharkman seemed to time his move perfectly (or at least in his mind he did) and no one came after him! Sharkman looked in his mirror and no one was on the chase!

Sharkman took the tape with Greyhound capturing the second step on the podium! Thanks Greyhound! It was a victory for America!

The crowds on the Champs le Galesburg went wild watching their hero, the Sharkman, zip up his Badger jersey, grinning from ear to ear!

Gazelle Girl was so happy for her hero that she threw down all the cash in her cutesy DOPE pouch - all $10 - and shouted, "Koffee for everyone!"

Yeti Boy wasn't sure $10 would be enough and threw more money in! Hell, everyone was feeling so good that when Andrew tried to bring change, it was turned down! You gotta love that mighty Minion Nation crowd! Oh, the humanity!
The Klutch was rocking!

The group, though small, hung out at the Klutch for three rounds of Bottomless before heading back out to a much warmer morning.

So, what will happen this week?!?

Come on out and find out! There are only a few weeks left and Saturday is looking pretty nice!

New Launch Time - New Launch Time - New Launch Time!

Saturday, September 16, 2017

New Launch Time - 8:30 a.m. - SHARP!

Be there!



Belo News
September 6, 2017

Kalamazoo, Mi. - Have you put your RSVP in yet? What are you waiting for Bunkie!

Do you like Gazelle Sports? Do you like getting a deal? Well this is for you, Bunkie!

Gazelle Sports is planning a Shark Minion Night on Thursday, September 28 from 5-8 at Gazelle Sports on Burdick in Kalamazoo. There will be food and drink (beer, hard cider, wine, pop and some appetizers). Minions will receive a discount on anything they purchase that evening.  Our own Nikeboy has been working with Gazelle Sports on the event and he will be inviting others.  

There is a rumor that the Nation will migrate from Gazelle Sports some time around 7:30-8:00 p.m. down to Central City Tap House for a nightcap!

Right now the guest list is looking like the royals of Miniondom so don't wait, get your reservation in NOW! Sharkman and Lava Girl, Mr. and Mrs. Yeti Boy, Gazelle Girl, and more! Don't wait! 

Anyone who is anyone in the cycling world will be there! Be part of the "in" crowd! Well, as much as being a Minion can be "in" anyway!

Previously, RSVP's were supposed to go only to Nikeboy who had to set a date of 9/1 due to his travel. 

However, Gazelle Girl has volunteered to take reservations up until 9/25! Is this a great country or what?!?

But don't wait! 

Oh, the humanity! This is a great country!

Get your reservations in to Gazelle Girl ASAP at 

So get those RSVP's in to Gazelle Girl ASAP, Bunkie!



Belo News
September 23, 2017
Yeti Boy's famous brick fired oven!
Oh, the humanity!

Breadman Estate, Mi. - In some circles Yeti is known as The Bread Man.  Over 7 years ago he built an outdoor wood fired oven and has been cranking out Aritsan Bread and Pizzas for friends and neighbors.  Once a year he and Nancy host a giant party in his yard to celebrate the coming of Fat Tire season and a another year of successful baking.  Bread, cheese, meat, pizza and beer, yes beer, make up the menu.  This year an added attraction is BanJovi with the standard headliners.  This event is a fund raiser for the Calhoun County Trail Alliance.  Proceeds will go to fund maintenance on the trail.  All Minions and family are invited.  Bring nothing except an appetite and a check book!

   63 West Minges, Battle Creek, MI, September 23 4 pm.

Parking is tight, so get as close as you can, get your checkbook and come on in for the party!

You must RSVP and don't wait! Email Yeti Boy ASAP at and let him know you're coming:


Belo News
September 13, 2017

Augusta, Mi. - Just in! Stingray reported the news all cyclist knew was coming!  The Fort Custer trails are now Bi-Directional and they will be changing on a daily basis. There is signage that explains the changes and what day each trail is set for riders to go in which direction.

This could take some getting use to, eh Bunkie!

Thanks Stingray and Hutch for the heads up!


Belo News
September 26, 2017

Zyckmann Estate, Mi. - It is time for another lunch! You don't have to be retired to take part, Bunkie!

Here are all the details! 

Be there!


Belo News
September 9, 2017
Skittles in action!
Tom Wolfe Reporting

Alma, Mi. - The Cyclocross Season finally kicked off this past Saturday with our own Skittles participating in the Avalon Pontoons Alma Grand Prix of Cyclocross (try to say that 10 time fast!).

Despite his Fourth Row Call-up, Skittles quickly moved up into the the top ten and eventually top five! Oh, the humanity!

Dicing his way through the many undulating small hills, a tricky 90° turn followed immediately by a 180° turn and many, many tight corners.

Ultimately the pride of the Minion Nation took his best result to date! 5th place in the Men's Expert Cat 3/4 Race! It was a victory for America!

Great job, Skittles! You did the Shark Nation proud! 

Skittles on the podium!



Belo News
Nikeboy and his valet! We'd hate to be carrying
Nikeboy's luggage around like that, eh?
Hope he left a nice tip!
September 13, 2017

Somewhere, Italy - For those in the Nation who are not friends with Nikeboy on Facebook or Instagram, we are please to report that he and Nike Girl are cruising their way through Italy as Belo News goes to press. Checking in today, the intrepid global legend reported that he was in Northern Italy and since Sunday, he has covered 124 miles with nearly 13,000 feet of climb! (Yes, Bunkie, you read that correctly!)

Nikeboy went on to state that "nothing is flat over here! Two more days of riding then home on Saturday!"

Thanks for the report Nikeboy and we await your return!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.