Tuesday, November 8, 2016


The mighty Minion Nation ready to rock!





Belo News
November 5, 2016

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke slowly, yet bright over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman rolled over, hit the snooze bar and went back to sleep! He would not be doing an early call on this fine morning, as it was the last day of the Minion Nation season known as In Lieu of Iceman Ride/Party and Sharkman was sleeping in after rocking the house at Bowman's the previous evening with Banjovi!
Sharkman attempts another "selfie"
and cuts out several Minions......

Sharkman could not believe the weather for this now annual event and was excited to get out to the Fort after getting his front tire back in working order and adjusting all his gears.
As he pulled into the Trail Head he spotted that legend of the peloton, Tow Truck, riding to the start, sporting that now famous beard as the sun beat down on him.

Minions were getting their steeds ready for the ride as Sharkman pulled in. In addition to Tow Truck, Gazelle Girl, Ranger Rick, Easty, Greyhound, Rainman, Stringray, and a late Dreamboat, Celebrity rider Mike Needam, one of the founding fathers (along with Gazelle Girl and daughter, MC Hammer) of the SWMMBA, now Southwest Chapter of MMBA, was joining the group as a virgin Minion! Gazelle Girl knows him as Daryl, so that is now his Minion name! Welcome to the mighty Minion Nation Daryl!Rainman and Dreamboat wanted to stretch it out so they headed out on their own while Sharkman led the group on a Red to Blue to Red route.
Celebrity Virgin Minion,
Daryl! Welcome to
the mighty Minion Nation Daryl!

The weather could not have been more beautiful with temps around 70 degrees, no wind and color everywhere.

The group hung together through the first part of the Red before heading over to the Blue. When the group completed the Blue, Ranger Rick led the group on an “illegal” return to the red for no other reason than he wanted to and the group was off again while Easty, who had something going later in the evening headed back to the Trail Head.

As the Nation got to the Amusement Park, Ranger Rick stated he was going to do a lap of the Green and would meet everyone at Players.

A quick buzz through the Amusement Park and a stop to hear how it got named by Gazelle Girl (Yes, you heard that right and Daryl confirmed it!) before the group headed into the final segment, the Crazy Beaver!

Tow Truck, Greyhound, Daryl and Stingray all had other engagements, so it was just Gazelle Girl and Sharkman enjoying a Bells and an Arcadia product before heading over to Players.
From Ranger Ricks Strava!

Sharkman, Lava Girl, Gazelle Girl, Toesetter, Dreamboat, Rainman, Ranger Rick and guest, Elizabeth, all made it to Players and Hossman and Mrs. Hossman also joined the group!

Sharkman was into the fun and after one 16 oz and then a 22 oz Pumpkin Ale, he was feeling no pain. He was quoted as saying..."Is thith a great country or whath?!?"

It was a fitting end to a fantastic Minion Season!

So, what's next, you ask?

Sharkman will be riding at the Ft. after Deer Season and until the snow gets too deep, then it he will be skiing! So watch for an occasional email on a Saturday ride. He will also be riding during the week so if you are retired, drop him an email and he will put you on the distribution for weekday rides.
The nation on the Red!

Have a great winter and a big thanks to the mighty Minion Nation for another fantastic season!

Pumpkin Ale? I'll have two!

Great dinner!

Did you say Pumpkin Ale?


Belo News
Reb at the finish!
November 5, 2016

Traverse City, MI. - In what can only be described as a beautiful day to go riding, more than a few Minions and friends of the Nation had a great time at the 26th Annual Iceman Cometh Mountain Bike Race. The weather, the track, and the Bell’s Porter were all perfect. With the start being shortened by a mile, and another hill deleted because of logging activity, most riders set personal best on a very fast course.

One minion was overheard saying that it was so nice that Nikeboy might even risk getting one of those fancy kits dirty, only to have another member of the Nation wonder if the Cornhusker had the “des pierres”, as the French say, to handle the Strava-verified downhill speeds of over 37mph while dealing with trees, fellow competitors, and the obligatory sand pits at the bottom of many of these challenges.

But for those who endured and survived the risks, it was a fairy tale day as many Minions and the friends of the Minions mingled through the campground, “borrowing” beverages from people who were more than happy to support the nation and keep the party going. While the phrase what “happens at Iceman, stays at Iceman,” is a good rule, it should be reported that the last bike to leave the bike corral, which at one point held thousands of carbon-fiber and alloy racing machines, belonged to a minion. Not only did Yeti Boy compete with the passion of a thousand suns, he celebrated equally as strong.

Nice job, Minions! You did the Nation proud!


Belo News
November 7, 2016
Yeti Boy ready for surgery!

Battle Creek, Mi. - In a cool down ride on Monday, Minion legend Yeti Boy was involved in a freak crash on his bike, causing him to fracture his hip bone!

On a beautiful fall day, Sharkman and Yeti Boy took off on their regular 25 mile training ride. Yeti Boy had just returned from Iceman where he turned in a phenomenal 2:02 time! He also had just returned from a 10 day mission trip to Guatemala where he was on a team that put 60 stoves into homes in Mayan villages. At the end of the ride, Sharkman split off to head back to the Cove and Yeti Boy had less than a half a mile to his house.

As he turned into his driveway, he skidded on some wet leaves and went down heavy on his right hip. He described the pain as “excrutiating” and could not get up. He actually had to call his wife on his cell phone to get help.

His wife immediately him to the emergency room were X-Rays indicated a fracture in his right hip.

The good news was that because he is in such great shape, he could have a plate and screws put in.

Belo News is pleased to report that he did fine in surgery and should be out of the hospital by this Friday. But it will be a long recovery. Let's all wish Yeti Boy a speedy recovery so he can get back into the peloton in the Spring!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.


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