Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Our hero with little Nina Duggan Moulton!




Belo News
March 11, 2015

Santa Fe, NM. - Belo News is pleased to announce the arrival of a new Sharklet to the mighty Minion Nation!

Lava Girl enjoying Nina in
the backyard in Santa Fe!
Nina Duggan Moulton was born to Sam and Nicole Moulton on Tuesday, February 24, 2015!

However, not without considerable drama but it all turned out very well!

Sharkman and Lava Girl had planned to leave for Santa Fe on February 28 (the day after the End of Winter Party) and arrive on March 1 to move into the condo they had rented for the month so they could be there for the arrival of their newest sharklet. Little Nina was due on March 17 (quite appropriate for our Irish Sharkman) but it was not to be. Nina, impatient much like her Grandpa Shark, decided to arrive on Tuesday, February 24, approximately 3 weeks early!

The Shark Cove went into Def Con 10 as Lava Girl was going to be there no matter what!

So Lava Girl flew out that day (some may remember that this was the day after the huge snow storm that ravaged the south and getting a flight out of town was next to impossible) and arrived in Santa Fe at 1:30 a.m. (3:30 a.m. on her body clock)!
Nina with her sister Lily and brother Beckett!

As our intrepid hero was driving her to the airport for the trip, Nicole called to say that Nina had arrived and was doing fine! Turns out there were no rooms at the hospital, so little Nina, 5.5 pounds, was born in a side room in a make shift delivery room! 

What a trooper!

Mother, daughter AND Grandma Shark are all doing very well!

Meanwhile, our intrepid hero left to drive to Santa Fe on Friday the day of the EOW Party and had to miss the gala event.

However, there were a number of the Nation in attendance at the party and they actually texted our hero after he had checked into a hotel in Elk City, Oklahoma for the night! Sharkman had to drive through a major snow storm to get to Santa Fe and found 8 inches of the white stuff all are familar with, waiting for him when he arrived to met his Nina. However, it all melted within 2 days and he has been riding in the 50s and 60s ever since! Is this a great country or what.

Sharkman riding La Tiarra with the Great Moultini!
Sharkman has also been able to get out and photograph early in the morning (yes, we know that is unlike our hero to get up before dawn) but has also spent a lot of time taking care of the older sharklets and have a great time! So fitting in activities has been a challenge, but our hero loves a challenge!

So that is why our intrepid hero missed the EOW Party, and what he has been up to the past week and a half!

Sharkman photographing at Diablo Canyon

The Nation at the EOW Party! Hey, what are they all drinking?

Where are you Sharkman? Is that coffee?
Yeti Boy and Rainman mugging for the


Belo News
March 11, 2015

Portage, Mi. - In late breaking news, Minion Kia Pet sent the attached information concerning a big Team Taylor Party this Friday at Latitude 42 in Portage, Michigan!

Read all about it here!

Did someone say 4:01 on Friday. This is a charity so near and dear to my heart that I had to share a special beer tapping this Friday at Latitude 42 Brewing Company. Come on out and meet the Team Taylor Team and learn more about the Tour de Team Taylor ride in June, Race for Wishes and the Make-A-Wish Michigan WAM 300 mile ride in July! Share this with friends and hope to see you all at Latitude 42! Thank you. Kevin Cleary

Has Spring actually sprung?? This week’s weather sure looks like it! So, with this great weather we have other fantastic news. We launch our first beer from our amazing partner Latitude 42 on Portage road!! Latitude 42 was recently awarded the Michigan Brewery of the Year by New York International Beer Competition!! Wow!!
Taylor’s Wish! a nice fresh, crisp golden ale infused with blood orange.
Friday, March, 13 4:01pm. Tapping. This is going to be better than a 5:01, so yes, it’s 4:01. Grab an early dinner too!
What a great way to celebrate spring and to create donations for Make A Wish. A portion of the proceeds from every pint of Taylor’s Wish will be donated to Make-A-Wish in Team Taylor’s name. If you can’t make it on Friday, don’t worry. Taylor’s Wish will be on tap at Latitude 42 for the next several weeks, so stop in when you can for a pint and/or for an amazing meal.
Support our sponsors who do such wonderful acts of kindness.
Join us for, Good People Doing Good Things.
It’s for the kids and families…


Belo News
Diablo Canyon, New Mexico!
March 11, 2015

Santa Fe, NM – From our intrepid hero's spring training and diaper changing camp, just a reminder that we are less than a month away from Opening Day!

Saturday April 4, 2015 will be the start of the mighty Minion Nation Season and no Minion worth his salt will want to miss this day, though it is realized it is Easter Weekend and Spring Break time, but the old Shark will be their to open the season!

Watch further editions of Belo News for start time, dependent on the weather!

Be there!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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