Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Bloody 'Ell 'Undred Nation!


Belo News Exclusive
August 17, 2013

Zickman Estate, Mi. - 
As dawn broke over the Triple Nasty Rancho the only thing louder than the screaming alarm clock was the sound of Gazelle Girl crying out “BLOODY ‘ELL!” as she leapt out of bed. This was the only encouragement Toe Setter needed to get his Saturday morning started earlier than usual, and soon the pair was washing down raisin bagels with steaming koffee whilst smearing on sunscreen and walking the dog. Do these two know how to multi-task or what?

Having already dropped off the party supplies and a vehicle at Zickman’s the previous evening, the

The entire Bloody 'Ell 'Undred cast!
duo donned their handsome BEU jerseys and set off on the gradual climb up to Zickman’s abode. (Oh, yes, they donned some bike shorts, too. C’mon. It’s not THAT great a country.)

Party Planners Gazelle Girl and Zickman with his brother, Tom Slick!
Zickman and his brother Tom (aka Tom Slick) - in from Park City - were up and dressed with their steeds at the ready… Zickman having generously passed on his coveted WOODY to his dear brother. How’s that for a bit of brotherly love? Wow.

Toe Setter assembled the bar and got the lounge music going whilst Gazelle Girl set out her special Bloody ‘ell ‘undred deviled eggs. And the guests proceeded to pour in…

Order of appearance is not germane to this listing, thus it has been ignored. In attendance were the already above mentioned Minions plus Bissell Boy, Boatman, B-Rod, Chico, Easty, Hoosier Boy, Polar Bear, Psychocross, Ranger Rick, Rollin (insert nickname here), Stryker Guy, Tow Truck, Wildman and Yeti Boy - who took the Nation by storm, making his entrance carrying two pans of STILL WARM cinnamon rolls that were OUT OF THIS WORLD! (And a fab accompaniment to the bloodies, if I do say so myself. And I also must say so myself: what are the chances that when one Minion needs to be called out in an alphabetical listing that Minion should happen to fall at the END of the list where a callout is best placed? Kismet!)
Boatman, Wildman, Toe Setter & Ranger Rick ready to rock!

Chico was THE MAN by hauling in a gigantic gallon of Absolut vodka via shopping bag aboard his bike. The vodka was Gazelle Girl’s suggestion when Chico inquired about contributing to the party, figuring some may like their bloody a bit stiffer than Toe Setter could muster. (This line of thinking should by no means be construed as relating to any domestic matters in the Gazelle Girl/Toe Setter household.)

After an hour of fellowship and a few photo snaps the group was off. Well, some of the group was off. A few kindly, patient folks stayed to watch Stryker Guy fiddle with some such on his bike. Gazelle Girl, for one, was just happy not to be standing in a pouring rain this time around.

No caption needed, eh Bunkie?
This early fissure appeared to set the tone for the first leg of the event as there would be many more fissures to come even after the lead group received a strong reminder via African proverb at the Doster Community Reformed Church. (See related photo.)

Ground rule for next year… Leave No Minion(s) Behind unless said Minion states, “Oh, go ahead without me. I’ll snag a shortcut.” This is a TOUR, replete with vodka and beer, and fun sights to see (although unlike the opportunistic Sharkman, we do not charge for viewing our route’s attractions). Expect a bit more leisurely pace than the regular Saturday A.M. Minion ride. And Leave No Minion Behind.

We, again, enjoyed great service from the folks at the Walldorff. And we, again, enjoyed the extreme generosity of two of our own, with Tow Truck picking up the lunch tab for a second year and Stryker Guy footing the beer tab. Need I even say it? Is this a great country or what? THANK YOU Tow Truck and Stryker Guy!

The ride back was far more “together” and chatty than the ride out. No big hurry this year as B-Rod had learned his lesson about trying to bend time and had not promised Mrs. B-Rod that he would be back for chores by 2 pm.
Tow Truck and Gazelle Girl!

Several Minions stretched out their well used legs on Zickman’s patio to enjoy yet more fellowship and a variety of beers from Zickman’s vast collection. We were delighted with a visit from the lovely Gwen, Wildman’s other half, who found Toe Setter’s bloodies to be just stiff enough.

We think all will agree, the Bloody ‘ell ‘undred jerseys were quite fetching in the brilliant sunlight. If you didn’t order one… well, you should. Contact Gazelle Girl Next order goes in September 9. $55. No change.

Thanks to all who came out for the BEU. Sharkman really needs to plan to stay home some time and join us.

Oh, and we should all get ourselves a Minion license plate!

Yours truly,
The mighty Nation on the road!

In front of the Waldorf
Tow Truck
Tow Truck as the Paparatzi! 
Gazelle Girl
Is Wildman a Wildman or what?

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