Thursday, May 29, 2008

Shark Minions!

Once again, the week has slipped away and the Old Shark has been either having too much fun over the weekend or working his dorsal fin off at work to get an Update out to you! As a matter of fact, I am just finishing up some work email while I watch the Stanley Cup/Pistons Play offs (what did we do before remote control-last channel function? Is this a great Country or what!?!).

One of the Minions is working on setting up a Shark Blog so we can all contribute to the news of the Peleton! More on that later when I find time to do an Extravaganza Update!

We had 15 bikes and 16 riders this past Saturday as the Z Train once again returned to the Peleton. Mr. and Mrs. Z rode in on their tandem with Mr. Z Train sporting a T shirt in 40 degree weather. What a stud! Or crazy.....whatever.....

It was the fastest pace of the season at 18.2 mph, much of which was due to the momentum the Z Train provided to the peleton. The old Shark actually found it quite warm riding behind the train!

We also had returning celebrity rider the Spanish Stallion, as well as the Unknown Kid. Even the Qman made an appearance! All the stars were out!

It was quite a turn out for yet another cold Saturday morning! If you haven't been out in a while we have a whole bunch of new riders!

Soooo.....You won't want to miss this Saturday, Bunkie!

Will the Z Train return? Will Z be bare chested if the temp is over 45 degrees?

Where has Boffo been? Was he shot on the north side of Battle Creek or has he run off with Dirtman? Inquiring minds NEED to know!

Will Airman continue to dominate the peleton while the lovely Cloud Girl covers the back of the pack?

Will Falcon bring more family members out to ride?

Be there and find out the answers to these and other mystery's of the Minion Peleton!

The forecast is for a low 53 degrees Friday night so we will keep the launch at 8:00 A.M. - SHARP! I'm thinking it might warm up by the July 4th weekend.....

Saturday - KK-TdG! - 8:00 A.M. Launch - SHARP!

Be there!


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