Thursday, November 3, 2022


It was a "Booootiful" Day at
the "Fort!"





Belo News

October 29, 2022

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke cool and foggy over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, was already sipping his morning brew and reading the paper. With an 8:30 pick up by his wingman, Yeti Boy, he was relaxing and savoring his final morning of the 2022 season. 

Yeti Boy was right on time and after loading up his Fat Bike, his gear and of course, and some beer, Sharkman was ready to rock. Reb had suggested that it might be a good idea to have adult beverages and he committed to delivering on it this day. However, Sharkman believes in the old Boy Scout credo, "Be prepared!" 

The mighty Shark Minion Nation,
patiently waiting!!!

The fog was dense as Yeti Boy drove to the start wondering where the road was. But the two were able to make it safely with time to spare.

They were suprised to see Brewman, as it had been a while and he was also tettering on Celebrity Rider status for the season with his late season disappearing act.

Then, to their surprise, they saw a rider that looked like, well....a skeleton rising out of the fog! As a matter of fact, not just a rider but FabioZ!!! There was a concern that he had taken too many X-Rays without taking cover but it was, in fact, a costume, complete with mask. Not only was he in costume but he intended to ride in that skeleton gitup!!! That is why this man is a legend of the peloton. The rider who rode the Iceman once without a seat and once with a camelback full of beer was now riding in full Halloween attire!!! Is this a great country or what?!?

The return of Brewman!

Also on hand was that other Legend of the peloton, Stryker Guy on his Trek Stache as Toesetter and Gazelle Girl pulled into the trailhead. Toesetter had brought an extra couple of bikes for Reb, who was late, to try out.

Finally, Reb arrived and he and Tosetter needed to put his pedals on the bike. What part of "SHARP"  does Reb or others (FabioZ) not understand!!!

Toesetter has become the main mechanic of the mighty Shark Minion Nation!!!

After the Start photo, along with the obligatory "selfie" start photo, Toesetter lead the Nation off to do the Red in reverse with Brewman, Stryker Guy and Sharkman taking up the rear.

Reb seemed to have adjustments to make on the test ride (or at least that is what he said) and stopped a couple of times making Sharkman have to stop on his Fat Bike and then walk it up a hill. Oh, the humanity!!!

But the ride went on and other than a couple of other stops for "adjustments" the pace was fairly quick and steady. 

As the Tsunami of riders cleared the Amusement Park and headed up the old "Freeway" section, the skeleton known as FabioZ pulled over with a flat tire. He shouted out to Stryker Guy and Sharkman to keep going and that he would walk in.

At the top of the hill, the group was waiting and when Tosetter heard of the problem, BAM! He was on it. Toesetter headed back to FabioZ and within a pretty short amount of time had the tire fixed and ready to go!! The man is a mechanical genious!!!

The group split up at  Grannies as some did the easiest, some the easier and others, the entire route with the "easiest riders" waiting for them at the split, where they regrouped.

The legend known as
Stryker Guy!!

It was another fantastic weather weekend and the trails were well used as riders were enjoying the warmer weather and beautiful color. The sun was so low in the sky it almost seemed as if the colors were being illuminated from the ground up!

After finishing the Red in reverse, Brewman had to drop off as the group decided to do the Sharkman Loop while Reb and Toesetter decide to do another bike change so that Reb could test another of Toe's bikes. Gazelle Girl led the  Shark Minions out on the SM Loop just wanting to stay ahead for Toesetter and Reb.

After getting back to the trailhead, all realized that Reb, the guy with the refreshments, was still out on the trail! Sharkman came to the rescue until Reb's return as the riders settled in for some post ride discussion. FabioZ was in rare form as he danced in his skeleton costume singing "the leg bone's connected to the knee bone...." while Stryker Guy pointed out how many ribs he had broken, many of them same ribs more than once, over the years due to football and biking. 

Toesetter gave a class on mountain bike geometry, as well as tire width.

Reb, late again.....

But something did seem to be missing. Reb commented that Fire talked of getting some donuts and coming out to celebrate the last Saturday morning ride of the year. 

Where were the donuts??? Subsequent investigative efforts by Belo News determined that shse had slept in again......oh, the humanity!!!

It was another fantastic Saturday at Fort Custer and a great finish to the regular season!!!

But we are not done yet!!! (See Next Story!!)

Gazelle Girl patiently waiting 
for Toe to finish up late 
Reb's test bike.

Gazelle and Skeletal FabioZ

We couldn't get enough of 
Skeletal FabioZ

Post ride discussions.....

Two legends awaiting Reb......

An adjustment stop! Look at the fog on the lake!

We don't know what this is?

"How many ribs did Stryker Guy break?
What's not in this photo?

Toesetter setting up Reb for
a test ride....again!

Obligatory Selfie!

What's taking so long?!?

Toe's Test service.
He charges more if you watch!

Reb finally ready to rock!

A little song, a little dance,
a little seltzer down your pants!!

"I'm hurrying!!!"

Drop dead beautiful morning!!

The man, the myth, the skeleton!!!

It was a fantastic morning!!!

What's taking so long!!???




Augusta, Mi. - The season may have ended, but not the riding!!!

It's time for the "In Lieu of Iceman Ride/Party!!!"

A few years back, when a number of the Shark Minions grew tired of the corporate change to Iceman, as well as a bad run at the infamous "Mudman," in 2015, the Nation decided to party instead of spending a ton of money to stand in line for tickets to stand in line again to buy beer.

So the ILOI Ride/Party began in 2016! Is this a great party or what!!!

So if you are not riding the Iceman on November 5, this event is for YOU!!!

Even if you don't mountain bike you can come to the party part of the ride!!!

Those Shark Minions who do ride mountain bikes will meet at the trailhead at 2 p.m. to ride the trails of Fort Custer.

Those Shark Minions who do not ride mountain bike are invited to join the riders, along with their "signifant others," after the mountain bike ride, at Players in Augusta at 4 p.m. for dinner and adult beverages. 

That's right, Bunkie! Bring your spouse, friend, whatever or come alone and celebrate another fantastic season of riding!!!

If the weather is not conducive for riding, each rider is on their own to determine if they want to ride. If the weather is "iffy" the decision may be made at the trailhead. 

Either way, the meet up at Players at 4 p.m. will still take place!!!

Unfortunately, Sharkman and Lava Girl will be out of town but the party goes on under the direction of that "Sweetheart of the Peloton," Gazelle Girl!!!

At press time, the forecast looked fantastic! However, if there are questions on the weather, you can contact Gazelle Girl. 

But the party happens regardless of the weather!!!

Be there!!!


Riders joining the Shark Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Shark Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.