Wednesday, April 22, 2020







Belo News
April 22, 2020

Shark Cove, Mi. - One of the great things about putting out Belo News, is the responses we get here in the news room, from Shark Minions all over the world!

Lava Girl & Sharkman enjoying the snow!
Belo News knew you need to see your
intrepid hero!
Not just the cycling world, but the entire world. After 31 seasons, Belo News subscribers are now all over the world with chapters in Durango, Colorado and San Diego (well, sort of) and Minions in the U.K. and New Zealand!

Is this a great country or what?!?

Or should we say a great world?!?

So it has been great to hear from so many of our faithful subscribers who reported in that they were doing fine during this quarantine time, but were also waiting for a return to a more normal life and for most, riding with the mighty Shark Minion Nation once again.

Sharkman had been able to ride periodically with his Wingman, Yeti Boy.

That is until a little over a week ago......

Yeti Boy, that force of nature, recently had a run in with an errant dog as he rode through Scotts, Michigan with Reb, Sharkman and Fire. The dog took out Yeti Boy's front wheel, causing him to crash on his previously injured right hip!

He was able to get up with help from Reb and Fire, and since the Cafe in Scotts was open, Sharkman did what Sharkman excell's. He went and got coffee for everyone while Yeti rested on the front steps of the Cafe.

Some readers may recall that Yeti had broken that hip 2 years ago and then, had fallen on it during last years Bloody 'Ell 'Undred. Yet being the "force of nature" that he is and not wanting to cause concern for Mrs. Yeti, nor wanting to go to a Covid19 ridden emergency room, he decided to try to ride.

He could pedal, mostly with one leg, so riders moved out towards Battle Creek, keep a close eye on the fallen hero. The group also picked up Hermster along the route, doing an easy 40-50 miles on this beautiful Saturday. Well, not so beautiful for our Yeti Boy!

During the ride back, Hermster shared that he had had a crash last fall, after the regular Shark Minion Season and broke his collar bone, but was back on the mend and crunching the miles so far this year. Hermster rode all the way back to Battle Creek before turning around to head back home.

Yeti Boy made it home safely (15 miles) on the bum hip and realized when he arrived that he could not put any weight on the leg. So he decided to wait until Monday to see how it felt before going to the doctor.

Though the pain did improve by Monday, he could still not put any weight on the leg, so he decided to go to the emerency room. He was pleased to learn from the X-Ray that there was no evidence of a break, but a CT Scan indicated that he had fractured the bone around the titanium bolt from his hip surgery repair a couple of years ago and though it did not need surgery, he will need to keep weight off of it for 4-6 weeks while it heals.

So he is now self medicating at home with liberal amounts of bourbon while the hip heals up.

Get well soon Yeti!

The mighty Shark Minion Nation awaits your return and can only hope that when your hip is healed, the Nation is actually riding together again and ready to ride!!!

Concerning Opening Day, it is still too early to make a determination of when to start the season, but hopefully, it won't be too long, so hang in their mighty Shark Minion Nation, hang in there!


Belo News
Where in the world are Mr. & Mrs. Pirate!!!
April 2, 2020

Dayton, OH. - After Belo News went out a few weeks ago, that legend of the Peloton, the Pirate, checked in with this report!

Take it away, Pirate!

Mrs. Pirate and I left the USA in August of 2019 for another adventure. First stop was 6 weeks exploing Eastern Europe through 11 Balkin Countries.

We then continued for 4 months traveling around New Zealand and actually ran into Dreamboat for a quick visit (Editors note - is it us, or does it seem Dreamboat is like, everywhere?).

We headed for Australia/Tasmania in February. While enjoying the wine region of Margaret River and the Indian Ocian that carzy COVID-19 pandemic hit the world. We decided to head home once we found out that evyeron was closing their borders.

After enduring a 40+ hour epic trip from Perth, Australia to Detroit, we finally landed in the US of A on Sunday night, March 28, 2020.

We are struggling to get our body clocks adjusted to this time zone!

We are self quarantined at my father in laws condo in Dayton (he is currently in rehab) so felt this was the best place to isolate for 2 weeks.

I did stop by our storage shed and picked up the most important item (our bikes) so your postponment allwed me to get back in the saddle again!

Once this pandemic is lifted, I'll be sure to head to back to the mighty Shark Minion Nation!

We look forward to seeing you again in the peloton, Pirate and thank for the story!!!


Belo News
April 19, 2020

Galesburg, Mi. - Being concerned as to how the holy mecca of Koffee was doing during the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic, Belo News checked in with the Nations favorite Barista, Andrews this past Saturday. Barista Boy gave the following report!

"Hey Sharkman. Mostly we are playing the waiting game with everyone else. Did some improvements, closed up all we could to save costs during this. Honestly thought we would be back by now. 😕 but know we are not going anywhere, just waiting with the rest of Michigan. I really appreciate you thinking of us. It will be good to see the minion nation again. Wishing the best for you and yours!"

- Barista Boy

Belo News reported back that the Nation would return, even if it was carry out and the Shark Minions had to sit in the grass behind the Klutch! Oh, the humanity!!! Hope to see you soon, Barista Boy!


Belo News
Finely is still growing and getting
ready to ride!!!

April 1, 2020

Gull Lake, Mi. - That legend of the peloton known as Stryker Guy reported back after the last edition of Belo News along with an updated photo of our newest Sharklet Minion, Finley!

Take it away, Stryker Guy!

The blog is a welcome site. I was thinking about it earlier today—it is almost riding season. Reading through blog was terrific as always. I’ve been getting in quite a few gravel rides with future Minion, Scott, owner of the Old Mill and new neighbor. 

Luke Skywalker, Bissel Boy and Eastie have joined in as well, trying to get into Minion riding shape. The other future Minion, Finley, is excited for the season to start, but isn’t sure she’s fully ready.  Probably would help if she could sit up on her own (I have that problem occasionally) first. Soon though!
Take care my friend. Can’t wait to see the Nation"

After a response from the Editors here at Belo News, he acknowledged that he was using some of the down time to learn to play the banjo! He said he wasn't sure he was learning, but it beat watching the news!!!

Oh, the humanity.....not the banjo! 

Sharkman told him he should have taken up the ukulele, as the ukulele player always get the girl!!! 

Is this a great country or what?!?

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Oh, the humanity!!!






Belo News
April 1, 2020

Shark Cove, MI. - As dawn breaks over the Shark Cove, we find our intrepid hero........ sleeping in, once again.

Being self quarantined, the old shark has lost all semblence of self discipline and has brought laziness to new levels. The Shark describes the Shark Cove as like being in Las Vegas......"losing money by the minute, cocktails acceptable at any time of day, and not knowing what day it is, let alone what time it is....." The man is in his bathrobe most of the day just "abiding dude!"

The old Shark was quoted as saying, "it is like being retired, on steroids!"

But we digress.......
Sharkman training in the foothills of the Sangre
de Cristo Mountains!

After driving out to Santa Fe for his annual Spring Training at altitude, and getting some great mileage in, the Coronavirus began to make itself known and things started shutting down across the country very quickly. His Sharklets school closed up until April 1 (and later, called off the rest of the school year!)!

With all the uncertainty, our intrepid hero decided it might be a good idea to head back to the Shark Cove early. So he and Lava Girl loaded up the Sharkmobile after only two weeks and headed back to the safety of the Shark Cove where they are now self quarantined.

As a result of the Govenor's "Stay Home" order,  Opening Day for the mighty Shark Minion Nation will be postponed until further notice.

Sharkman is riding, along with Yeti Boy, who also came back from his Spring Training in Mexico for he the same reasons (check story below).

Meanwhile, Belo News will continue to post any news that becomes available like the following stories from the world of cycling!

The mighty Shark Minion Nation will ride just has to be patient!


Belo News
Get a load of these legs!
Oh, the humanity!!!
March 11, 2020

San Miguel de Allende, Mexcio, - That legend of the peloton known as Yeti Boy, reported in from Spring Training in Mexico to state that the briars in the high mexican desert were particularly bad this year along his hallowed training ground.

Reporting only two flat tires during his shortened Spring Training, he did have to suffer major "briar burn" as he rode the high desert plains of North Central Mexico.

Quoted as stating "You pay to go off road here😬" the force of nature known as Yeti Boy sucked it up and just kept training until he was forced to come home due to the travel advisories.

Seen here, in this photo, he shows us his scars as he downs a bit of post ride tequilla. Is this a great country or what?!?

Belo News is pleased to report that Yeti is now home and rested up for the season that is yet to come!!!


Belo News
Dreamboat and Squeaky's brother Tom!
Squeaky had siblings! Who knew?
March 6, 2020

San Diego, CA. - Dreamboat, Belo News West Coast Reporter, checked in with an interesting story for the Nation!

Turns out he had been riding for some time with a guy who looked vageuly familiar (editors note - "vaguely?" Are you kidding us? They look like twins!) for almost 2 years.

Since they live close to each other, they rode home from a group ride and talked for a while before Dreamboat mentioned he was from Michigan. The familiar looking rider mentioned he had a brother who rides every Saturday around Gull Lake and the Minion connection was made. Is this a small country or what?!?

Introducing Tom, our own Squeaky's brother!

Yes, our "Style Guy," the Squeakster, has a bike riding brother out on the west coast! What a small world, eh, Bunkie!!! So the two have formed another Shark Minion Chapter in the San Diego area. Perhaps Zyckmann can link up with them as well!

Welcome to the mighty Shark Minion Nation Tom (name to be determined)!

The Nation will save a spot in the peloton for you if you get back to see your brother Squeaky!!!

And speaking of Shark Minion Chapters, Belo News and the mighty Shark Minion Nation want to wish a Happy Birthday to the President of the Mountain Chapter of the Minions, the Durango Kid! Wishing you a fantastic day!
The Durango Kid and his main squeeze,
the lovely Toni! Happy Birthday DK!


Belo News
March 31, 2020

San Diego, CA. - Where in the world is that legend of the peloton, Zyckmann, aka Fabio, Ziichmonn, Zychkmiin, ......whatever?

Since no one had heard from the famed rider, radiologist,  marathon runner, male model, whatever.....Belo News reached out to him to determine if he was back in the State, making his way to his Gull Lake Estate, or was hunkered down on the west coast.

Belo News found Zyckmann sheltered in place with lovely wife Marsha, and son Alex in his west coast lair known as Zyckmann's Estate, West.

He reported that his son Alex, who lives in New York, came out for a visit before the Coronavirus hit and before New York got locked down. Due to the lock down he stayed and why not enjoy the California sun until the virus crisis passes, eh?

Zyckmann reports he is getting his riding in, but is missing the rolling hills of that other "field of dreams" the Shark Nation knows as Fort Custer.

Safe travels back, Zyckmann! The Nation awaits your return to the peloton!!!