Wednesday, April 24, 2019



The mighty Shark Minion Nation came ready to rock!





Belo News
April 20, 2019

Galesburg, Mi.- As dawn broke bright and cold over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, bound from his shark bed and padded over to the shark port hole to look out at the street.

No rain!!!
Stryker Guy just off his HUGE
Barry-Roubaix ride!

The previous afternoon Sharkman had re-checked his weather app and it had been updated and was reporting rain for Opening Day!

Oh, the humanity!

He had emailed Gazelle Girl immediately to put her on point about the weather and she had responded late in the evening, probably wondering what all the fuss was about, as the sky's were clear and, well, beautiful!

Game on, Shark Minion Nation!

Sharkman obsessed over what to wear, as the wind chill at launch time was 31 degrees, but even more concerning were 15 mph winds, gusting to 29 mph, out of the north east!

Mad Dog was so excited about Opening Day, in a Mad Dog first, he was 15 minutes early to the Cove! Sharkman offered him to come in for some Shark Coffee, but he didn't want to warm up too much before getting back on the bike. Sharkman was relieved to see what Mad Dog was wearing, as the old Shark was worried about being over dressed! But both riders were pretty bundled up for their adventure......

"What did you do this winter, Gazelle
Girl?" asked Mad Dog!

The duo launched at 8 a.m. and actually had to air pedal to go slow, as the wind was pushing them quickly to the start and they did not want to stand around in the cold waiting for launch.

As they approached the Klutch in downtown Galesburg, the crowds were already begin to grow in anticipation of Opening Day! The riders also noticed an extremely tall rider coming out of the Koffee Klutch holding on to some koffee and maybe some pastries? He was in Road Kit and it looked like a Team Taylor Jacket. With that height, it had to be Greyhound and both riders assumed he was parked there and was going to ride to the start.

As the two rode on to the start, they found Zyckmann and Toast heading in the other direction. It turned out they were headed for the warmth of the Klutch and maybe some koffee. However, they turned back and took refuge from the wind at the front door of the school after they saw their hero.

Brewman was waiting in his car as the riders rode in and soon after Padre joined the group.

Gazelle Girl and her entourage of Toesetter, Stryker Guy and LK rolled up under the radar and didn't get a "Gazelle Girl" call until she had rolled to a stop.

Shortly after, PJ rolled in wearing riding shorts! Wait, what? Shorts! 31 degree windchill and 20 mph winds and PJ chose shorts?

Oh, yes he did!
PJ showed up in shorts!
Oh, the humanity!

But where was Greyhound? Riders reported that they thought they had seen his Tesla parked at the Kluch.....but no Greyhound?

Maybe he was waiting for the Nation to ride past the Klutch, where he could stay warm and just join on......

After presentations by a couple of State Senators, the Governor and the Mayor had given the key to the City to Sharkman, and Eddy Merckx awarded our hero one of his yellow jerseys the Nation was anxious.... Just another day in the life of our hero, the Sharkman........Yes, the Nation was ready to rock!

Sharkman made a few statements, including the fact he did not want to be given the first sprint AND that no sprint wins would be reported in April and part of May as riders got into shape and it was considered "Spring Season." Well, unless Sharkman wins a sprint. After all, it doesn't happen often and it IS all about the Sharkman......

Sharkman gave the call to start as the sound of pedals clicking in echoed throughout the school yard and the ones of fans, paparazzi and tofosi cheered the hero's on!  The train pulled out of the station at 9:00 a.m. - SHARP! (Sharkman loves it when a plan comes together!)

Is this a great country or what?!?
Sharkman still can't take a selfie....cut Toast right
out of the shot!

As the Nation rolled passed the Klutch, no Greyhound? What the........

Where in the world is Greyhound! Come back!

An APB was put out immediately!

The 11 Minions headed north into the hurricane force winds and as Toast was heard to say, "the Nation were all fighting for a spot at the BACK of the peloton!"

Sharkman went up and down the pace line, pressing the flesh and catching up with everyone like he was running for office.

LK took the front (always good to have a young rider to pull) and refused to take the sprint! Being the class act that he is, he signaled to Sharkman to latch on and quickly brought him to the front and then gently pulled aside to give the old Shark the first sprint!

The 31st Season was underway!

The wind was brutal as the Nation headed north! When Sharkman gave the "all clear" to cross G Ave. the wind and a wardrobe malfunction stopped half the peloton!

Zyckmann and LK spent a lot of time at the front and Zyckmann was so far out in front some thought he was being anti social! But he bought koffee and all was forgiven.

Styker Guy, just off of his 62 mile Barry-Roubaix run was also in mid season form, as he is in training to do the Continental Divide ride from Canada to Mexico, along with Easty in August. What are these guys drinking???

Sharkman was actually just behind Zyckmann and LK as they headed up the col de Norte, when he got blasted by that north wind and was actually pushed to the shoulder. The wind was brutal, but the nation would have it behind them on the way back to the Klutch!
Sharkman, celebrity koffee drinker Floyd and Toast!

As the Nation made the turn to the south, and the wind started to howl, the train started to really move! Pedaling became effortless as Zyckmann got even further out front!

After the Holy Rollers and the food stop, PJ mentioned major pot holes on the street the Nation usually uses, so they stayed on East Gull Lake Drives newly paved pave!

When the Nation arrived at the digital divide, Toast asked about the pace line and Sharkman went to the front to get it started. With the wind at their back, it was a "thing of beauty," as the riders took turns at the front and kept he pace at around 22-23 mph with some pretty easy pedaling. A major discussion began concerning why the Nation couldn't seem to create this thing of beauty, well, consistently.

No one had an answer, though Gazelle Girl weighed in that the Nation can only do a pace line clockwise.......

Sharkman stated it was because they are Minions!
More koffee, Minions?

As they approached the GGG Spot Sprint and with Gazelle Girl feeling comfortable, Zyckmann broke from the pack and began to lead the "Sweetheart of the Peloton" out to the sprint, which she took easily, to shouts of "It was a victory for America!"

The Shark Nation seemed so pleased with their pace line skills, they formed up another one as they headed down to the finish. The tailwind was a  delight and all loved how silent it got when the train got up to speeds above 20 mph.

The Nation played nice until they climbed the final ascent and then it became every Minion for themselves to the fast finish!

The paparazzi and tofosi went wild on the Champs le Galesburb as the riders zipped up their jerseys for the sponsors and waived to their adoring fans!

As mentioned, Zyckmann was quick on the draw to get his credit card out to buy Bottomless's for the Nation!

Thanks Zyckmann!

Zyckmann also bought a piece of pie and topped it off with some (well actually, a lot) of whipped cream! He did not provide any extra spoons. However, when you lead the pack all morning, in hurricane force winds, a rider does need to refuel! Right?....Right?......Right?

When you ride like Zyckmann did,
you can eat all you want!
A retired Kellogg employee and friend of both Sharkman and Toast by the name of Floyd was also there for the press conference where all the attention seemed to be on Zyckmann's podium finish at Barry-Roubaix, his upcoming London Marathon and that pie. And, of course, Stryker Guys upcoming Continental Divide Ride!

Sharkman and Mad Dog headed out into the wind for the return to the Cove and for lack of a better term, it was not a pretty ride but both riders made it home, finishing up their longest ride of the year!

What an Opening Day!

This is a great country!

You won't want to miss this weeks edition of the KK-Tour de Gull!

The forecast for the temperature is pretty close to this past week, so launch time will stay the same. It is hoped that the wind will not be as bad!

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Launch Time - 9:00 a.m. - SHARP! Be there!



Belo News
April 24, 2019

Shark Cove, Mi. - Hey Minions! Do you like donuts? Do you like riding gravel roads? Do you like team events? Do you like riding for a good cause?

Well, Team Taylor has something for you so listen up!

Iceman sent Belo News a message indicating that Tour de Taylor has morphed into something new and exciting... and it has the Nation written all over it.   Team Taylor has joined forces for a new event here in SW Michigan called the Dirty Donut race, so take it away, Iceman......... 

Ride Bikes, eat donuts, have fun on the safety of gravel roads.  Start finish  US 131 Dragway in Martin. Date June 9.

While this is a race, it is meant for everyone...and any kind of bike can work.  The more you eat, the more time is deducted.  Some of the Minion Nation could turn in a NEGATIVE time!!!  Oh the humanity!

There are a couple other donut races around the country and they get upwards of 3,000 racers, so we are hoping this grows into something ridiculously big and fun.

More info at

Proceeds still go to Make A Wish via Taylor G's Dirty Dozen Club.  So we still push money to that great cause.

What can you do?

Once the Nation has begun its routine,  could you post about the ride in your email blog and talk it up a bit in the peloton.


Belo News
July 13, 2019

Richland, Mi. - Mark your calendars for The Second Annual "Tour for Teens!" !

We were unable to post the flyer, but it has been sent out with the Shark Minion Update!

The ride that has a Metric Century and a Half Metric Century, as well as Quarter Metric Century is set for Saturday, July 13, 2019.

This was reported to be a great event last year and there is an earlier bird entry by April 30, 2019.

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019








Belo News
April, 17, 2019

Shark Cove, Mi. - That day that every Shark Minion waits for all winter is finally here!

That's right, Bunkie! With Spring in the air, it is time to say:

Opening Day is  here!

Is this a great country or what?!?

Any Shark Minion worth their salt (whatever that means?) will want to be there!

After the photo ops (no legitimate Shark Minions wants to miss the Opening Day Photo Op, right?), speeches by the Mayor of Galesburg, a couple of Senators and Congressman, Eddy Merckx and of course, our on intrepid hero, the Sharkman, the train will pull out of the station at 9:00 A.M. - SHARP!

For those Minions launching from the Shark Cove, that means our Sharkman will launch at 8 A.M. - Sharp!

Opening Day Is Here!

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Launch Time 9:00 A.M. - SHARP!

As Belo News goes to press, it appears that the weather will be cool and clear, but if there is any doubt, check your email and the blog for any update. Remember, the Shark Nation will ride in the rain, but will not START in the rain.....well, usually......

Be there!


Belo News

Zyckman on the podium....well, close!
April 13, 2019

Hastings, Mi. - The text, emails and photos started arriving in the News Room here at Belo News on Saturday afternoon! It was obvious that the mighty Shark Minion Nation had rocked Barry-Roubaix!

First in was a report for Field Correspondent Reb, including photographs, of the legend that is our own Zyckmann! The venerable Barry-Roubaix racer had finished 4th in the 60+ age group and was already celebrating with Reb, who had also completed the course! Nice job, Minions! You did the Nation proud!

Second up was a report from Field Correspondent Rainman, along with a photo of he, Steamboat and Iceman! Great ride, Minions!
Zyckmann and Field Correspondent, Reb!

Finally, a report from the legend of the peloton, Stryker Guy, who finished the 62 mile course on his mountain bike! He also reported, no photos!

"Wait, ....what?" Sharkman responded, to which the following photograph was submitted!

Quite fitting, Belo News thought, quite fitting!

Congratulations to all the Minions who rode!

See you all on Saturday!

Dreamboat, Rainman and Iceman at
Stryker Guy enjoying his BR Water Bottle!

Volunteers Wanted for KRVT Trail Connection Campaign!

Belo News
April 17, 2019
From the Sweetheart of the Peloton!

Triple Nasty Ranchero, Mi. - Gazelle Sports co-owner and former bossman to Gazelle Girl, Chris Crowell, is looking for people to help with the campaign to connect the Kalamazoo River Valley Trail from Galesburg to the Battle Creek Linear Park Trail. Volunteers would attend a few meetings, help identify and solicit donors, and participate in building community attention to the trail.

Any interested parties should call or email Gazelle Girl - 665-4555 /

If it’s easier for you to get your hands on money than it is to come up with time... you can donate to this cool cause here:

Thank you!!!


Belo News
July 13, 2019

Richland, Mi. - Mark your calendars for The Second Annual "Tour for Teens!" !

We were unable to post the flyer, but it has been sent out with the Shark Minion Update!

The ride that has a Metric Century and a Half Metric Century, as well as Quarter Metric Century is set for Saturday, July 13, 2019.

This was reported to be a great event last year and there is an earlier bird entry by April 30, 2019.

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.