Wednesday, March 20, 2019



Sharkman on the trails at La Tierra, New Mexico!



Belo News
March 19, 2019

Shark Cove, Mi. - So, is there going to be an Opening Day?

Where in the world is Sharkman!

Inquiring minds want to know and if the Nation is anything, it is inquiring!

What has our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, been up to this winter!
The Great Moultini and our hero in New Mexico!

Are there conflicts with travel, Melting Man, Barry Roubaix?!?

Oh, yes there are!

Our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, has been a busy shark!

Let's start with Sharkman's winter!

After spending 4 weeks in New Mexico for the holiday's, with a 5 day side trip to California, doing some fantastic mountain biking, Sharkman and Lava Girl returned to the Shark Cove in the early days of January to find very warm weather here in Michigan!

Sharkman loves winter and was very disappointed there was no snow!

But Sharkman tried to make the best of it!
Sharkman and Lava Girl in the mountains.

Being not only warm, but dry, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, and his wingman Yeti Boy got in some great fat tire riding out at the Fort until the snow finally arrived in Mid January!

Once the snow was here, the two indulged in snowshoeing and cross country skiing most days! Actually, they had a record number of miles on the both skis and snowshoes!

As mentioned, Sharkman loves winter so it wasn't enough from his perspective, so he and  Lava Girl headed up to the U.P. for a few days to snowshoe, photograph Snowy Owls and to do the hike to the Eben Ice Caves!

It was a fantastic 5 days and Sharkman is in love with the U.P.!

Lava Girl? Not so much......

Sharkman and Yeti Boy snowshoeing!

Is his a great country or what?!?

A week after returning home, the duo headed down to Cincinnati to see Hamilton with some friends!

This is a great country!

Then March hit and the old Shark wasn't ready for it! Normally he is out in Santa Fe and will be going later in May.

He was not happy about the rain, freeze, slush, freeze, ice, slush, thaw and refreeze of the first couple of weeks of March! It seemed like all he was doing was riding the trainer in the basement and playing a little Pickle Ball once a week.

Because of all this, our intrepid leader has had a difficult time of getting psyched up for Opening Day!

There are also a few races coming up with Minions planning to ride, like Melting Man this weekend and Barry-Roubaix on April 13. With Sharkman gone April 6, the only date left was Saturday, April 20, 2019 for Opening Day!

Sharkmans shot of a Snowy Owl!

Oh, the humanity!

Lava Girl and Sharkman hiking to the
Eben Ice Caves.

The latest start ever for the mighty Shark Minion Nation, but a start none the less.

Some have mentioned they can use the extra weeks to get into bike shape, others will be in great shape after doing Melting Man and/or Barry-Roubaix!

Opening Day will be on the Saturday of Easter Weekend but it is hoped a lot of the Nation will be home for the Holiday and able to make it out for a great Saturday morning start to the season.

Skittles has done an early recon of the Nations "Field of Dreams"and reported that there was nothing of note on the Tour de Gull course, though Sharkman's experience doing an occasional ride to Galesburg and back has revealed some major pot holes!

Our hero on the Eben Ice Caves!

Opening Day will be a great opportunity to enjoy an easy ride, catch up on what everyone has been doing all winter, and just being back on the road.

As has been past practice, Belo New will not report sprints, wins, etc, until late May/early June. It will be Spring Season through most of May.

An email reminder with launch time will go out the Thursday morning before April 20, 2019.

Get ready! It is coming! The Day every Minion awaits!

Opening Day, Saturday, April 20, 2019!

Be there!
Join the Nation for the 31st season of our own Sharknedo!

And don't forget your Shark Jersey!

This IS a great country!!!


Belo News
March 19, 2019
Lexus Velodrome
Sasquatch looking fit for 2019!
Are you ready?

Detroit, Mi. - So what do Minions do to get ready for the season you ask?

Well legendary Minion, Sasquatch, headed over to the Lexus Velodrome in Detroit to train and watch some racing! The regular Minion reported that it was not only fun, but gave him an appreciation of how fast those track riders are!

Is this a great country or what!?!

Lexus Velodrome in Detroit!

The Nation awaits Sasquatches return on Opening Day!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.