Tuesday, November 6, 2018



Sharkman celebrating 30 years of Saturday morning rides!






Belo News
November 4, 2018

Augusta, Mi. - Oh, what a season!

As dawn broke over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, was sleeping in for a change.

The start time for this day's ride would be much later and out at the Fort.
Please note Zyckmann's missing saddle!
Oh, the humanity!

It had been quite a 30th Anniversary Season, topped of with a special edition mighty Shark Minion Nation kit, Sharkman Birthday, and the fact that Sharkman had finished first for the 30 year in a row? Well, that is why he is the Nation's hero! (See final season standings)

4 years ago, after what has become known as the Mudman Year at the Iceman, Sharkman and Gazelle Girl decided that the Iceman Cometh had become a bit too "corporate" and they decided to have an In Lieu of Iceman Ride/Party at the Fort, followed by fun at Players in Augusta. This gave an opportunity to those who did not take part in the Iceman Cometh.

As a matter of fact, the Party after the Iceman was what had seemed to change over the years and it was decided that the Nation could have it's own party at Player and not have to drive for 4 hours to get there!

At 2:00 p.m. - SHARP! a hardy few Minions, toed the line at the Fort Custer Trail head. Gazelle Girl, Zyckmann, Hoosier Boy, Reb, PsychoCross, and Sharkman we ready to rock after a few start photos were taken by the paparazzi.

Zyckmann is somewhat legendary for riding the Iceman with certain, self imposed challenges. One year he rode with no saddle (feeling that if he could not sit he would ride harder and faster) and another year with a Camelbak filled with beer (no one is completely sure of his reason for this one other than it was a great idea!).

In remembrance of these legendary feats of daring, Zyckmann decided to go for the double header of cycling challenges and do both at the same time on this beautiful fall afternoon!

Oh, the humanity!

Sharkman only worried that after too many sips on that Camelbak, he may forget he had removed his saddle!
Ready to rock the trails!

The group headed out on the Red (in reverse) with Sharkman at the rear, protecting the peloton and keeping any emergency vehicles off their butts. Sharkman does not like "tailgating" when mountain biking.

Additionally, Sharkman thought it pretty funny to watch Zyckmann attempting the double feat of keeping his butt from hitting the seat post and trying to sip from his Camelbak at the same time!

After traversing the Red, with several stops to discuss what should be placed in Zyckmann's seat post, the group decided they had enough time to do, what has come to be known as, "The Sharkman Loop."

The "Sharkman Loop" is a ride of the Crazy Beaver to the start of the Green, over to the Trenches and back to the trail head.

Always a fun jaunt.
Reb sporting the latest in
cycling attire!

The group came back to the trail head for finish photos and adult beverages. PsychoCross decided he needed more laps and headed out again, as Hoosier Boy decided he needed to warm his feet, but not his legs, and he and Zyckmann got in a discussion of which Minions got their names on the back of the Anniversary Jersey.

It was then time to head over to Players where the Waitress asked if the group was the Sharkman Group? Oh, the humanity!

Spouses and other riders began to pour in with Wildman and Mrs. Wildman (Gwen), Sasquatch, Toesetter and Mrs. Zyckmann (Marsha) and of course, Lava Girl.

PsychoCross arrived late, after riding an additional lap, complete with his Banjovi Tee! Is this a great country or what?!?

The big surprise for our intrepid hero on this day, was a gift from Zyckmann in celebration of 30 years of Miniondom!


Sharkman was very impressed with the wrapping and whipped out his pocket knife (which was apparently impressive to the audience) to try to gently cut the wrapping away. However, once he learned from Zyckmann that it was newpaper wrap from the NY Times (who knew, it looked so good!) Sharkman tore into the wrapper like it was the last Doritos in the bag!

What was in the beautifully wrapped box, you ask?

Sharkman was delighted to find a.....ta da! Shark Bowl! is this a great country or what?!?

Take a look at that photo! Everyone wanted to have their photo taken with this VERY unique and now coveted (that's right Bunkie, get your own!) Shark Bowl!

Sharkman could hardly contain his excitement and couldn't wait to fill the unique piece of sculpture with cereal!

Or  better yet, ice cream!

Oh, the humanity, this is a great country!
PsychoCross ready to rock it!

After numerous beers, a big chicken burrito (Players has great food!) and a lot of laughs, the Nation bid adieu to the 30th year of the mighty Minion Nation! And what a season it was!

On to year 31! It was a fantastic season and thanks to each and every Shark Minion!

Sharkman feels blessed to have you all in his Shark life!

God bless and see you all next season!

Let the photos tell the story!

Zyckmann showing off his
jersey, before removing his

Not to be outdone, Hoosier Boy and his
jersey, sans tights! Oh, the humanity!

Gazellen Girl with her beloved Ford
Taurus, covering the bird poop!

Post ride frivolity. Note Zyckmann still sipping
from his Camelback!

Hoosier Boy enjoying a beverage with
cold feet.

Just a better view of Hoosier Boy's
foot wear!

Seriously, it was actually pretty
nice out. Reb just likes the look!

Names on the jersey were a big topic.

A better look......

Sharkman's favorite spot!
He does love his koffee!

The gang was there at Players!
Gazelle Girl, Wildman and Mrs. Wildman (Gwen) and

"I have something for you, Sharkman!"
"Yes!" Sharkman responded!

Mrs. Zyckmann (Marsha) and Toesetter!

Sharkman and his pocket knife, which was a big hit!

Sharkman still cutting away on the wrapping!

Sharkman and Lava Girl loving that wrapping!

Shark Bowl!
Is this a great country or what?!?

"No, you can't have my Shark Bowl, Lava Girl!
Get your own!"

Everyone wanted a shot with THE
Shark Bowl!

Shark Bowl!

Thanks Psycho for the unsolicated
plug for Banjovi! You rock!


Belo News
November 4, 2018

Shark Cove, MI. - The final season standings were announce for the 30th Anniversary Year. In a season marked by the most rain outs and weather related cancellations in Shark Minion history!

But what a great season and as previously reported, Sharkman swept the season once again, as he has for the past 30 years!

After all, he is a legend in his own mind!

And always remember, it is ALWAYS about the Sharkman!

All for one and that one is THE SHARKMAN!

Viva Bikes!


1st  Sharkman
2d   Some Shark Minion
3rd  Gazelle Girl
4th  Some other Shark Minion
5th  Sharkman couldn't remember
6th  Sharkman
7th  That Minion whose name Sharkman can't remember.....
8th  Mighty Mouse
9th  Zyckmann
10th the rest of the mighty Shark Minion Nation!

See you all next year!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.