Tuesday, November 7, 2017



The mighty Shark Minion Nation ready to party!




Belo News
November 4, 2017

Augusta, Mi. - After years of fantastic weather, Mother Nature seemed to catch up with the Nation the past 4 weeks. Since the mighty Shark Minion Nation has been riding out of the Koffee Klutch (2004), there have been very few rain outs.

The motto, "we will ride in the rain, but not start in the rain" has held up pretty well and though there have been some rainy starts, there have not been many rain outs until this very wet end to the season!

The proud Momma and Poppa
with Loch Ness! Who slept
through the entire thing....
As the Nation knows, two road rides were rained out, and this past Saturday, the "ride" part of the 3rd Annual In Lieu of Iceman Ride/Party was a complete washout. It didn't just rain, it poured!

But that didn't stop the Nation from a good party!

Though few in numbers, the Nation that showed rocked Players in Augusta!

Gazelle Girl and Toesetter arrived first, followed by Sharkman and Lava Girl and the four acted as the reception committee as the Nation filed in.

First came the Hossman contingent with Mrs. Hossman and son, Tanner as part of his Hossman's entourage!

Everyone wanted to know why Tanner wasn't riding with the Nation but it was apparent he was much to tall to be riding on any of Hossman's hand me down bikes! It also looked like he might just be in better shape that Hossman and the old Hoss might be afraid to unleash him on the Nation?

Then, the celebrity Minion for the day arrived with his Mom and Dad (Sasquatch) in his grand debut to the Nation!

Yes, Loch Ness (aka Silas Stroup) arrived in all his glory. Though he only woke up for a moment or two to down some milk, the little guy seemed to be the life of the party none the less! Displaying the calm demeanor shared by his Dad, this kid rocked it for the entire Players bar!

Then, in a surprise appearance, Zyckmann walked in after rocking Iceman earlier in the day!

Wait, what?
Tanner enjoying his Dad buying he beer!

Yes, as an added bonus, and after a challenge from Gazelle Girl to show, Zyckmann walked in to a round of applause!

Zyckmann, who had driven up to Iceman earlier, rode the race, turning in an excellent time, and then drove back in time to take part in the party!

Is this guy a legend or what?!?

Yes, Zyckmann had accepted Gazelle Girls' challenge and done it all in one day!

That is why this man is a legend in the Shark Minion Nation!

Zyckmann arrives to his adoring fans!

Reb was also in attendance and was so moved by Loch Ness, Zyckmann's feats of daring, and of course, wanting to get his name in Belo News, he not only bought Zyckmann's beer, but Sharkman and Lava Girls dinner!

Oh, the humanity!

This is a great country!

The party continued into the wee hours of 6:30 p.m. though Zyckmann had to get home a bit earlier to shower and to convince Mrs. Zyckmann that he had come straight home from the Iceman!

It was a great ending to another fantastic year in the Nation!

On to 2018!

Reb sitting in awe of two cycling legends.

2018 will be the 30th Anniversary of our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, leading a Saturday Morning Ride.  Starting out as the "Tour de Bill," with Bullet Bob and Karl the Kannibal and then turning into the "Koffee Klutch Tour de Gull," this madness has been going on for 29 years and who the hell knows what will happen in the 30th year!

So stay tuned for occasional, unofficial mountain bike rides and/or skiing this winter and for the kick off for the 2018 30th Anniversary Season!

Toesetter taking it all in stride!

Have a great winter and thanks to the Nation for all the fun!

Loch Ness knocking off a nap!

Wednesday, November 1, 2017


Morning Koffee before the Nation attacks the Fort!





Belo News
October 28, 2017

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke cool over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, had a hard time getting his dorsal out of his shark bed. YMCA and Monster Mash were echoing in his shark brain, thinking about his stint on the ukulele at Bowman's the previous evening.....well, that and the number of PBR's he had while belting out songs along with Wildman and the Great Dane, that is.

But he quickly realized it was not a normal Saturday morning! No, it was the morning the Nation moved from their beloved field of dreams affectionately known as the Koffee Klutch Tour de Gull, to mountain bikes and the Fort!

But wait, he thought.....there was a chance of rain, right?

Wrong! Radar clear, dry streets, GAME ON!

At the stroke of 7:23 a.m. - SHARP!, Yeti Boy pulled into the Shark Cove in his old faithful Chevy Truck and after loading up the Sharkman's 9er, they were off to the Klutch for koffee!

As Yeti Boy pumped up his tires, Sharkman went into the Klutch and ordered up two bottomless and talked with Mary and the Early Morning Group about how far they would be riding, how much longer the Nation would be riding, and other assorted cycling questions they had of their hero.

Yeti joined in and shortly after, Gazelle Girl, then Zyckmann were at the table, koffee in hand, discussing if they had dressed warmly enough. The temps were about 38 degrees, but wind was light and NO RAIN!

Zyckmann was looking quite dapper in his G.I. Joe helmet and ear muffs, while Yeti Boy's shivering determined that he had not worn enough clothes!

At 8:31 a.m. - SHARP! the four riders, fueled up bottomless koffee and raring to go, set out for the Fort commenting on how unfortunate the two week of rain had been in delaying this fun ride.

The Fort was remarkably dry, considering the amount of rain that had fallen recently, and at 9:01 a.m. - SHARP!, the Nation arrived at the Trail Head and were met by Stingray who was wondering if anyone would show. He was the only Minion at the Trail Head and though Sharkman was happy to see him, he was disappointed there weren't more riders. However, it had been a strange end of the season with all the rain and the threat of rain on this day may have held the crowd down.

It was a reverse trail day and Sharkman had never done any of the trails in reverse before and was a bit concerned. Stingray had done the routes in reverse so Sharkman designated him as the leader and quickly volunteered to take up the rear to protect the Nation (or so he says.....).

The group decided to do the Red Trail and it was interesting to say the least.

Going backwards on the trails offered periods were Sharkman wasn't sure where he was! It also made for being in the wrong gear when coming around a bend to find a steep climb, or when the roots made choosing a line very difficult.

However, the Nation went through the Red and the front end of the Green (this section in reverse was determined by the group to be quite fun!) without mishap. For Sharkman, the jury is out on whether he likes the new alternate route riding......

The Nation parted ways with Stingray at the Trail Head and headed back through the Yellow, then the Blue trails to the farm road in the western part of the Fort and on to the Klutch.

Sharkman got a bit nostalgic as they four Minions rode down the Champs le Galesburg for the last time this season. The paparazzi and tofosi stood cheering their hero's on with tears in their eyes as the season comes to a close.

But what a season it was!

As the Nation approached the Klutch, the sky began to spit some rain, but nothing major as Zyckmann headed back into the Klutch to see if he could "milk" more koffee out of his Bottomless Kup purchase earlier in the morning and Yeti and Sharkman loaded up there bikes for the drive home.

It was a great ride and the old Shark was only sorry that it had been so long since he had been on  his mountain bike.

But it isn't over yet, Bunkie!



Belo News
Loch Ness! Is this kid cute
or what?!? Love that
November 1, 2017

Augusta, Mi. - This is it, mighty Shark Minion Nation! The last "official" ride of the year. And even if you don't mountain bike, you can take part in the festivities!

It is time for the Annual "In Lieu of Iceman" Ride/Party at Fort Custer and then over to Players in Augusta for beer and dinner with significant others.

This will the the 3rd Annual ride/party that was started after the "MudMan" year at Iceman, when most, but not all, of the riders decided to not ride the Iceman event anymore.

So, if you are not riding Iceman, and even if you are not a mountain bike rider, but like Players in Augusta and seeing the Nation, this event is for you and your significant other!

Saturday, November 4, 2017

2:00 p.m. - SHARP! Be at the Fort Custer Trail Head to ride the trails in reverse!

4:00 p.m. - Not so SHARP! The riders, those who didn't ride the Fort and significant others meet at Players in Augusta (just west of Fort Custer) for dinner and drinks!

This year we have a Celebrity Guest!

Sasquatch and Mrs. Sasquatch will be in attendance and will be introducing Loch Ness to the Nation!

Oh, the humanity!!!

That's right, the newest and maybe smallest, Shark Minion, Loch Ness, will be in attendance for all to see and Belo News wants all to be warned, ........be ready for excessive cuteness!

NO, not Sharkman, Loch Ness!

He is already sporting a Shark Jersey, along with a bike bed blanket in the photo!

Is this a great country or what?!?

So come on out and enjoy a ride, dinner and Loch Ness as the Nation officially closes down the 2017 season!

And if you can't make it, thanks to everyone for another phenomenal year of cycling!


Readers may have noticed the term "official" being interspersed into Belo News. The Editors use the word "Official" because there may, and probably will have informal, last minute mountain bikes rides this winter after Deer Season. Depending on snow, there may also be a ski outing at some point.

So stay tuned!