Wednesday, October 26, 2016




Belo News
October 26, 2016

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, pulled the covers closer and snuggled down further into his bed. There would be no ride for him, as he had house guests who had come from Illinois just to see Banjovi play at Bowman's BBQ in Climax, Michigan the previous evening. Being the great host that he is, he felt he need to stay and entertain them for the rest of the weekend.

However, the ride went on, though there is no report, Mad Dog, Dreamboat and Airman stopped by the Shark Cove to report the ride went very well and Airman and Dreamboat were getting some extra miles in.

Both Mad Dog and Hoosier Boy also sent the attached photos of what looked like a great ride!

It was reported that the A Group took some sort of short cut again, and caught the B Group WAY too early. However, since it is the end of the season, any subsequent investigative efforts will be placed on hold until next season.

The other big news was that Hossman bought koffee! Oh, the humanity! Thanks Hossman. From all accounts it was a great way to end the road season! See for yourself with the pictures below!

Gazelle Girl setting a new fashion statement!

Shark Minion Jersey's everywhere!

Hoosier Boy getting ready to rock!

Wildman happy about the return of Airman!

The Klutch was rocking!

Full parking lot? What the.......

Squeaky was so excited he slept at the start
Friday night!

A gathering of the Klan!

All the cars!

Gazelle Girl showing of the new threads
to Brewman!

No caption necessary......

The start line!

The mighty Minion Nation!

Airman holding kourt at the K

Minion bikes everywhere!


Belo News
October 26, 2016

Hastings, Mi. - This Saturday is the third (at least we think it is the third) annual Barry-Roubaix/Waldorf Lunch Ride! You won't want to miss this event of 36 miles of gravel roads and huge hills! Oh, the humanity!

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Meet at the K-Mart Parking lot near the Applebees in Hastings, Mi.

Launch Time - 9:00 a.m. - SHARP!

The forecast is for dry but cool weather, but if it continues to rain, we will put out an email and post on Belo News if the ride is cancelled.

Be there!


Belo News
October 26, 2016

Augusta, Mi. - The second annual, In Lieu of Iceman Ride/Party is slated for November 5, 2016!

Last years event was so successful, Sharkman decided to do it again this year. This will be the "official" end of the season so you won't want to miss this unless you are up at Iceman!

The Nation will meet at the trail head at Ft. Custer at 2 p.m. for a mountain bike ride.

After the ride, and any BYO refreshments at the trail head, the Nation will head over to Players, just outside the Fort in Augusta, at about 4 p.m. to party. If you aren't a mountain biker, you can join in the fun at Player.  Also, significant others are invited to take part in the partying!

More in next week's Belo News!

Is this a great country or what!?!

Wednesday, October 19, 2016




Dot Dot Dash back in the peloton!

Belo News
October 15, 2016

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman began to get ready to ride. The Shark thermometer was reading a very cool 46 degrees, which was the same temp as the previous week. However, as the garage door opened, the Sharkman felt it was a bit colder and went back down into his Shark Locker to retrieve more layers of cycling “stuff.”

As he was getting his bike ready, he received a text from Nikeboy informing him it was too dark to ride over! Wait, what? 

Mad Dog had already informed him that he was taking a rare Saturday from the KK-TdG for reasons unknown at press time......

None the less, the old Shark mounted his steed as Yeti Boy pulled up and off they went discussing the pros and cons of too much or too little cycling “stuff.”
Did Squeaky sleep at the start all night?

Soon, Reb pulled up and the three riders headed to the start.

When they arrived, they found Squeaky taking a nap while Brewman was ready to go!

Then Dot Dot Dash pulled in with Paperboy, and the crowd went wild, happy to see her back in the peloton after a very speedy recovery! Welcome back to the Nation Dot Dot Dash!

In addition to the above, Wildman, Skittles, and Toast added to the crowd of 10 riders.

After a few words from Sharkman, the Nation headed into town and saw Gazelle Girl heading towards them, but not looking up. After the riders turned and slowed by the Klutch, they waited for the Sweetheart of the Peloton to come around the corner. When she did, there was a collective, “Gazelle Girl, your late!” call from the Nation!
Toast pulling up his arm warmers......

As the Nation approached the A – B Group split, the only rider to move to the right was Reb, who wanted to ride by his “property” before heading back to the Creek. Since no one was taking the A Group challenge this week, Sharkman reminded everyone, once again, that it was a B Group ride!

Skittles and Wildman picked up the pace and as Sharkman went by to take the first sprint he complained about them both working him to hard!

After the hard climb up the col de Twin Lakes, Skittles informed the group it wasn't his day and he turned back to the start.

The ride through the Yorkville Church, Kellogg Korner, Kountry Klub section was somewhat lively but uneventful except for one thing.

Toast, who, at the start, had been complaining about his arm warmers drooping down and making a small part of his arm, between his jersey sleeve and the top of the arm warmer, cold.
Reb actually wore tights this week!

However, riding with a fleece vest that was pulling his jersey in the opposite direction of his shorts didn't seem to cause him concern about his "moon" getting too cold......

Yes, it was an early morning moon rise and Toast had to make an equipment repair at the Rt. 43 Stop sign, removing the morning's entertainment factor for the remainder of the ride.

After the col de Norte, Sharkman had to reprimand Squeaky for crossing the double yellow lines on a couple of occasions and would remind riders that if you are boxed in, you are boxed in and you should not cross the yellow lines, particularly on hills!

At the Dandelion Grill, formerly the Queen's Kitchen, formerly Frona's and herein called “the Feed Zone” the smell of bacon and eggs was so strong, many of the Nation almost parked their bikes and went in!

After the Digital Divide, the pace line attempted to form up, but only had a modicum of success, but still brought Gazelle Girl to her beloved GGG Spot Sprint win! It was a victory for America!

It was in this section that Nikeboy jumped on for the ride into the finish!
Yeti Boy, Paperboy and yet another
photo bomb by Wildman!

Sharkman immediately went out to the front and pulled for some time wondering where everyone was until Yeti Boy pulled through and did the same.

Finally, at the top of the final ascent, the fast guys kicked it in and again, the Editors have no idea of who took the tape, but we do know Sharkman took 5th. One his better finishes post surgery! (and that's why we know!)

Sharkman commented that it has been a disappointment that he has not been able to ride up the Champs le Galesburg since his surgery and it doesn't look like the road to the Champs le Galesburg will be ready anytime soon...

Yeti Boy rocketed into the Klutch and bought Koffee for everyone! 

Thanks Yeti Boy!

Easty making an appearance
at koffee!
The Klutch rocked and Andrew thanked the Nation for being there every Saturday, stating he hated to see the season come to an end! 

So does the Nation, Andrew!

That's right, Bunkie!

This Saturday, October 22, 2016 – Shark Minion Jersey Day!

The last road ride of the season! Oh, the humanity!

Unfortunately, Sharkman has out of town guests and will not be there, but the ride goes on!

Launch time 8:30 a.m. - for both A & B Groups – SHARP!

Be there!

Gazelle Girl holding kourt at the Klutch.
Brewman and Toast collecting their
Yeti Man purchased koffee.


Belo News
October 17, 2016

Shark Cove, MI. - This week may be the last road ride of the season, and we have had incredible weather to do those rides this late into October, but it is not the last ride!

Here is a list of the upcoming events that you will want to mark down on your calendars!


Saturday, October 29, 2016 – Barry-Roubaix/Waldorf Lunch Ride

In preparation for those doing Iceman, the Nation will ride Barry-Roubaix. The Nation will meet at the K-Mart Parking lot to launch at 9 a.m. with lunch at the Waldorf after!

Saturday, November 5, 2016

ILOI Party!

In Lieu of Iceman Party! Yes, like last year, the Nation will meet at the Trail Head at the Fort for a 2 p.m. Launch. After a riding the Fort and perhaps enjoying at BYO beverage of choice in the parking lot, we will head over to Players in Augusta to meet non mountain biking riding Minions and significant others and anyone else who wants to join in our season ending party, for dinner and drinks!

So mark you calendars and see everyone on Saturday!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016




Wishbone sporting his new jersey,
with matching(?) Crocs!





Belo News
October 12, 2016

Shark Cove, Mi. - It has been a “wild and crazy” couple of weeks!

The Editors at Belo News again, apologize for not getting your news to you last week, but this weather has just been to nice to be sitting at a computer, looking out the window, trying to write up a blog!

But we digress.....

A lot has happened the past two weeks!
The Nation was ready to rock!

First, two weeks ago, on an overcast morning that looked like rain could begin any moment, 20 riders showed up to ride and to head over to Wishbones house to surprise him with a Shark Minion Jersey.

Because the weather was predicted to be wet, the event Sharkman was suppose to attend with Lava Girl got cancelled and he was able to show up for the ride! Is this a great country or what?!?

The roads were wet, but the rain held off! Sharkman, Mad Dog, Reb and Nikeboy all rode over and this week, Dragonfly was on time! Squeaky was back in his “Squeak” style clothes with gloves that actually matched and his winter hat! 

Looking more like he was heading to the Arctic Circle than a bike ride, the Squeak Man was ready to rock.

Dragonfly was early this week
and ready to rock it!

The riders were anxious as Greyhound had come up with the idea to get a Shark Minion Jersey for Wishbone and surprise him with it. Gazelle Girl and Dot Dot Dash had worked with Wishbones wife to make sure he was home but the mission needed to be accomplished before 9:30 a.m. when his kids played had an activity they needed to be at.

As the Nation headed north out of town, Squeaky had a flat on his front wheel. Now, to be honest, the only resemblance to it being an actual tire was that it was round, and at one point was made of rubber! It was so bad a dollar bill had to be used to buck up the tube in what has now gone down as the longest flat tire fix in recorded Minion history.

With a whiff of CO2 and the snap of the wheel skewer, the Nation was off again!

After the col de Twin Lakes, a discussion ensued on how to get to Wishbones house and after some give and take, the Nation decided to cut through the Gull Lake High School Parking Lot. After traversing the entire parking lot, the gate to exit on the west side of the school was locked and the Nation had to double back! Oh, the humanity!

This was lucky for Zyckmann, as he joined on the riders as they exited the school and as the Nation headed into Richland!
Squeaky was "styl'in" again with
matching gloves!

Just as planned, Wishbones wife had him out on the front porch when the Nation pulled up! Wishbone seemed truly surprised as Gazelle Girl and Greyhound presented him with a card and the coveted Shark Minion Jersey!

Wishbone was putting on his inner “Style Guy” with his orange Crocs! Living the Minion credo that “if you can't be good, look good!”

After a few speeches and photo ops, the Nation headed back to their “Field of Dreams” known as the KK-TdG!

As the Nation got to the Digital Divide, a small group of Sharkman, Gazelle Girl, Mad Dog, Dreamboat and Ironman went to the front and opened up a gap, before Gazelle Girl moved to the front to take her beloved GGG Spot Sprint.

As the 5 riders waited for the peloton, they began to get concerned that the Nation was not pulling up and as they began to think there must have been a mechanical. As they discussed doubling back, Bissell Boy and his lovely wife Denise pulled up and informed them that a rider had crashed in the peloton! Bissell Boy was on his way to the Michigan Football game and did not know who had crashed as he was unable to stop as others had stopped to help.
Wishbone reads his card......

Gazelle Girl decided to ride back to the crash scene, arriving just as folks were getting back on their bikes.  And strangely, the whole time she was riding she reported that she had a foreboding feeling is wasn't a mechanical that was holding up the group. Gazelle Girl? Clairvoyant? Who knew?

As the 4 riders began to head back, they were met by the Nation and informed that Dot Dot Dash had touched wheels with a rider in front of her and gone down. Luckily, Zyckmann was there to assist.

In a twist of irony, as Zyckmann was helping Dot Dot Dash with her injury she stated, “What, are you a Doctor or something?” to which Zyckmann responded, “Well, actually I am!”

A very kind motorist in a large Suburban assisted and volunteered to take Dot Dot Dash and her bike home. Though there were concerns that Dot Dot Dash may have broken her leg she later reported later that day that she was home and nothing was broken. Later in the week, she reported to Belo News that her final statement was...... “I'm doing well, sore in a few places but mostly grateful for Zyckmann and the others who stopped to assist me. I've finally had my first road bike crash and I am happy nothing is broken. I'm stuck on desk duty at work for a while and have been told I'm 3 weeks off the stubborn side is planning to challenge that!”

You go, girl! The Nation awaits your triumphant return and we hold a spot in the peloton till that return!
Greyhound, Gazelle Girl and the Nation listen
to Wishbone as he thanks the Nation!

With sadness after the crash, the Nation headed south to the finish and on to the Klutch were bike safety, riding in a group, and how great the koffee tastes after a wet ride!
Sharkman did dread the ride home, as it was the first time since surgery he was doing the ride both ways, and they were heading into an east wind! Oh, the humanity, but they made it back and Sharkman immediately reached out to Dot Dot Dash and felt so much better when she reported that although sore, she had not broken anything.

This past Saturday, the weather, though cool, could not have been better!

Sharkman and Mad Dog made the trek over, with Nikeboy and Reb following.

13 riders made the call, though some came on late and some left early.
Wishbone, with his jersey, thanks the Nation!

As the Nation headed to the A Group Split, Sharkman shouted out the A group and property owners move to the right. Reb and Nikeboy were heading back, but Reb wanted to show Nikeboy the new property he bought on the A Group route and across the road from the Triple Nasty Ranchero.

In addition to Reb and Nikeboy, 5 A Group riders made the turn, while 7 B Group riders moved ahead.

The B Group ride was extremely mellow (17.6 mph avg.), but fairly swift, on this beautiful fall morning. Though a bit cool, the sun was bright and warm as the small peloton moved through the col de Twin Lakes, the Kountry Klub Section, up the col de Norte and on to the Digital Divide.

At the Digital Divide, the A Group caught the B Group, where Sharkman latched on to some of the faster A Group riders like a hair on a grilled cheese sandwich. As the velocity got up to warp speed, Sharkman dropped off to watch Mad Dog, Ironman, Zyckmann and Wildman barreling down on the sprint. Gazelle Girl mention to no one in particular "(sigh) They're going to take it from me again!" To which her hero - Dreamboat - asked, "Ready to go?" So off they went, working very hard to catch on to the lead group. Just as the duo was catching on and with a few yards to go, Ironman stood up and poured on the speed! 

What the....?

Too close to let his one go to someone else, but without the power to overtake the big, strong man, Gazelle Girl shouted in her best "Disciplinary Mom Voice," "Shawn Busby!" Which definitely got the nearly victorious riders's attention and he sat back down, easing off his speed a bit. But, just like a typical defiant toddler, as Gazelle Girl came astride Ironman he increased his speed and challenged her all the way to the end, letting an exhausted Gazelle Girl win by mere inches!
Gazelle Girl holding court while Yeti Boy tries
to read the Birthday Card Gazelle Girl
gave to Sharkman

As the Nation crossed over G to head to the finish, Sharkman was wasted from his effort and has no idea of who won the final sprint, but took pride in how well the ride had gone on this beautiful morning and knew that he would have the wind at his back and Mad Dog in front to pull him home.

Dreamboat bought the koffee (thanks Dreamboat) and also handed out Kashi cents off coupons! 

Is this a great country or what?!?

The crowd in the Klutch was wild as the koffee flowed and no one wanted to see the season end.
Has Hoosier Boy had too much koffee! Never!

Hoosier Boy's water bottle cage loaded
up with Starbucks. We think they
gave him a special bike cup!

Reb giving instruction before this past
Saturday's ride, which he left before the
first sprint to show off his "property."

Reb was also the only guy in shorts Saturday.

Nikeboy sporting his Rafa Jersey!
Looking good, Nikeboy!

Sharkman doing his best Bissell
Boy impersonation!

Dreamboat bought the koffee!
Is this a great country or what?!?

But there are a few weeks left there will be more in upcoming editions of Belo News, but here is the schedule! 

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Launch Time – 8:30 A.M. - SHARP!

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Last Road Ride of the Season – Shark Minion Jersey Day!

Launch Time – 8:30 A.M. - SHARP!

Saturday, October 29, 2016 – Barry-Roubaix/Waldorf Lunch Ride

In preparation for those doing Iceman, the Nation will ride Barry-Roubaix. The Nation will meet at the K-Mart Parking lot to launch at 9 a.m. with lunch at the Waldorf after!

Saturday, November 5, 2016

In Lieu of Iceman Party! Yes, like last year, the Nation will meet at the Trail Head at the Fort for a 2 p.m. Launch. After a riding the Fort and perhaps enjoying at BYO beverage of choice in the parking lot, we will head over to Players in Augusta to meet non mountain biking riding Minions and significant others and anyone else who wants to join in our season ending party, for dinner and drinks!

So mark you calendars and see everyone on Saturday!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.