Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Early season start?





Belo News
February 22, 2016

Shark Cove, Mi. - The Editors here at Belo News would like to apologize for the lateness of the latest Mid-Winter Edition of Belo News. Belo News usually likes to get the Mid-Winter Edition out around the end of January, but due to circumstances, completely within control of Sharkman hizzelf, the Editors could not meet their own deadline.

So the Editors humbly apologize as we realize you have all been running to your computers each morning waiting for the latest edition of Belo News!

However, much is happening and Belo News is here to report it now, as late as that may be!


Andrew was on hand to
welcome the Nation!

Belo News
February 20, 2016

Shark Cove, Mi. - The texts and emails started up on Thursday! Wildman started it off with an email to a few suggesting a Saturday ride! This was followed by some joining on and adding names and even Gazelle Girl took time from her shishbooming in the U.P. To respond. Many reported in as “Definite Maybe's” as no one could believe the weather was going to be as good as predicted.

Excitement grew as Friday brought warm temperatures, albeit very windy conditions.

Texts picked up as Friday wore on.....”Is your “definete a positive!” appeared on several texts as momentum for Wildman's ride began to build.

As dawn broke bright and warm over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero checked in with Rainman to learn that he would drive our hero to the start! Sharkman ran up and down the stairs at the Shark Cove, undecided on what to wear. As he got his cross bike ready, the warmth of the sun heated his back and he decided he was over dressed. This happened several times as he inflated tires, adjusted the seat, loaded his water bottle and got ready for roll with Rainman.

Once the final kit from his wide haberdashery of cycling attire was determined, he threw his stead on the back of Rainmans Highlander and they were off!

The gathering of the Klutch Klan!
On the ride over, the passed Reb, who was on his mountain bike fighting the west winds. Though Reb was offered a ride and Rainman has his 4 banger on the back, Reb said he was just riding over and back and would continue on!

As the duo arrived at the Klutch, they found Brewman, Wildman, and Ranger Rick getting their bikes ready.

Sharkman, having had too much koffee, ducked into the Klutch to use the head and found it had been moved! Holy Andrew, what was going on?!?

Turned out that Andrew has made some major changes at the Klutch! Must be all the success after Banjovi brought in the throngs of 2-3 music lovers! 

The Klutch has moved the bathroom up front and expanded the kitchen! They have also put in a large screen TV! Is this a great country or what!?!

In addition to Sharkman and Rainman, riders in attendance were Reb, Mad Dog, Ranger Rick, Brewman, Wrongway, PJ's Brother (we need to get a nick name for this guy!) and new Minion, Erick Kane who will now be known as 3rd Degree! Welcome to the mighty Minion Nation, 3rd Degree!
Brewman in early season form!

Wildman wanted to head southwest, into the wind so that the Nation would have the wind at their back coming in, but Sharkman was concerned that Gazelle Girl might be attempting to make an “on route entry” to the ride. So Sharkman called the Triple Nasty Ranchero to see if the “Sweetheart of the Peloton” was riding on this fine day.

Toesetter answered the phone and informed the Nation that Gazelle Girl, after having just arrived from her annual trek to the UP to shishboom, realized that her bike was in for an overhaul and she couldn't ride! 

Oh, the humanity!

So Wildman circled up the troops and they headed south to Qman hill for the first and only climb of the day!

Reb peeled off at the foot of the ascent to head back to the Creek, while the Nation turned right and began the climb, into the wind, up Qman hill.

Sharkman and Ranger Rick, followed
by virgin Minion 3rd Degree!
As the riders headed south, the wind did not seem to bad and the group spoke of the warm sun on their backs, while catching up on their winter activities. Sharkman announced that he was in a very good mood and that he had suspended fees for all of the sights as it was “off season.” This brought a cheer from the Nation as they rode through Hawk Alley and down towards the waterfall, where PJ's brother (did we mention we need to get this guy a nickname?) and the riders began to feel more of the wind.

As the peloton rode past the Railroad House, they could feel the wind building and then as they turned on “the Road to Nowwhere” they were hit full force with the gusts.

New Minion 3rd Degree, Sharkman and Ranger Rick were conversing and before they knew it, looked up and found the peloton moving away from them. 3rd Degree, then Ranger Rick kicked it up a gear to get the group back to the main peloton in the strong wind.

But it was all worth it as the Nation turned to head home through Scotts, which had a lot of lunch time traffic at the coffee shop, and back to the final downhill into Galesburg and on to the Champs le Galesburg.

Though the ride was “spirited” and the final down hill a roaring blast with the wind on their backs, along with the sun, no one seemed too competitive on a beautiful winter morning! Can it still be February?!?

There were no fans on the Champs le Galesburg as no one knew about the informal, last minute, ride! Oh, the humanity!
Wildman and Wrongway leading out to
the finish!

As the riders pulled up to the Klutch, Great Dane was waiting, koffee in hand. He had ridden his Swiss Army bike over for some koffee with the Nation and was showing the riders all the great “stuff” that is a part of this 42 pound bike!

Andrew was ready with the Bottomless Cups as Mad Dog and Wildman quawfed down their espresso's.

It was a fantastic early season opportunity to get out and ride and only whetted every ones appetite for the real thing in April!

See you for Opening Day, Saturday, April 2, 2016!

Our photographer and driver on
the morning, Rainman!

Great Dane, Sharkman, Wildman, Brewman, Mad Dog,
Wrongway and 3rd Degree sipping their Koffee!

Sharkman pontificating to Great Dane about
something not very important!

Great Dane and his Swiss Army Bike!


Belo News
February 23, 2016

Battle Creek, Mi. - This Saturday is the Team Active End of Winter Festival. A three day extravaganza of all things bike!

Festivities begin on Thursday, February 25, 2016 with “Beers & Gears” from 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. With 25% off sale items!

Friday, February 26, 2016 is the “Wine & Wheels Fashion Show” from 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. With 35% off sale items.

Saturday is the big day with 45-75% off sale items from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. With a FAT FEST from noon to, well, whenever, at Binder Park Golf Course on B Drive South.

Team Active and the City have set up a 1.5 mile track for Fat Bike racing and relay racing in the afternoon!

Is this a great country or what!???

For more information go to;

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.