Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Sharkman and Yeti Boy shoot a
selfie while hitting the trails
this winter!



Belo News
February 18, 2015

Shark Cove, Mi. - So, where is the Mid-Winter Minion Update?

The emails started coming into the Press Room here at Belo News, two weeks ago.

Are you guy's still in business?”

Where in the world is Sharkman?”

What, no mid-winter training tips from the Great One?”

Sharkboy & Sharkman in their "Michigan"
attire!  Sharkman wasn't born in
Michigan, but he got here as soon as
he could! Sharkboy seems
to like it too!
Where is our hero?!?” Oh, the humanity! (Hey, doesn't it warm your little Minion heart to hear that phrase? Eh, Bunkie? Uh, doesn't it? Come on, admit it, everyone misses our intrepid hero!)

Belo News apologizes, but our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, has been extremely busy this winter and, well, time just got away from us here in the Press Room as we tried to keep up with our diminutive super cyclist!

From Skiing with his Sharklet's up at Shanty Creek at Christmas, to cross country skiing with his Wingman, Yeti Boy and occassionally the Sweetheart of the Peloton, Gazelle Girl, to photographing birds and alligators in Florida, to playing his ukulele in a number of different venues, our hero has been a busy Shark!

But the Sharkman is back at the Cove and already longing for the season to get underway!

Which may not be so easy with the weather Michigan
Sharkman enjoying the view from his "suite" at
Shanty Creek!
has been experiencing. That hasn't stop our hero from skiing with Yeti Boy! Unfortunately, Sharkman was unable to put together a Minion ski for his Nation this winter and apologizes, only hoping that everyone got out there anyway. As our intrepid hero says, “This retirement thing isn't for sissy's!” Just ask Gazelle Girl!

Though Sharkman has not had time to put together his usual list of “Mid-Season Training Tips,” he does encourage everyone to stop the virtual training (sitting on the couch eating Doritos and "thinking about cycling.)  and get ready for some real riding
Swimming with the Sharklet's! Hey, sharks
like to swim and don't care what they
very soon!

Sharkman breaking trail! Oh, the snow,
Oh, the humanity!

Sharkman enjoying his Kup of Joe on
the deck, over looking the Atlantic!
Is this a great country or what!?!

Sharkman shot this Gull at Cocoa Beach, Florida!

One of the many alligator shots our
Intrepid hero photographed
on his visit to Florida!

So, here is what is coming up in the next few weeks, Bunkie!


Belo News

February 18, 2015

Battle Creek, Mi. - It is that time of year again! Team Active Cycling and Fitness will be having their Annual Party to celebrate the end of winter and, what is hoped, the start of the road cycling season! Or at least getting everyone closer to the start of warm weather and the road cycling season!

This annual event is always a lot of fun and an opportunity for the Nation to see one another before the season gets underway! So come on out!

In an effort to figure out how much good and drink to have, they are asking for people to send an RSVP if they are coming to the event. The RSVP can be found at the attached link:

So come on out and join the fun!


The Mighty Minion Nation 2014 Season!

Belo News
February 18, 2015

Shark Cove, Mi. - The thing every Minion waits for all winter is almost here! Oh, the humanity!

The Opening of the Mighty Minion Nation Cycling Season! - 2015!

As long time Minions are well aware, it has been traditional to open the season on the second Saturday of March each year. For at least 7 years, the Nation benefited from some unbelievable weather on Opening Day! Actually, two years ago, it was warm enough to ride in short sleeves and we had the biggest Opening Day in Minion History. The following week, we had a major snow storm and had to scrub the ride! March can be fickle, to say the least.....

Then last year, the snow was so bad, for so long, the Nation didn't open until the first week of April.

This year, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, will not be available to lead the Nation until the first week in April so the Opening has been pushed back to April 4 to accommodate our intrepid hero!

That's right, Bunkie! Our hero will be out in Santa Fe, New Mexico, training for the upcoming season which will begin on the first Saturday in April!

Launch time will be determined the week of April 4 and will be dependant on the weather forecast. The Nation can only hope that this Spring is a wee bit warmer than last Spring!

So get ready Minions and be watching for a Belo News edition, announcing the 2015 Season the first week in April!

Get ready, the Sharkman is coming!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.