Monday, February 11, 2013



Greetings from the Sharkman!




Belo News
February 12, 2012

Shark Cove , Mi. - We here at Belo News apologize for the delay in getting the "Mid Winter Update" out to everyone, but our intrepid hero has kept us busy this winter.  The man, the myth, the legend has not sat in front of the fireplace knitting and sipping bourbon, Bunkie!  

NO, he has been one busy Shark and has not let snow, rain OR sleet stop him on his appointed rounds of riding, skiing or ukulele playing!

Sharkman, the Great Moultini & MK at Custer!
You heard that right, Bunkie!  Yes, our hero has taught himself how to play the ukulele! 

Is there anything our hero cannot do?  Oh, the humanity!

While many of the Mighty Minion Nation have been forced to work this winter, our hero has been enjoying retirement, visiting with his sharklet's, learning new string instruments, riding his bike out at Ft. Custer with his son in laws AND skiing at Sherman Lake and  Kellogg Forest!  

Is this a great country or what?!?

In this in-depth investigative report, we go behind the scenes to see what our hero has been doing since last we heard him quoted as saying, "is this a great country or what?"

Bissell Boy, Yeti Boy, the Great Moultini & the Fat Bike!
(Where else can you find this kind of reporting?)

In December, the Sharklet's invaded the Shark Cove for Christmas and kept our hero and Lava Girl busy for two whole weeks.  In addition to playing with the sharklets, he also managed to get in rides with his son in laws out at Ft. Custer.  Bissell Boy was kind enough to lend his new Fat Bike to son in law Sam, which the great Moultini loved, and his very own sons 29er for Sharkman's other son in law, MK to use.  Bissell Boy and Yeti Boy were able to make a number of the rides with the Shark Family and on occasion they ran into Stryker Guy, Danimal, M.C. Hammer, Chumbly and others out on the trails.

Yeti Boy, Bissell Boy & Tow Truck on the trail!
When the snow arrived, our hero headed out on his cross country ski's with Yeti Boy, Bissell Boy and Tow Truck for some shish booming!  Sharkman loves to ski and also went night skiing for some added excitement!  

Sharkman has been reported as not being happy about the fact that the snow never seems to stay more than a few days, but he will take what he can!  The Shark loves winter!

Sharkman does some night skiing!
The Sharkman was quoted as saying, "if you can't find things to do in the winter, Bunkie, you just aren't trying!"

Yep, Sharkman has had a great winter, but he is really looking forward to leading the Mighty Minion Nation out on the first sprint of the year coming up in March!

So shake the dust off those road bikes and get ready!  

Opening Day will be here before you know it (see story below)!

And the winner is.....Brewman!


Belo News
February 2, 2013

Richland, Mi. - With a real winter this year, the Zickman was pretty darn excited about the Annual Pole to Pole Race, though he was a bit concerned on whether the lake would be frozen enough for the mass of Minions who might descend on the palatial Zickman Estate. However, always ready, Zickman had an alternate route arranged in the event Gull Lake had not frozen enough, even though it is well known that the Shark Minions love cold water!

Zickman reported that it was a fun day in the snow!  Though attendance was low with only 6 brave souls, they were, none the less, ready to challenge Mother Nature with 4 on bikes and two intrepid cross country skiers!

Brent, Hossman & Brewman at the front!
In the bike category was Hossman, Brewman, Brent Slezak (whose Minion name we can't seem to remember) and of course, the party animal himself, Zickman! 

The Sweetheart of the Peloton, Gazelle Girl and her personal foot physician, Dr. Toe (who wants to change his name to "Toe Setter") led the cross country skiing division. As Gazelle Girls says, "How can you pass up skiing!" (That's why we love you Gazelle Girl!) 

The course was described as fairly tough, starting at the flag pole at the Zickman Estate and moving up the hill to the road and then down past the usual TdG route to the turn at the Kellogg Bio Station into the run up to the Bible Conference Hills, moving to a jaunt on the "Succession Trail" (whatever that is….?). If that wasn't tough enough, it was back on the road to return to the Zickman Estate and down the hill to where the flag pole AND the beer was waiting!  

No serous falls, but cold hands and feet were reported.  This year the big winner was Brewman, followed by Brent, Hossman and Zickman.  Dr. Toe took first in the cross country ski division with Gazelle Girl, keeping her toe setter in sight, was just a ski length behind.

The Nation quickly retired to the fire heated porch of the Zickman Estate and drank down the mini keg of Bells Two Hearted Ale and a half of the 6 pack prizes while nibbling on Gazelle Grils chips and 2 delicious dips.  Of course, after the hard ride, ski, the partying Minions were joined by Builder Bob, Boatman and another identified Minion who described himself as a rider who had ridden with the nation a couple of years prior and had hit a dog and crashed and broke his neck and is just getting back into riding again.  Well, welcome back to the Mighty Minion Nation whoever you are!  Even Kid Gallagher stopped by to sign a few autographs!  Anybody who is anybody was there!  Well, except the Sharkman….

Brewman & Dr. Toe take in their booty!
At the Awards Ceremony, Dr. Toe commented that the Lance Armstrong poster he won would serve as a target for Gazell Girl and Dr. Toe to shoot at a party this summer.  (We hope Belo News is invited to that one!).

During the festivities, Dr. Toe was inadvertently called Toe Setter and he liked the name so much he has made an appeal to the Commissioner of Cycling to get his name changed.  Not sure how that will go, but we do know that the Commissioner can be bought.  Just saying…..

After the prizes were awarded to those left standing, the party disbanded at around 7 p.m. 

It is noted that there were no snow bikes this year!  What's with that? 

As Zickman was quoted as saying, "what are they waiting for?"

Big thanks to the Zickman for a great party and Sharkman's only comment was "he better have this race on a weekend when I can make it next year!"


Belo News
February 22, 2013

Battle Creek, Mi. - Team Active will be having their 20th Annual End of Winter Party on Friday night, February 22, 2013 from 5-9 p.m. and anyone who is anyone in cycling will want to be there!

This event draws bikers from all over southern Michigan and is a great event to get riders motivated for the upcoming season.  This years Celebrity Guest will be the CEO of Trek Bicycles, John "JB" Burke!

There will plenty to eat and drink and of course, the winter ending sale.  Go to their site for more information;


Belo News
March 16, 2013

Galesburg, Mi. - Just as the pro peloton awaits the announcement of the next Tour de France route, the mighty Minion Nation waits to hear when the biggest day of the year in the Nation will be announced.

Well this is it Bunkie!  That day is now!

Saturday, March 16, 2013 at 10:00 A.M. the Mighty Minion Nation will begin their 2013 Season Campaign!

Since it is St. Paddy's Day and our own intrepid hero, the Sharkman is rumored to be Irish, the Nation should wear their Irish National Jersey's!  What?  You don't have one?  Then put on a green jersey!  What, don't have one of those either?  Then buy a freakin Irish T shirt or something!  Come on Bunkie, get on the program!  It's St. Paddy's Day!  Maybe Luann will have green Koffee for the Nation when they get to the Klutch!?!

Belo News will put out another edition before Opening Day, but the Minion Nation is being called to action to get ready for the big day now!

Will the Governor be there?

Will the Mayor of Galesburg be the official starter?

Will Sharkman be there?

Will there be koffee?

Well BE THERE and find out for yourself!