Thursday, December 29, 2011

Guess what Sharkman and Bissell Boy got for Christmas

That's right folks, the staff at Belo News received Go Pro cameras for Christmas from their kids.  Just when you thought Belo couldn't get any better!  Is this a great country or what?

Holiday Fun with Sharkman and Brewman

Wednesday, December 21, 2011







Belo News
December 22, 2011

Battle Creek, Mi. – At Outside Magazine, you get the Buyers Guide, at Sports Illustrated, you get the Swim Suit Edition, Bicycling has the New Bike Guide, so with the entire Minion Nation suffering from major Belo News “withdrawal,” the Editors have decided to put together this Early Winter/Christmas Edition of the Belo News! Oh the humanity!

And have we got news for you, Bunkie!

The Editors at Belo News have been following the exploits and foibles of our intrepid hero and one thing we know about the diminutive dynamo is that he is always on the go! After his conquest and reign at the Iceman Cometh, our hero booked a trip out to Santa Fe to do some more biking with his son in law, the Great Moultini, who scored him a couple of great test bikes (along with some great bike and winter swag!).

And ride they did!

Then it was out to San Francisco to visit with even more Sharklets and to have an early Christmas on the West Coast! Oh, the humanity!

And when he got back, what did our hero do, you ask?

He went out to Ft. Custer for a ride, that’s what he did!

But we digress, let’s get started!


Belo News
November 23, 2011

Santa Fe, N.M. – Our intrepid hero headed out to Santa Fe for Thanksgiving and an early Christmas celebration where his son in law, the Great Moultini, scored the Sharkman not one, but two test bikes to ride. The Great Moultini delivered on both a carbon fiber road bike, as well as a dual suspension, aluminum 29er! These bikes were AWESOME!

Less than a mile from the Moultini’s lair, there is 20 miles of single track dessert riding through dry river beds and foothills. Riding in and out of the river beds is like a BMX route that is filled with stomach dropping thrills and spills. The entire area slopes up towards the mountains and after climbing the foothills, the rider can be assured of an exhilarating descent down to the finish. Sharkman and Moultini got 4 mountain bike rides in during the visit.

The day that our hero arrived, the Great Moultini wanted to insure that he put his father in law in the “Pain Cave” before he could get acclimated to the 7,000 ft. of elevation so he took him out on a short, but hilly road ride on a bike so light our hero felt like he should be tethering it to his wrist so it wouldn’t float away. That is, until he got to the first climb and then could not get enough air in his lungs to pedal the carbon fiber bike (that now seemed to weigh as much as a Mack Truck) up the incline!

On the Friday after Thanksgiving (Black Friday), the Great Moultini and two other riders from the Magazine took our hero down to a mountain climb near Albuquerque that they would do on road bikes. It was raining pretty hard at the start and the Sharkman attempted to invoke the Shark Minion Credo that a Minion will ride IN the rain, but not START in the rain. However, the Great Moultini made it clear they all were riding this day.

Things got interesting when the paved road they were on turned to gravel and then dirt as they started to climb in search of the “alleged paved road” to the mountain. The now, not so Great Moultini and Alpha Leader told the crew that he was sure they would get to the paved road that goes up the mountain soon as he led the forced march in grit and sand and speeds of 4-5 mph were pounded out by the four riders.

As the rain turned to sleet and then snow, the wet group of riders decided they’d had enough fun and turned around to head back down the mountain to the Tahoe. Their once hot, sweaty bodies, began to cool dramatically as the only exertion on the way down the hill was the working of the brake levers as they maneuvered through the sand and muck at, ….well 4-5 mph.

With the sound of squealing brake pads ringing in their ears, the four wet riders descended the mountain like drunken sailors walking home after a night in port.

After a brief, but exciting encounter with a stray dog, and by the time they got back to the pavement and the car, they were so cold their fingers did not work to unbuckle their helmet straps and they had to unbuckle each others! The bikes were filled with sand and grit as they jumped into the car and got the heater going. Sharkman pulled out his iPhone, with his frozen hands, and opened the Starbucks app and learned there was a Starbucks just down the road. As the riders warmed their frozen mitts around the warm cups of coffee and discussions of their exploits, the cold miserable ride became a ride of epic proportions. With each sip of the warm, dark roast, the ride became more fun in their memories and they began talking about the next ride adventure.

Great thing about cycling, eh? “They’re all good rides! As they say, a bad day on the bike is better than a good day in the office….”

Sharkman and Lava Girl had a great time visiting all their sharklet’s out west!

Or should we say “sharklet!”

Belo News
December 15, 2011

Kalamazoo, Mi. – The Editors at Belo News are pleased to announce a new addition to the Mighty Minion Nation!

Born to Luke (Sky Walker and son of the Tow Truck) and Paige Miller on December 15, 2011 at 6:20am EST. and weighing in at 9lbs 2oz. and 21.8 inches we are pleased to announce the introduction of the newest addition to Team Miller!

Eason Charles Miller!

(Nick Name to be determined)

This photo caught him dreaming about riding the Tow Truck’s wheel!

Congratulations to Luke and Paige (and the proud Tow Truck) and the entire Miller Clan! It will be a VERY merry Christmas at the Tow Truck home this year!

We understand Tow Truck is already shopping for bikes for the future Minion Racer!


Belo News
December 19, 2011

Kalamazoo, Mi. – We are pleased to report the legendary Minion, Hawkeye, is doing well in his recovery and is through the major part of his treatment for melanoma. Hawkeye reports that he has lost a good bit of weight, around 30 pounds and is hoping to be lean and mean next summer when he gets back to the peloton! (Scary to think of a lighter, more powerful Hawkeye! Oh, the humanity!)

Hawkeye also reported that a CT scan and MRI taken back in October came back clean!

Hawkeye wants the Minion Nation to know he appreciates everyone’s thoughts and prayers and looks forward to getting back to the peloton next season!

The Minion Nation looks forward to seeing Hawkeye back in the hunt for that finishing sprint this spring!


Belo News
January 1, 2012

Ft. Custer – M.C. Hammer, long time Minion and wife of the intrepid Minion Chumley, wants to invite the Mighty Minion Nation to her 15th Annual New Years Day ride/hike/ski/snow shoe extravaganza out at Ft. Custer!

What better way to knock the dog that bit you out of your fuzzy little Minion head from all that New Years Eve partying then to put on some ski’s, snow shoes, mountain bike shoes/boots or whatever and come on our to the Ft. for some fun and camaraderie?

Is this a great country or what?

So mark you calendars now!

Monday, January 1, 2012

Ft. Custer Recreation Area Trail Head

– Party Time – 10:00 A.M. until ???

What a way to start 2012!


Belo News
December 21, 2011

Shark Cove, MI. – To my Mighty Minion Nation, Lava Girl and I want to wish all of you a


Don’t forget, Opening Day is only 80 days away!

(Yep, 80....count'em yourself)

(Get the Koffee ready Luann!)