Sunday, February 21, 2010

Opening Day - Saturday March 13, 2010!

R U Ready?

Late Winter Update!

End of Winter Party This Friday (February 26)!

Belo News
Galesburg, Mi.
February 21, 2010

Galesburg, Mi. - Where has the Sharkman been and where is the Mid Winter Training Update? Questions that all of cycling Miniondom has been asking the past few weeks.

With Opening Day just three weeks away, Minions are clamoring for mid-winter training tips, motivational comments and of course, sage advise from our intrepid hero, the Sharkman his self! Where has the Shark been?

Never fear! The Sharkman still lives! As a matter of fact, we were able to catch up with him just before he took off for one of his winter rides this past weekend to get his thoughts and comments on what he has been up to this winter and how he has been preparing for the 2010 season.

As you can see from the photo, the Sharkman is indeed, ready for the season and looking quite dapper in his riding togs. Again, modeling the Minion credo that, “if you can’t be good, look good!” the Shark is getting ready for the season and ready to talk!

Belo News - So, what have you been up to all winter?

Sharkman – Aside from work, I’ve had a great winter of indoor riding. Again this year, I have crushed any and all competition in my basement.

BN - Clearly you not only look great, but in the Shark Cove’s basement, you rule! Sort of King of your Domain, eh?

SM – Yep! I'll let my basement performance speak for itself......

BN – Over the past few winters, you’ve helped us put out a Mid-Winter Update, but you have been AWOL this year, what’s up with that.

SM – Just busy, I guess. Work, family, all those things. I’ve also been able to get some skiing in, but not as much as I’d like. I can't share all my conditioning secrets for obvious reasons, but suffice it to say that prunes, coffee and Pop Tarts are still a part of my training table diet. I have also been working on my coffee drinking skills and am ready for Saturday mornings at the Klutch! All systems are go for the Sharkman to lead out the Mighty Minion Nation on March 13 to the best season yet!

BN – Well, do you have any advice for those Minions clamoring for your thoughts?

SM – The time for virtual training is over! No more sitting on the couch watching basketball, eating Dorito's and “thinking” about riding! Time to get ready to saddle up those steeds, clip in and ride! Opening Day is only three weeks away. Is this a great country or what?
Be there!

Opening Day, Saturday March 13, 2010 – 10:00 A.M. – SHARP!

Galesburg, Mi. – The Commissioner of Cycling has declared that opening day will be on March 13 with a 10:00 A.M. Launch Time. Get those bikes ready! Since it is opening day, the riding should be easy and social with no recording of sprint victories unless Sharkman takes them. The ride will go unless it is below freezing and/or rain/snow.

Be there!

End of Winter Party!

Battle Creek, Mi. – The annual End of Winter Party will be taking place at Team Active this Friday, February 26. As many of the Minions are aware, this annual event draws a lot of cyclists to come together and renew old acquaintances as they all contemplate the start of a new season. Unfortunately, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, will be out of town on business, but returning Friday evening. Through undisclosed sources, the Update has learned that he is going to try his best to make a late appearance and then stop by Arcadia to sign a few autographs. So if you should be at the party and you stay a bit late, you may see our intrepid hero before the start of the season or you can hopefully catch him at Arcadia signing those autographs and enjoying an adult beverage of choice.

What: 17th Annual Team Active End of Winter Party
Where: Team Active Cycle and Fitness, 22 West Michigan, Battle Creek, MI 49017
Phone: (269) 962-7688
When: Friday February 26th 5PM
Why: To celebrate the end of winter and the upcoming ride season, as well as to consume mass quantities of food and drink.

Be there!