Friday, December 4, 2009

More Cross Photos!

Brewman and Bissell Boy playin' in the mud!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Tour Records Shattered!

Tradition Thrown Into the Wind


Galesburg, MI. - 9:00 a.m. It is a lonely spot at the old Galesburg High School. Brewman waited patiently for other Minions to rise to the occasion and ride the last official ride. As it ticked to one minute past nine, Brewman alone clipped in and began the historical ride. Brewman quickly picked up the pace and was a blur as he passed the Klutch. Luann was not sure who the lone rider was but gasped at the speedster as she has never seen a bike go so fast.

The Brewman was on fire and set a record pace taking one sprint after another (except the very first where he felt the spirit of the Sharkman swoosh past him). After a monster pace up the col de Twin Lakes the Brewman met up with another hearty Minion, Knute a.k.a. Knute. The two mighty Minions battled back and forth over the remaining course with many of the sprints too close to call.

The word spread quickly about the intense record breaking pace. Crowds started to gather to observe the grueling duel and historic event. Cheers swelled and the crowds increased to see the final sprint of the season. Down to the wire at 40 plus M.P.H. the Brewman and Knute a.k.a. Knute battled back and forth. Smoke was billowing from their churning tires even in the sub 40 temperatures. It was neck and neck to the finish………too close to call. Both gladiator riders were awarded first and second….and third!

Knute and Brewman acknowledged each other with respect as Knute turned around at the new High School and peddled for home. The duet completed the course in record time, averaging 29 M.P.H., unbelievable (yes, really unbelievable)! The Brewman pedaled down the (whatever) and paused at the Klutch – yes only paused. Brewman threw tradition into the wind as he recognized that this ride’s accomplishment deserved celebration on another level. This day was the official tapping of a colorbative beer between Bells and a Belgian brewery, brewed in Belgium using some Michigan ingredients, including cherries. Yes, the Brewman headed to Bells and celebrated in Brewman style.

Krazy Kriss Kross!


Grand Rapids, Mi. - Three hearty Minions met up in Holland Michigan for the finale Kriss Kross event. Were they crazy, Heck yes! Rain, 40 degrees and mud, mud, mud and mud. Never seen so much mud. Brewman, Bissell Boy and Iceman all competed in the mud bowl riding into the muddy spiral of death, running up the bleacher stairs and through the deep muddy paths and all to do it 5 more times!

The Minion’s bikes were packed full of mud and it was hard to recognize the person under all the mud. Iceman lost his brakes and catapulted down a steep hill crashing into a fence. Lucky he was a Minion and the fence was damaged more than the Iceman. Bissell Boy will most likely have to retire this Bissell Kit as it looked like it took on a permanent mud color.

A fun event and a great way to wind down the cycling season. All three of these Mighty Minions are already looking forward to the next Kross season.